Page 42 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 42
Thursday October 26, 2000 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff America's game takes back seat to debate Editors-In-Chief Laura Beth Kelley '01 Some may say that I am not patriotic, the last game of the ALCS because every- Jcnifcr D. Sirkis '01 while others may say that I am just uncar- one was showing the debate. ing. Some may even go so far as to say that News Editors I do not care about this country or the future Maybe I am being difficult, and maybe I Claire Adams '02 of it. am being a bit unpatriotic, but basebal! is Staci George '03 America's game and there is nothing more Politics has become nothing more than a American than sitting down in front of the Assistant News Editor game of "He said, she said" with both nomi- television and watching two teams slug it out, Joan Faulkner '03 nees going back and forth. unless of course you can actually get tickets Inhale, didn't inhale, tax cut, health care, to the ballgame. Features Editor soft money ...blah, blah, blah. My only prob- In addition, baseball is important to me ShaunaDominguez '02 lem is that do we have to see it all the time. too. I only turn on Sports Center during the Especially when there is an important game baseball season, and I keep track of who is Assistant Features Editor going on. Matt McGowan '04 playing, winning, and being demolished. This is the part where people may say that Edward K. Schultheis It is just not fair to me, and all the other Commentary Editor I am not committed to the future of the coun- baseball junkies of the world. In fact if you Edward Schultheis '03 try, or anything else that anyone can think lose a share of their television audiences or are going to do the debates, why not have of me for saying that Iwas a little mad over that people will miss out on the debate that them on Monday night and see how many Assistant Commentary Editor the fact that not a single station carried the could sway their decisions? Heck no. people complain when Monday Night Foot- BJ Shorb '02 final game of the American League Cham- If anything maybe they would draw in ball is cancelled on TV to show Al and pionship Series between the Seattle Mariners the predominantly male audience who keeps George arguing. Maybe they should try that, Sports Editor and the New York Yankees. flipping through all the channels for the sixth MallhewHurff'03 Sure the elections are right around the time still trying to look for the baseball game. then see how people react. have the I'm not saying that we shouldn't corner, and this was the final televised de- And people really wouldn't miss out on Assistant Sports Editor bate between the two candidates, George W. debates, I like watching them ... normally to Greg Lederer '03 the debate because they could probably close see how much BS they can spit out, but they Bush and AI Gore, but is it really necessary their eyes and randomly push two numbers also help people decide who to vote for. Copy Editor to have the debate on 10+ different stations on the remote and still end up with a station All I am saying is that we should be given Stacey wclchOa (and I counted too). that is showing the debate. a choice between other events that we like My parents said that they watched thede- The only reason that I was watching CNN to watch on the television and the debates. Photographers bate on M$NBC and I flipped between NBC was because they have the little bar at the Kelley Diamond '04 and CNN, but from how many different bottom of the screen that shows sports scores. It should not just be a steady blanket of de- Brad Widner '03 angles can we watch the debate? After listening to AI Gore drone on about bates all on the tube. be some stations show- it should Rather Could we have had one of the dozen sta- his tax plan, it finally popped up showing Distribution Manager ing thai while others continue with their Zsaneu acrsos '02 tions air the baseball game instead of trying the score with the game scoreless. regularly scheduled programs. However, to compete in the saturated market of debate So in other words, I listened to all the why do 1 think that they will not be doing Student Government Reporter coverage? Is that so difficult? Why do we "yadda, yadda, yadda" just to find out the that anytime soon? Megan K. Martin '01 need all those stations covering the same simple score of a ballgame that should have That's right, because I obviously don't . event? been aired . care about the future of the country and I'm Senior Writer Iam guessing it is somewhat reminiscent Even while listening to the Bob Faw Kate Esposito '01 of the time in television where there were speech in McDaniel Lounge, and hearing all against politics. Maybe a little variety and our free- will not hurt our democracy five channels and if the President was on the him talk about his disapproval of NBC for dom too much. Starr Writers television, it meant that all five channels AHa Albrecht '02 airing a baseball game over the second de- If anyone does care, the game was shown Melissa Blackwell '03 were covering him. bate, [still feel that some one should suck it after the debates, when it was rebroadcast. Anne Bulter'OI But nowadays, do we need 10, 1[, 120r up and give America a choice. However, everyone already knew the score. Jessica Fisher '04 even 13 stations covering every single po- While he might feel bad that NBC broke So if anyone didn't catch the game that night CaraJacobson '03 litical event? NO. down and showed a game instead of the sec- because of the unfair baseball blackout, the Michacllenkinson '02 Are the TV stations afraid that they will ond debate. I feel even worse that I missed Yankees won. Craig P. Johnson '03 Dennis Lucey '01 Learning how to save money the hard way Stacey Myers '02 Cyndi Nicoli '04 Lisa Stanley '02 I have finally reached what people like Jessica Fisher explains her right? I cannot be held responsible for that. Brandi Thayer '04 to refer to as "the halfway point" of my first Lisa VanAuken '02 college semester. problems with shopping and In the beginning, we just went out occa- Michael Wiles '03 losing money quickly. sionally in order to get away from the caf- I have reached this point without any eteria food. major problems in any of my classes or in Adviser have been a bank error somewhere. However, the frequency of our outings Terrv Dalton any other area of college life. The bankers were trying to steal from a began to increase. I got through all of the midterms in my poor unsuspecting college student. To my Last weekend he took me to the outlets The Phoenix is published biweekly. Th classes and Iactually did pretty well on them. he nor I believed neither that one. ~inions expressed do not necessarily represen I was so glad that I had done well be- dismay, I could not believe that in less than two in Hershey, Pa. In less than three hours. dol- I and thirty had spent over one hundred chose of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the cause this meant I did not have to avoid the months I had gone through so much money ..... lars. ~stratorsOfWMc' phone calls. First,lsworethatitwastheschool'sfault. Don't worry though, I had my new The paper welcomes free-lance submission: That is, the phone calls that would start I mean since everything in Westminster clothes and perfume to console me on the Pn Macintosh rusks in most word processor for- rolling in on Friday from my parents, ask- closes at about six o'clock, there is nothing ride back. ~. The editors reserve the right 10 edit fo larity, length, and ~be.1and 10 pub~h as ~~ My roommate does help me feel better about myself since she is even worse than PermilS. All submissions (excluding seJf-ad- ~ diskenes) become the property of The me. I can always count on her to order double the amount of what I order: At least hoenix and cannot be returned I know one person that will be broke before me. Please include a name and phone numbe or verification. Names will be withheld only by ing me how I did on all of my exams, or at to do. Therefore I had to find something to I wrote this article because I felt the need ~~,:!~~m;=~basedon least how I thought I did on them. do, so I decided to look online. Suddenly to warn you all against this problem, so that very appealing So, when the phone ge, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, night, it was no surprise rang on that Friday online shopping became anything off of the to you may be able to keep your money. me. I had never ordered to me who was on does help me feel better My roommate ~~nal origin, condition of handicap, or mari- the other end of the line. internet until I came up here. about myself since she is even worse than itaI= Italked to my mom for a little while. and At first, it was just a cute pair of shorts, me. Ican always count on her to order double then I talked to my dad. However, while talk- but then it turned into a cute pair of pants the amount of what I order. At least Iknow Mail 10: ing to my dad, he informed me that I needed with a cute matching top. one person that will be broke before me. The Phoenix to try and curb my spending, meaning that I even started ordering things off of the I suppose from now on it will have to be WMC, 2 College Hill my bank statement had arrived. computer for my dog. That is when you know Glar food every night, and no new clothes. Westminster,MD21157 Ouch- it was not the big number that I you need help. Iwas actually looking at fla- Then again, with winter coming up do I re- (410)751-8600 had when coming into my first week of vored nylon bones for my 20-pound dog at ally have enough sweaters and long sleeve FAX, (410) 857-T/29 schooL home. shirts in order to keep myself warm. E-Mail: All of my money that I had worked so Then I tried blaming it on allan my boy- Maybe 1 should go out and get one more, hard for. had mysteriously vanished. friend because he has his car up here. It is just to be safe. No really, just one, J prom- - - First;lclaimedtomydadthattheremust not my fault that he keeps taking me places, ise.
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