Page 55 - Phoenix2000-01
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NEWS Thursday, November 16,2000 - Page 3 ROTC competes in Challenge Campus Safety Blotter JEREMY KEIL awards ceremony the next morn- The Department of Campus 10/3/00 at 1:25 am Arson some- Blanche Ward Hall; at 12:00 am Staff Writer ing where they received 4th out 9 Safety documented the following one set the bulletin board on the underage possession of alcohol in teams in their Division. The team reports which include: Weapons, night land naviga- was 12th out of 28 teams overall, second Flooron fire in Rouzer Hall Blanche Ward Hall; at 4:45 pm 8/26/00 at 1:00pm Student mov- tion, and ambush missions have one of their best showings in the ing into PA House 187 left ap- 10/4/00 at 3:20 pm A swastika underage consumption of alcohol been re_gularweekend activities for past few years. proximately $SOO.OOworth of symbol found etched on the door in a public area by student in Bair facing the north side, middle stair- Stadium; at 5:00 pm possession some WMC students recently. Saturday, November 4, 29 ca- personal property unattended. well door in Rouzer Hall of alcohol in public area by a stu- Specifically, students in the dets from freshmen tojuniors par- Property last seen by student at 10/6100 at 9;00 am vehicle was hit WMC Reserve Officer Training ticipated in the Fall STX. The 1;00pm. Student noticed missing in the Harrison Parking lot. Driver dent in the ANW/DMC- the "quad"; at 5:00 pm consumption Corps (ROTC), who have partici- morningwas spentdoing landnavi- at 5:00 pm on the same day. side, front damage was observed, of alcohol in public area by a stu- pated in the Ranger Challenge at gation. S/30/ooat 10:00pm No CDS was including head lightand frontquar- Fort AP Hill, Virginia and the Fall In the afternoon, cadets com- found. Strong odor of marijuana ter panel. dent in the "quad"; at 5:00 pm un- Situational Tactical Exercises pleted squad infantry training ex- in room of Rouzer Hall. City po- 1011 [/00 at9:40 pm Studentsdrove derage consumption of alcohol in (STX) at Mount Saint Mary's Col- ercises. Juniors led a iO person lice were called and room was vehicle up to the quad. When of- public area in the "quad"; at 9:01 lege. squad in a mission such as an am- searched with consent of occu- ficers walked toward the vehicle, pm two underage students seen Thirteen cadets joined in the bush or reconnaissance. transferring beer from car to bags Ranger Challenge on October 21, SophomoreBusinessmajor,Joe the driver back away and then in Gill Parking Lot; at 9: I[ pm which consisted of 10events from Miller believed the STX to be, "an students detaining a non-student- 5 am to II pm. These events in- invaluable training experience to human bite- 2 intoxicated people cluded a weapons range, land navi- prepare the cadets for Advanced involved, I Alum and I non stu- gation, and the one rope bridge. Camp." dent. Brian Barnes, ajunior Biology Afterwards freshmen and 10/15100 underage con- major, thought the weapons range, sophomores left for home, while sumption of alcohol by student in clubroom in "was exciting. Ijust wish wecould juniors stayedandcompleted a land BlancheWardHall; at have had more practice." navigation course at night. I:33 am burglary in The last event was a 10kilome- Junior Businessand Economics am Fight in terroad march in full uniform, and major,Scott Merkle said night land DMC continued PA 189; at 10:55 pm boots, while carrying a 60 pound navigation,"was an experiencethat student and non-stu- dent displaying lewd rucksack on one's back. everyone should have." conduct in public in A. J. Forney, a junior Philoso- Though not all completed the Harrison Parking Lonat 2:317 phy major said, "Completing the night land navigation no one dis- am two students approached. One ruck march built great team unity." agreed that they all learned a lot reports individual may have held , After the march, the cadets about theArmy and enjoyed them-, a knife.. Simply said "you all are rested for the night and b<\4 an selves. male student's hair and lips with- crazy" then left rhe scerre in Westminster welcomes new businesses')' Ou\so-",e~,io:w~itermiH!ait~, ~m~\.llj"~..i\!it~ " , ,:J!"" I;" d' continued/rom pageI, ,?/~8~00, at 12:0,0p~ Srol,ifitors. drov~ the othe~ :-"ay,~nWinslow . 1O~.l.g./~.l~r;nstu~entsu~- ma~e roun?s of'r,esldence ti~lIs)' Parking Lot..,' pecreatoffossessm'g marijuanain ~_pn,Rt. Ifl-Oand "hold" the slgn of pad sites are sites that tend to an'tnalketP studen"ls'.ihto:,g~ttidg)" 10112/00 at 4:30 prrl' urine was _ Decker Student Center; at 12:00 the t!le.a_rre'smqvie listings." C0Jl1~li~e~1t~1 user~of th~ I~S. cash from the ATM for"l]\agazine found in the out going campus mail am all four tires found flat, all ~er~~~I~:ee~~i~~rn!~~0~~sR~uln4~"Thatls, .I~s.~cpn~en~~n~~tte at ;subscriptions. h ap'pCm:~tin"hl'nd--' bo~ ar Decker Student Center caps for [ire·s.were recovered near .supports e u~~r, S~l md sight thai the sales were fraudu- 10/13100at 11:45am DoCS, while the vehicle In Harrison Parking .that promotes the mall's new look Banks, service stations. an re,ovn:.,.ie'ntinWhiteford Halll at'3:'17pm .pertormtng a lockout, observed Lot. . and if features the Holiday taurant~are ide~l.for pad sites. ".- Solicitors on campus \pr6pe'rt~, !, cans of Bud Light and Corona beer 0 00 Bearitones. Basically, VISitorscan get the selling merchandise withotit per- at Rouzer Hall. Report pending. elr:rl~' ',{a~~:~~~1~eSI~:=~~~~; "All in all it is a more festive latest fashion in Kohl's, do the gro- mission in PAHouse 195. 10114/00 at 11:00 pm underage common area in Garden Apart- look for shoppers to enjoy,"...said eery shopping in Bl's, run in~o 9120/00 at 5:09 pm Medical inci- consumption of alcohol by non-stu- menls Building 3. Fun;he name itself, Town Mall of Home Depot for the weekend s dent- roommate fell and injured dent at clubroom party in Blanche 10/23/00 at 11:00 am Assault & projects,deposit theirpay:heck,. fill leg "really deep cut.", Call re- Ward Hall; at 11:05 pm underage Battery occurred between two Westminster, suggests a place that up the gas tank, and get dmner III a ceived 5:04 pm. 101 & 109 on consumption of alcohol by student residents. isf~~~:~~~e~~y~Ot~:~~~;;men~~;::o,::t~:;s~~~o~~te~~:oh:~~::~t~~tU;I~~gi~Ga.,",.,",.,.:..
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