Page 136 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 136
Wednesday, April 10, 2002 - 12 FEATURES Movie Review: t]testaurant tJteview: Panic Room is off the hook! Dining at the Fat Cat JRSSICA The Panic Room, directed E,fdWHAEI. VVSKOCIL pre me. I understand now why it is called David Fincher, was StajfWriter Supreme; when the sandwich was set be- be the safest room in the The Fat Cat Cafe, located at 172 East fore me, I was stunned to see such a large The plot is centered around Meg Main Street in downtown Westminster, con- sandwich. Altman (Jodi Foster), a divorced sists of five tables and a bar. The resteu- The amount of grilled smoked turkey, woman in her 3Us and her daugh- rant, though minuscule, attracts many sliced very thinly, between those two slices ter Sarah (Kristen Stewart) people who can't seem to tire of its simple, of bread was astronomical. Further addi- searching for a new home in New h ear t y !!I~Iil~?::; lions of York. They settle on a huge French crispy house with four floors and mul- bistrospe- b a con tiple rooms, which is highly un- c ialt ie s and realistic for a family of two. and jovial melted Nevertheless, they buy atmo- cheese, house, which includes the sphere. lettuce Room, On the first night, the Kristen Stewart and Jodi Foster star in Winner of and to- house is robbed by wee burglars, the 1998 mat 0 searching for a cache of cash hidden by searches for ways to get help. A lot of time Outstand- comple- the previous owner before his death. is spent amongst the robbers arguing over ing New mented When the woman realizes that her how to carry out plans and how much of Restau- the bouse is being robbed, she and her daugh- the money will be spent, but the movie is rant Busi- s m 0 k Y ter quickly retreat to the panic room. still well worth going to see, ness in the flavor of Burnham (played by Forest Whitaker) Definitely pay attention to the way it Greater the tur- is the lead robber and the one who origi- was filmed, with the camera taking the ~ The Fat Cat Cafe is located at 172 East Main Street. key meat. nally built the panic room. The three rob- viewers in and throughout every corner of Area, the place to eat. This one bers realize that the money they are look- the house, almost as of you were riding a 5-year- sandwich ing for is in the panic room, which is in- virtual roller coaster. The movie either has old Fat Cat Cafe is the brain-child of owner was literally a meal in itself. destructible. you on the edge of your seats or yelling at Cynthia A. Ewing. U sandwiches do not suit your taste, you The entire movie builds with suspense certain characters, either way you are It's not called The Fat Cat for nothing- can always take advantage of the breakfast while the robbers carry out several at- drawn into the film. I definitely recom- upon entering the main dining room of the offerings, A wide variety of omelets, such and Artichoke, Western, are tempts to get into the room and Meg mend going to check it out. cafe, statues, figurines, and even plush ani- as Mexican, from the Breakfast menu. Or if mals of cats dot the landscape. available Movie Review: One of the few restaurants around serv- waffles and pancakes are your penchant, ing breakfast throughout the day, It is a And for only $8.50, you can treat your- great place to go for breakfast (which is you will find them here too. What,yawl didn't know, it's "All served Tuesday through Sunday until 3 self to the restaurant's namesake, The Fat p.m.), lunch or dinner. Whether it be an Cat. This sumptuous breakfast sampler, About the baby! omelet, a sandwich, soup or a salad, you're consisting two pieces of bacon two eggs, two of two pancakes, and home sausage, sure to find great home style fare awaiting nals, such as his current assignment Reggie your palette. fries, offers a wide range of traditional Wright (Mike Epps). Several weeks ago, I had the privilege breakfast favorites. "One' can also "enjoy The wild pursuit lands them both in tbe of dining at The Fat Cat Cafe for lunch, that 'purr-feet' cup of cat-puccino" (as their Benjamins," by Ice Cube and middle of a multi-million dollar diamond and was I ever treated to such excellent slogan suggests) as well as other flavored Matt Alvared, is a great movie. Bacum scam. Wright is hiding from Bacum in a French bistro cuisine. A cup of homemade drinks at the bar in the back of the restau- Jackson (Ice Cube) plays a maverick getaway van driven by jewel thieves Ursula Cream of Crab and Asparagus soup proved rant. bounty hunter who refuses to take a part- (Carmen Chaplin) and her partner Ramose to be a hearty and. satisfying appetizer. The The Fat Cat Cafe is a great place to eat nero When he dreams of opening his own (Roger Guenveur Smith). While in the van amount of crab contained in that simple cup wben you decide to have lunch on the town. private investigation fum, he's stuck want- they find out the diamonds are fake and of soup was quite generous, to say the least. Located just a short distance away from ing fast money and chasing low life crimi- also discover Wright in the back. As a The thickened cream used as the flavor base WMC on East Main Street, it provides the cover up. he claims he knows where the complemented the delicate crab meat and taste of home-cooking, French bistro-style, rea] diamonds and then takes off. Now the asparagus spears. But the soup was defi- without the high prices. I highly recom- jewel thieves and Bacurn are hot on his tail. nitely spicy! The seasonings used in this mend you pay a visit to this jewel box of a Later he finds out that the lottery num- soup gave it an unexpected kick. If you restaurant-whether it be for breakfast, ber he played won the $60 million jack- adore crab meat, you must sample this ex- lunch, or dinner. pot. Searching for his wallet, where he put quisite soup. Casual and quaint with a view of one of the ticket, he realizes that it's in the get- Tired of the Pub & Grille's familiar se- America's picturesque Main Streets, The away van. Reggie pleads with Bacum to lection of deli sandwiches? The Fat Cat Fat Cat Cafe is located at 172 East Main forget the bounty and team up to find the Cafe offers nearly a dozen different sand- Street in downtown Westminster. It is open missing ticket and the diamonds. wich selections to choose from, whether it Tuesday through Sunday 8 n.m. to 3 p.m. Although they started out on different be a Portcbeflo Supreme, Greek Style and offers dinner on Friday and Saturday sides, they come together to be "All About Chicken, or just Hot Ham & Cheese. Not evenings only until 9 p.m. For more infor- the Benjamins." There are several unex- knowing beforehand how large the sand- mation, call (410) 876-9846 or fax (410) pected twists and turns, and awkward cir- wich would be, I ordered the Turkey Su- 848-1181. cumstances throughout the movie, and trust is a major issue, a great movie, very ..... ra_ with sus- RESTAURANT REQUESTS? Overall it was packed and filled funny, action Movies Send the name, address, and phone number of the restau- rant you would like to see reviewed in The Phoenix to "Res- Music 1M.. taurant Reviews" c/o The Phoenix, wMC, 2 College Hill Westminster, MD 21157 or e-mail Pasfiion Art You may also drop off restaurant requests in The Phoenix's collection box located at the information desk in Decker FEATURES College Center. The Phoenix may feature submitted res- taurant selections in a future issue. Call ext. 8600 fore more details!
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