Page 13 - Phoenix2001-02
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NEWS Wednesday, Septem~r 26,2001 - Page 5 The WMC community 60 SECONDS unites as one How did this tragedy affect you? 'How do you Jeel about what the school is doing? Compiled by Courtney Federoff "I comforted others who had family in NY or DC. Ithink it's good because it brings students together." Thea Burdnell '05 Phys. Ed. major "It mad me very sad because so many people lost their lives. I think the school has done a very good job in coming to terms with this tragedy." Jamie Morris '02 Poli. Sci. and International "unity" Studies "It's upsetting to see people justifying killing someone in the name of God. I think it's great that when a tragedy like this happens, we have the school and each other to tum for support." Laura Kenter '04 Psychology "It would be impossible to try and summarize the emotions my friends and I have felt this past week ...nothing could possibly describe the horror. I was impressed initially with how the school pulled together; I only hope that such contemplation and compassion are a1ways present." Melissa Pingley '03 Fellow members of the WMC Community look towards the American flag for inspiration "coming together" . disconcerting but at the same time and "I think that it was upsetting there were a lot of positive things that came out of it like Americans' renewed sense of patriotism. I think that the school's actions exemplify one of its most important goals which is to provide a close knit, caring community." Paul Smith-Morse '04 Undecided "It's shattered everyone's sense of security and made us more aware of all that makes our nation great. We are such a hlessed people and I think the possibility of losing that is frightening." "I think they handled it very well and I am impressed with the unity I have seen among the college community." Catherine Ormtek-Kronner shares her thoughts with/el/ow students, faculty and staff Katie Odo '02 Exercise Science
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