Page 19 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 19
FEATURES" Wednesday, September 26,2001 - Page 11 JOAN FAULKNER China for a two-week workcamp. thing else, besides the heal, was another culture is priceless. (it re- One of the most surreal events Swf!Wriler Following the workcamp we went how much power our tiny $roupof ally is, corny as it sounds), I can't When r went to China this sum- to a national park for four days. Americans had on this several hun- explain it beyond that. If every- that happened to me in China oc- mer r didn't think it would be too The isolated rural countryside dred person village and township. one in America could be sub- curred at a city school. Three to and Iwere supposed Americans different from other vacations Ihad talk to about 400 middle schoolers gone on, with the exception that it ~~~~i~ec~~~~;,----------------------, ::~~:~ c~l~ about what it was like being Amen- , was obviously in another country. of centuries ture for even can and what we thought abouttr Since I was going with a church except for the a small China. youth group, Ijust thought I'd get occasional amount of I have never felt like a celeb- to find out about Chinese culture, power lines time, then rity or royalty before, but this was teach kids English, and just have and American maybe that equivalent to my 15 minutes of an adventure. brand clothing would be fame. For two hours students bom- But now, after being back in the the Chinese one small U.S. for a month and a week, I wore. The vil- step toward a barded us with question after ques- tion, hung on our every word, and know that what I experienced was lagers were more peace- packed around us like a herd.. Be- totally unlike any other "Ameri- tirelessly kind ful and in China, in English can" vacation. First of all, where to us; so much friendly ing fluent observed, is the most valu- I quickly we were, in central China, was the so that it made world envl- able skill one can have there. first time for any westerners to visit me feel un- ronment. So the fact that Americans were and do work there. As a result, we worthy to be The there in the most rural and unde- were videotaped for four different held in such food was the veloped part of China was a huge Chinese TV stations and gawked at high regard. most inter- honor for them to practice their like the actors from the latest block- None of them esting thing English.The biggest thing Ilearned . buster. had ever seen COURTESY Of JOAN FAULKNER to me, in the about the whole experience and I But where do Ieven begin when an American Senior communication major Joan Faulkner poses for the camera with one a/the fact that it hope Ican follow through is to try writing about another country that or Westerner Chinese students she worked with. They were on a hike in the countryside of China. was nothing to be open to new things and re- is absolutely nothing like the before, except like Ameri- member how lucky we are with all United States but wants to be des- perhaps on TV, which was even We were like aliens to these can Chinese food. Ididn't have one the opportunities given to us as perately? In order for me to give questionable, since few had TV's. friendly people, but they neverthe- egg roll or plate of sweet and sour Americans. the whole scoop, I would have 10 We lived and worked at the vil- less did everything within their chicken, but instead ate plates of We take so many things for bottle up the whole trip and ship it. lage school, and taught the children power to give us the best possible every vegetable known to mankind, granted, that we fail to see what t The comparison between us and there English. The homes were experience. with the occasional pork or other cultures lack. The Chinese them is unfathomable and almost very basic with the living room At the school with us, there chicken. were completely awed and shocked indescribable, but I'll do my best. consisting of one small wooden were about 20 Chinese university Sometimes we even got special by how much we have and all the I went to China with a church table and about ten small basic students who were semi-fluent in meat like tortoise, frog, or duck. chances in life blessed to us. Don't youth group of -eleven Americans wooden chairs. But the experience, English, but still had a hard time The vegetables included seaweed, waste or hurry through life want- for three weeks. For the first three I came to learn, was not about communicating. To me, the friend- plant roots, mushrooms, peppers, ing or waiting for more. days we did the tourist thing and crappy chairs or tables, but about a ships I made with these students eggplant, and about 20 others that Cherish everything you have went to the popular sites of Beijing cultural exchange between two cul- were the most memorable and re- Ihave no name for. We also, obvi- because someday you might not such as-Ttenamen Square and For-'-'tures 'that are as 'different as night warding part of the mp. ously, had rice for every meal, in- have it anymore and will be left bidden Ciry. Then we traveled by and a solar eclipse. To be given the opportunity to eluding rice soup, rice buns, and with only the memories of those train to a very rural part of central What struck me more than any- communicate and exchange with other rice variations. "good 01' days." Horoscopes: see what exciting things are in store for you project, what would be the point? Pisces FealuresEditor need to be there for those who Cancer Your power numbers are 9 and February 19 - March 20 can't do it that way. You're a good June 22 - July 22 Libra 22. You might be able to help listener, so tell them to talk it out Now is a great time to reorga- September 23 - October 23 some friends who find themselves with you. You'll both walk away nize all of your things. Get that Tip the scales toward the good Capricorn in a touchy situation. You know with a smile on your face and and get out and party Libra ba- December 22 - you'Il feel better about pile of clothes washed and put in drawers. Go through the paper bies! Energy is abundant for you January 19 yourself. Your power that is all over the floor and throw these days, so don't you dare let This looks like a numbers are 4 and 15. away what is not important, and it go to waste..Take some friends good time for you to put the rest where it belongs. and go dance your shoes off. It try something Taurus Unci uttering your room will help will be great to get away for the you've never done April 20 - May 20 unclutter your mind. Your power night. Just don't let your respon- before. This could You like to gos- numbers are 5 and 12. sibilities get left alone for too be anything from sip, but this time you long or you'll find yourself in learning to swim to it out be- need to check Leo trouble. Your power numbers are something more like fore you pass it on. The July 23 - Aug. 22 3 and 17. bungee jumping. rumors going around Get all of your homework Just keep the laws of now could hurt some- Scorpio _ physics [n mind " one, and you have the done by Friday afternoon so you ..... about-ir.over October 24 - November 21 (what goes up must power to stop that by don't have to worry be much hap- You'll the weekend. Take a break and go for a drive come down) andre- keeping yOur mouth with your friends. It will make for member to be safe. , closed for once. Now pier YOIL did because could it won't you hinder .have.. the fun some great bonding time that You don't want to that's a message that with your friends. Plus you'll bem you've been missing out-on be- spend the semester would be good to pass able to sleep in as late as you want cause of all that studying-you've with a cast on, do on. Your power num- and not. worry about your work. been doing. Show your friends youj Your power bers are 7 and 20. How nice will that be? YOUI"!? you haven't forgotten about them. numbers are 6..and lfbm' power numbers are 10 and 19. ~~ Bowling and shopping are just II. Gemini two great ways to hand out with "1 -May 21 - June 21 Virgo your buds. Your power numbers Aquarius more about what's up than others You've been partying too hard Aug 23 - Sept. 22 are I and 14. January 20 - February l S do, so give your friends the sup- ' and now you're in need bfmoney, You've been having a lot ofl' Compromise, compromise; port they need. One day they may right? You might get lucky and unusual dreams recently and!J Sagittarius compromise. You can't have ev- come to your rescue, Your power November. 22 - December. 21 erything go your way or the world numbers are 16 and 24. - get a raise at work (if you even they've been ones you would like a job) have or just buying stop A large project may be stand- would be named after you. Just to see come true, at least in part. I know it's hard, but some- ing in the way offun. Do as much keep in mind that other people Aries things. you have to do things you Make a plan and achieve times as you can early on, and then want what they want just as much March 21 - April 19 don't want to. And if you don't those dreams. After all, a dream you'll be less stressed about it as you want what you want. Try This is. still an emotional time have a job, consider getting one, is just a wish your heart makes. when it comes due. And remem- to give in and listen to others. for people. Even if you hide your and soon. Your power numbers You never know what you can (10 ber, if it wasn't a challenging Your power numbers are 2 and S. emotions from everyone else, you are 13 and 21. if you set your mind to it. Your numbers are 18 and 23. power
   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24