Page 39 - Phoenix2000-01
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NEWS Thursday, October 26, 2000 - Page 3 Parking Issues nonor & Conduct Board News continued from page I The Honor & Conduct Board to comply with the directives of placed on disciplinary probation that there are more freshmen with (he roads through campus into side- adjudicated a case on September Campus Safety. The student was through the end of the academic cars on campus this year than last, walks, turning the Red Square 20,2000 involving a student who found responstbte and restricted year. Webster says that its been "about parking lot into a walking/commu- stole a roommate's ATM card and from entering all residence halls, Finally, a fourth case on Oc- the samc every year," with about nity area in 1992, and adding park- wittrdrew $200. The accused was required to write Ietrers of apology, tober 17,2000 involved a student 40 freshmen permits-issued yearly ing near the tennis courts and track found responsible and suspended participate in a counseling pro- who was charged with defecating The main reason for the lack of two years ago. from the College forme Fall 2000 gram. placed on probation and re- in a residence hall shower stall. convenient parking on campus, ac- As for future parking changes, semester, required to make resti- stncred from contact with the vic- The student was found respon- cording to Sayre, is because over Sayre says that before adding park- runon to the victim, and required time of this incident, sible and required to pay restitu- the years WMC has strove to be- ing, more imponant issues must be 10participate in a counseling pro- A third case heard on October tion for the clean-up, participate come a more pedestrian campus. looked at such as the expansion of gram. 2,2000 involveda student who was in counseling, write a letter of We don't want cars in the center of Winslow in possibly two years. A second case was heard on accused of assaulting another stu- apology to the Housekeeping campus," he says. Webster adds that a grassy September 29, 2000 involving a dent outside Blanche Ward Hall. staff, given 24 hours of commu- Only 22 years ago, parking was space near Winslow is being looked student accused of touching two The student was found responsible nity service, and placed on pro- still concentrated in the center of at to add more parking spaces. other students in an unwanted and required [0 attend counseling, barion for the rest of the academic campus with a road going through However, the maximum num- sexual manner as well as failing 30 hours of community service and year, Red Square and Decker plus park- ber of spaces that could be added ing in Red Square. on the entire campus, Webster says, Campus unites to overcome intolerance and acts of hate In three steps, Sayre says, cars is 30 or 40 maybe, because "vacant were removed from the center of 'places are down." continued from page I campus and parking spaces were Basically, says Webster, "park- sexual. In remembrance of-his For years, Ihad felt at home in this solidarity," added Coley, and a . added to the perimeter of campus: ing is like hospital food, Nobody death, many students joined Allies community, and in one fell swoop, springboard from where "we can ,!hese steps in~lude~ making is ever. ha~fJ ~ith it." in remaining silent from 8 am to 5 on one night, that was shattered." now teach celebration of diversity pm. In lieu of speaking, partici- These issues in ROUZer, as well with even more vigor by setting an pants handed out cards explaining as others concerning that dormitory example, administrators, faculty who Matthew was and that the si- were addressed by Sayre as Dean an~ students. lence was being observed for "Mat- of Students in an all-Rouzer meet- The vigil at the same time sad- thew and others like him who have ing just hours before the vigil. dened and exhilarated me. It was been silenced forever by hate." While attendance at the meet- great to see such support for hurt The swastika, combined with ing hardly reflected the number members of the community, but homophobic slander previously re- who occupy the donn, Sayre was very disturbing to see that one per- ported, lends a universality to the confident that those who were there son acting alone can make an en- need for change, suggested Coley. wanted to see the matters resolved. tire institution feel the need to "We may not be able to change per- However, Professor Walt prove it isn't bigoted. I resent that." -sonal beliefs and malice. But the Michael, also in attendance, felt N~w, the issue of diversity will reaction to the events which have that the low tum-out and seeming begin to playa more permanent affected us all recently is a step, in lack of enthusiasm also said some- forefront role in the discussion of changing the behaviors which are thing, and commented, "Why did issues important on campus. A glimpseof porking problems in 1991, when what is now Red Square so harmful not only to the faction they come?" One forum for this will be a used /0 be a parking lot. Hoover Library is seen in the background. • of the community at which they are Coley hopes that anyone who .committee recently formed by the targeted, hut to all of us." -, _'! '~_ ~9~~ anything "'til,1 com~ for1f,ar4 SGA, which wm seektcfind solu- ,New registrar to be' ing homosexuals, which some re- helpful any Informajion and Sayre added tions by bringing together represen- that might be the- earlier' incidents 'Of targflt-",with to DoCS, ports estimate to be as many as ten that he was "frustrated by the tatives from all of the institution's organizations. cultural It is hoped named-In near future 01 or eleven in number, cases, DoCS has in knowledge that there are people out that thili summit of diverse leaders three'documented found there who know things and aren't more interaction ,different buildings on .tbe same coming forward. I'm also frustrated will produce betWej';.n organizations and cooperation ,STAe! L. GEORGE in. They've stepped into leadership date. The three cases are described by the rumors of more incidents towards what is ultimately a single Co-News Edit(lr roles and have done outstanding in two reports which Webster than those we know about, which goal. Elizabeth Pival, the -former work," said Sam Case, Interim Pro- shared with the Phoenix. further suggest that people aren't "The student groups on campus WMC registrar, handed in her res- vosr. The first two, explained takingan active enough interest in would benefit so much from more ignation during the summer of Case also noted that the regis- Webster, were found in Rouzer- getting these problems resolved. interdependence and working to- 2000. ~ trar position has been filled; how- one, scr;wled on the inside of the Students need to come forward gether," noted Alamandrez. "I've Prior to' coming .to WM£ in ever, he cannot release her name elevator, was directed at a specific with any information they have." groups as a whole February '1.998, Pival hadbeen the .unril the contract is signed and in member of the community, while Webster said, "I liked the vigil heard minority to crabs in a barrel. compared registrar at Hood College in "his hands.r.. the second, found on the second last week; it was a good show of Whenever one starts to make it out, Frederick, MD. All Case could say is that, "she floor, was a more general and less support and unity. I only wish it had the others pull it back down by try- Currently, there is no acting reg- is extremely -well qualified." pleasant epithet aimed at homo- resulted in someone being moti- istrar, but rather the entire The newuegistrar plans on be- sexuals in general. vated to come forward." ing to climb over it. We can get so more done to- if we work much registrar's office has worked to- ing in her new office January 3 for The third, found around a door Among those in attendance at gether towards our common goals, gether to fulfill academic needs, the beginning-of Jan Term, said in ANW, involved "Lesbo, Lesbi- the vigil was SGA president Steve especially tolerance." "Everyone in the ~egistrir'~ of~. Case. -" - . ans, Lezzies," being written vari- commented, who Coley said, "We have an honor fice has worked hard' and Itched ous times, and was taken as ajoke Sharkey, it was well done. It was "I • code, and we take it seriously. If a thought by those around the door the epi- short, sweet and to the point. It had large number, or even just a few Crime hurts. thets were written. Because of this, a serious tone, and a good turnout." know who is behind these inci- Webster, said and the imperma- dents, the code under which we live out that the He went on to point nency of the medium with which it vigil he attended in his freshman says they are responsible to come Ever; :d!fY,P'lopie Vfhonever thought It, was written, this incident failed to year in response to other hate-mo- forward. And I'd encourage them had a turnout incidents would happen to them are sexually assaulted. qualify as a hate crime in Mary- tivated twice as many, from three of to do so post-haste, added Coley, land.' Sayre as the person to nearly who offered If this has happened·to you, there's no need The first described incident was to four hundred. turn to. to deal with It by yourself. Call for help today. directed at junior Michael Baker, a The numbers, though, are sec- "This is only the beginning of fourth floor Rouzer resident assis- ondary according to many in- the process to make these changes tant. "My immediate reaction was volved, who feel the vigil speaks happen," remarked Coley at the "Whether the crime happened last night disbelief," commented Baker, "fol- louder as a symbol than a single vigil, "We have a long way to go, or years ago, we can help, " lowed shortly by anger and hurt. message "It was a great symbol of but we'll get there " 24 Hour Hotline: Investigation of preferential treatment 410-857-8322 continued from page 2 ontinually. advertent or otherwise deemed mi- paid forby the school, among othe Dutcher explained that when Rape Cris~s Intervention Service of Carroll County Division III colleges do violate nor and are self-reported by the hearsay reponed last April. school to the NCAA." Office: 410..857-0900 rules, the NCAA conducts an in- While the school has investi _"",free cmd """fIdent1aI estigation through its enforcement Students also aUeged that ma1e gated only non-need based aca Carpenter treatment A privole non·profH ogency serving Corroll County ~ff. However, he said, "In Divi- athletes nx:eive better and that ath- demic awards, do not receive explai~ than female prefer that athletes athletes. ion III, most rule violations are in- letes have had off-canIOUS housim! entia! treatment in any way. .
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