Page 15 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 15
COMMENTARY Wednesday, September 26, 200l - Page 7 America will rise to the occasion in the face of adversity First, a moment to pause. It taken from me, and more so that it larger issue at stake here. When I prehend a country that would burn Once again, they cannot imag- seems like we have all been doing was taken from all of us. first heard of the attacks, Ithought it's own cities, as we did to Atlanta ~:~i~~:d s~~~~::~~:~:e~O;!~c~i that a lot lately, and I cannot think I have no interest in talking what a waste it was. Not only be- in 1864 and then again during the of anyone who can blame those that about the terrorists themselves, or cause of the innocent lives lost, but race riots of the 1960s, if only to fully. I are at a loss for words these days, any interest in issuing words of because, as history has shown, ter- save its ideals. Yeah, we did that. too. Possibly . if only because words cao only do threats or arbitration regarding rorism does not impair the U.S., nor And, even if they could imag- most important, they cannot under- so much; only convey part of the them. as I feel their kind unworthy does it frighten us into compromis- ine such a country, how could they stand a country where one's per-I picture. of the written word. ing our beliefs. imagine a country that would make sonal promise is the most impor- And. as has been the case the This is one writer who will pay After reading what our detrac- such conflicts work to its advan- tant step towards succes's, and past two weeks here in the U.S., no mention to villains, as so many tors thought of the attacks, and how tage, and not only survive but be- where you can go only as far as you when that picture poses 10 change others tend to. That is that. I also they celebrated our loss, Icame to come stronger and more unified as push yourself. one's very way of life, and how you have not interest in speaking of the realization that these people a result? We did just that. They may never know a place ~ view the world, even attempting to how scary it is that our president is simply do not understand who we These people cannot fathom a where all doors are open to all find words seems alm~st pointless. handling this situation with all the are. They believe- our national county where a shift of power, even people, regardless of their heritage grace of a John Wayne character, power comes only from our strong one as rocky as the presidential or their linage. nor do I wish to discredit him by economy and military, but they elections of this past year, could be As it has been said before, in speaking of the irony found in his could not be further from the truth. conducted without bloodshed. America, it only matters who you I words these days when compared There will always be money They will never know a coun- are, not who your father was. It's with his own military history. and guns. These things are not try so rooted in the individual and a rare thing, this America, and we After all, I would not want to what make us a great people. We his freedom, as seen in my being are a rare people as a result. We be in his shoes, and I challenge are the only country on earth where allowed to address you all in this don't give up, even when the odds anyone who would welcome the every blow we take just makes us amazing forum known as free are against us, because "odds" are smarter and stronger. speech. while protecting the rights meaningless to us. Our detractors just cannot com- of the collected people as well. America is the great punching bag of history-'we take all blows in stride and always swing right back, stronger and faster than be- fore. Sometimes, this fact makes our enemies want to try their hands J For this reason, I pause as I against us, but, try as they may. it write this, but Ialso pause for per- is always they who are sore from ; sonal reasons. I honestly never the struggle in the end, not us. thought I would find myself writ- As always, we will bounce ing about a national tragedy such back and dust this tragedy' off of as the terrorist acts of September us, mourn our lost loved ones and i II, if only because ~never thought our collective innocence, and stand 1 such a tragedy possible. taller than before. i Maybe Iam naive to liave been I for dne-think they should re- \ :~~~~e*~~i~1~~r_o~~·!s~~~i·~:3g build the..wortl Tr~de Center, with r , desfJ'Oyed, towers UlI~c::-\' than those lh~ rest .of you have as ,,;ell'.,aqed in our hearts to be true: in America, I in/o~flI proving what we all know greatly 10 ~h7,l'1'U~o weeks, and perhaps that is one of the deepest .As Cl. no:ijon we '""'t COllIe when we are knocked down, we cuts the attacks inflected upon ~ btCCW:5e on'lI ot 0.. always stand back up, and always someone not directly affected like l'lGUon eM we tN''J "keoL. better than before. myself: Ino longer get to live blind. -Michael Wiles is a junior And yes, I am angry that was GlOD !aLn1S WiUt\~ English .major. What should be done after facing an American tragedy? .Michael !enkinson. also. Perhaps the most important before the pentagon even got hit. U.S. (hey, and their cause, are York. discusses hl~perspect,lve .job of the pre~iden~ is to make rnili- .~is .has his trademark allover it., worse off for doing so. Maybe fhat As much as I personally love , .'on'tertoNst'action~ '11 .. f' tary decisions. ,I,! ILl> 1.'~"We m~hfHd1'tia~e all of't'he Hard "
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