Page 99 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 99
COMMENTARY Wednesday, February 27,2002 - Page 7 Academic Probation is appropriate consequence to GPA Lauren Banaszewski counteracts argument against academic is achieved is through the help of buff: The financial board does not student doesn't just mean belong- because organization requirements probation. academic scholarships, which al- sit down with a student's picture ing to a Greek organization and and scholarship requirements are low many students to go to expen- and say, "1 don't like the looks of having lots of extracurricular ac- two completely separate issues. sive liberal arts colleges who him or her. Let's put them on pro- tivities. It means that one also does I think it only 'makes sense to Having read "Academic proba- wouldn't otherwise be able to af- bation just for kicks." tion raises financial issues with stu- ford to do so. One either meets the require- well academically. definition of a have a higher standard for academic The dictionary dents" in the last edition of The What is the definition of an aca- ments or one doesn't. If one "well-rounded student" is one who ~chievement than ~!I,ub participa- Phoenix, I disagree with the demic scholarship? Well, it is ex- doesn't, then one has to suffer the is "broadly-trained, educated, and non. writer's reasoning. 'acrly what the name implies. consequences. experienced." Otherwise, why doesn't the Was she telling us that there is Money is given to the student as a Point two: We are "punished" If one cannot handle doing school just give scholarships to ev- something inherently wrong with reward for high academic achieve- many extracurricular activities and eryone with a 2.5 GPA or better. means en- the academic scholarship program ment. This does not mean that If keeping an maintaining a good grade point Point four: "College you are too or was she trying to convince us once you are in college you can average, then priorities and goals joying yourself before Rebuff: old to know what fun is." that the point of college is to have stop getting good grades and still academic fun? receive money from the school. scholarship is must be assessed to provide a fea- If your definition of fun means I think all of us can agree that There are guidelines and re- sible academic experience. something that only happens up to college offers unlimited potential quirements that must continue to important then one's arship If keeping an academic schol- ac- the age of 21, then you are in for a is important then one's long, sad life. for fun and exciting experiences. be met in order to keep receiving actions must reflect tions must reflect that. So Iguess my final point is this: There will never again be such a money. Having said that, 1 will Point three: It is "two-faced" Have all the fun you want. Just wonderful plethora of opportunities now discuss some of the points that that. that Greeks and athletes only need don't expect the college to pay you and adventures. the writer used to support her ar- to maintain a 2.5 GPA. for it. However, what I think a lot of gument. and athletes Rebuff: Greeks students forget is that the real point Point one: She insinuates that for being "well-rounded" students out school are not given money at 10 -Lauren Banaszewski is a of college is to get a degree. being put on academic probation is when we don't keep our grades up. participate in their activities. There junior English-History And one of the ways that this something to take personally. Re- Rebuff: Being a well-rounded is no "letting off the hook" for them major. Statue is an odd symbol of sportsmanship in WMC athletics Colby Goodrum questions representation of college ally just make me depressed. about to do. 1 questioned the logic of this. morals It would make more sense for I could be wrong, but I don't I see how one can overcharge the but you cannot overdraw account, the statue to be of a triumphant think the boxer falling down is re- an account with an ATM card. Many of the students, if not all, boxer standing over his opponent, ally getting it done in the motiva- which have been inside the Gill Center for maybe that would psyche {he other tion department. With checks, the bounced UiCt(in thil! C81'ie.1I1Y fl- one reason or anqther, teams out, instead of our own. Maybe I am way off, and the nancia1ly baDdicappedself), is free However, at the off chance that statue is some kind of reverse psy- to use checks, and therefore someone reading this article has not Then again, that would prob- chology thing the school has go- bounce more of them. been inside the facility, or cannot ably fall under the realm of bad ing to make us all mad so we will I figured that the bank did this remember all of the details, let me sportsmanship, and that just is not play beuer. to induce more fees from some- set the stage. allowed. Not here. But Iwould really like to know. one that is likely to bounce more Upon entering the building Then there is that velvet rope Could someone please tell me? checks. there are many things that will around the statue, as if that would -Colby Goodrum is a Furthermore, I must have catch your attention, all of which really deter someone from doing junior English-Philosophy "misplaced" their propaganda-like are entirely logical things to be major. literature describing their I found in our school athletic build- Why would a school and fees. Damn those smiling ing, except for one. that boasts itself as Photo- people of all ethnic backgrounds There-is the desk immediately in suits and working clothes alike as you walk in the building, where the home of that had agreed to pose for the the attendant is sitting, but probably champions put a pamphlet cover. not paying attention to you. graphers After months of taking careful Most people just walk by with- statue of a boxer attention to not endorse the mo- out signing in because let's face it, nopoly bank. more events soon no one really cares except for the getting knocked out needed! transpired. My monthly balance athletic director. in the lobby of its arrived in lbe mail. To the left is the main basket- Having OIIly beea able to ball gym, and to the right are the athletic building? Please by check to Safeway. practice gym, the soda and candy T_aodSenerous machines, and the offices with a any harm to this most mysterious little lounge outside where people of motivators. contact can sit and wait for their coaches. Then again, who cares? What is it really doing there? Can some- On the wall are the respective one please tell me, for the love of schedules for the intramural god!!! the leagues, and ocher news about up- If chis is the kind of thing that coming athletic events. passes as motivation, I have some However, for all of the stuff in great ideas for other buildings !phoenix at the building that makes perfect around campus. sense, the statue directly next to the Maybe in the music.building we attendant's desk really baffles me. could install speakers that blared x8600 Why would a school that people playing all the wrong notes boasts itself as "The Home of to one of Mozart's symphonies. Champions," put a statue of a boxer Or just before you walk be a /forfurther into getting knocked out in the lobby of Hoover Library there could its athletic building? statue of some illiterate children Is this supposed to inspire our from a third world country. team to do better? That would really make me feel information. If I played a sport, it would re- good about myself and what I am
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