Page 100 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 100
Wednesday, February 27, 2002 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Written complaints lead to unnecessary controversies Jessica Wqtson and Tammi Slater educate students on commentary very last minute, blank spots in the layouts, (keep in mind that classes still go on the next them to or not; if you look in any big news- writing. and the need for pictures when there are-none day). paper like the Washington Post or the Bal- available. By that time the computer screen looks rimore Sun you will find a mistake or two. With every issue there are corrections to Then, early Monday evening, the co-edi- fuzzy and unreadable, their words are slurred Nobody is perfect. be made. For the most part the corrections tors In chief come into the newspaper room together and they are exhausted. Still, they The editors and the writers take count- are properly brought to the attention of a staff and prepare for a long night. put their own personal needs aside, and push less hours of their precious time to ensure a member so that they can run in the next is- They have to go through every article, on to get that paper in on time. On Wednes- quality product that keeps you, the alumni, every caption, every byline, and every ad and day morning, the paper can be found in fresh and your parents aware of the events that However, there are some students who make sure that everything fits into place. stacks at the information desk. are occurring on campus. tend to go beyond just pointing out a mis- Most editors aren't even awake for this; But the first thought that comes to your take. Although the process is quite simple, they are catching up on precious sleep missed mind is "well, what about this typo?" is some make it more difficult. from the night before. But those who are rush mind boggling in itself. Stude~ts can com- Along with pointing out a typo or error, An editor's job is never to get a couple copies and read mainly with plain all they want about how something some feel that its necessary to mock the pa- satisfaction. was misrepresented in the paper, but in the per and complain. So lets ask the question: done. No sooner does the An editor's job is never done. No sooner end it really gets them no where. How does one complain about something paper come out, do the does the paper come out, do the complaints All we can do is take note of it, and run they know very little about? come rolling in. Somewhere throughout a correction in the next paper. Every other weekend the section editors complaints come rolling thousands of words a student's name is mis- So think before you complain please. and assistant editors of the Phoenix news- in. Somewhere throughout spelled and he/she is unhappy. whether it be to your friends or to the staff paper staff are hard at work in the office. He/she feels as if the editors aren't doing writers and editors themselves. They work in a room that was hardly thousands of words a their job well enough and should be doing it Each person that takes part in writing meant for a newspaper, with a printer that student's name is better. Somewhere else a title is misinter- for this paper puts a piece of themselves never prints when you need it, and a com- preted, or a caption portrays the wrong im- into each issue. puter that is probably possessed by some misspelled and he/she is age, or a credit is wrong. Stop looking at the little things and look demon spirit. All we hear are complaints. We are at the whole picture. Some colleges don't Sti!!, they slave all night, sometimes into unhappy. thankful for the readers who notice the mis- even have a newspaper. the morning, until each page is laid out and takes, bring it to our attention, and then. con- -Jesstca Watson is a freshman each story is placed. Sometimes they have to make last min- tinue to read the paper. However, we don't communications major and Not to menti-on overcoming obstacles utes calls to double-check what will go to understand where someone gets the basis for such as stories that aren't finished, were print and sometimes the paper isn't ready to making a mockery of the situation. Tammi Slater is a junior never started, or don't make it in until the go to print until 4 a.m. the next' morning Mistakes will happen whether we want Communications major. Message to the thieves: Stop stealing, it is wrong Steve Sharkey discusses the recent break-ins along with other events ! Il'happening on campus else-I really don't have time for it. my buds and me are playing horseshoes and this week's article by telling you to go one " I also get mad at people that have simple croquet every night. Why? Because the step further. You should also write those J}!CfDl!lti3 to the bandits that are sneaking jobs that don't go to them. The last two weeks weather has been awesome and these games complaints down and send them to the people around campus and stealing stuff: you suck. I have tried to work out consistently at around are fun. It takes some skill and nearly no ath- in power. The written word is much more Please do me a favor and drive up to II a.m. But, on Fridays my health club and leticeffort. powerful because they cannot deny that you Hagerstown and check yourself into one of spa has been closed at that lime because the Croquet can also be considered the "survi- ever sent them a letter. the prisons. workers did not come in to run the place. vor" of sports. It is much like golf because That complaint will also cause that admin- That's where you can get the real education. Now I don't know if you have been to this you try to advance your ball as fast as you istrator to gi ve you a response. When you It seems that you cowards have been have health club, but all the attendants have to do can on a course. But, if your ball hits an- send most people a phonemail it is deleted been taking advantage of girls. In the before they hear it. Hagerstown correctional facilities I am sure This is a campus community and if you want to be a When you send people an e-mail it is usu- that many of the inmates will be willing to part of illicit activities go somewhere else- I really ally not looked at. But, for some reason a teach you a lot more about taking advantage professionally written letter holds much of people- specifically you. And please don't have time for it. more sway. don't tell me that stealing is pact of your fi- I do not know the reason for this, but it nancial aid package, because I'm not buy- is sit at a desk. Nothing else - every once in other person's ball its totally legal, and you is certainly true. Maybe it is some sort of ing it. Stealing is just plain wrong. Whether a while they have to take a phone call, but get rewarded with two extra shots. human biological urge to respect paper. So the items you steal have sentimental value other than that they just sit there. How cool is that? if you want your voice heard, write down or real monetary value, you are severely hurt- Now, I don't now that much about being a Because of this I am encouraging all of you your complaints and send it to those in ing other people. good employe.e but I assumed that if you to enjoy the great outdoors when the weather power. I am going to go to your house and I'm were scheduled to work you were supposed is nice. Playa lawn sport or just veg out on a If they don't respond in a reasonable amount going steal your parent's car, then while I to show up to your job of doing absolutely blanket - whatever you want, it feels good. of time then send them back a bunch of pa- am at it I am going to steal your little sister's nothing. In last week's editorial I told all of you to go pers until their inbox is filled. favorite teddy bear so that she cries every Now most of the attendants do a good out and voice your opinions on anything and Most people will respond on the first try, night. Now I am not really going to do this, job, but if you can't show up everyday, call everything on campus. but you can make them talk to you with per- but I am just trying to illustrate to all of you ahead, or get a new time to work. That includes what you like and what you sistence. out there that stealing is wrong. Now that I have finished my rants I am go- dislike and even what can be: voice your -Steve Sharkey is a senior Political This is a campus community and if you want ing to talk positively about something: Lawn opinions on any and every issue if you want to be a part of illicit activities go somewhere Sports. It the middle of freaking February to have any input. I am going to finish out Science major Late night thoughts on the 2002 Winter Olympics Matt Hurff discusses some of the Is it just me, or is this analogy really dis- I really do not understand the point of Russia, it really does not deserve that much 'oddities of this year's Winter turbing? that at all. I have never seen a single person coverage. Olympics ' The Bobsled announcers were also very wearing one of those hats before. This leads So, in any case, you may feel that this annoying when they kept discussing whether me to believe that a million people are go- article is ridiculous, and that was the point. I must say that I really enjoyed this year's the event is called the "Bobsled" or " ing to be tossing these overpriced pieces of When writing this it was 3 a.m. on a Tues- Olympics, but there were a few things that Bobsleigh." junk into their closets along with all of their day before the paper was sent t 0 press and were a bit strange. One of those things in- Who cares? They move really fast down other useless things. we frankly did not have anything that would cluded the Bobsled announcers. the ice-that's all that matters to me. The judging controversies that took place fit into a space this small, so take that for One evening a friend came into my room Another ridiculous thing about the Olym- were also very perplexing to me. I think whatever it is worth. claiming the announcer said, "Bobsledding pics was the stupid berets. I saw on "The media outlets gave these incidents more cov- In any case, those berets are still ridicu- is like sausage. Everyone likes the end re- Tonight Show" a line with a wait of seven erage than anything else during the games, lous. sult, but no one wants to know how it comes hours just for one of those berets that the V.S. including the war in Afghanistan. . -Matt Hurff is a junior English together." teams were wearing. Unless Canada has decided to invade major
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