Page 47 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 47
FEATURES Thursday, October 26,2000 - Page II WMC's Eric Barry '00 fidgets with Cecil B. Demented BJ SHORB high school. movies come to _ Assistant Commentary Editor Baltimore a year," Unfortunately, Barry has had What is new with Cheazy-E? little luck with auditioning in Los says Barry. Does everyone remember Eric Angeles, because his agent is With more than !arry" also know as "Cheazy-E," across the country, here in Mary- 3 years left on his MC s own Hollywood film ac- land. Barryoriginally signed a five- contract, Barry is tOr? now attempting to year contract with a reputable agent Barry was cast in the comedy of Baltimore. However, being repu- be released from it film "Cecil B. Demented," which table in Baltimore "doesn't mean at his request. His began filming in Baltimore in Oc- anything to anyone in LA or New contract keeps him tober of 1999. Cast along side ac- York," says Barry. from giving his ad- ~rs like .Melanie Griffith, Stephen Since the distance between his dress and phone B~rff, Ricki Lake, and Alicia Witt, agent and himself is so far, would number to people ry took the fall semester of his staying in Maryland have lead to in the business on sen~r year off for the filming. more success? "Not really." He ex- the West coast. e returned to WMC last spring plains that when directors are cast- However, if ~~d graduated in the class of 2000. ing for their movies, they tend to Barry's request IS plans to move to New York look for auditions from the more does not go ,,:ere changed. Afte~ moving four popular cities like New York and through. he says he ~mes OVer t~e s~mmer, 21 year old LA. Then they get local people to may have to hit the f ~ now ILVesm Santa Ana, Cali- fill in the small one-line and non- courts. didn't get that big, but it was get- you sign on for a longer term. wnia, with his friend Rob from speaking parts. "Only about four Barry describes how things ling my foot in the door," he says. Barry doesn't want to get in- could have been different if he He suggests that in January, when volved in 100 much, because he hadn't "wasted his prime." it is scheduled to come out on doesn't know when an audition will After some recent advice from video, WMC students should all get come along. He just recently started John Waters, producer of "Cecil B. together and have a movie night sending out some of his CD press- Demented," he realizes that when So, if not acting, what has Barry kits to local radio stations. a movie is about to come out is been up too? "I hate performing, but if when you want to let the reps know, Not much more than "enjoying money gets tight I might have to," so they can go see it. the Southern California weather", he adds referring to his rap music. Now, months after its release, he says. He had a job offer from a "It takes a lot for me to get mo- his first movie experience doesn't magazine, but it wasn't what he tivated," says Barry. have the same effect. When he was looking for. That is why he needs an agent mentions "Cecil B. Demented" to "I would rather have movies right there, pushing him along. He reps they say that is "old news," he for enjoyment, but financially TV would like to stay in California, adds. shows are much better," says Barry. find an agent there, and hopefully The movie came out August II He compares roughly $2000 a get an acting role soon. this year, and it is still playing in a week in a movie to $11 ,000 a week ~~C 8~aduate Eric Barry (middle) 'poses with the director and producer From someone who came to Sje CecIL B. Demented, .. John Walers (left) and fellow movie actor few theaters around the Baltimore in a television series. college with no intentions of act- phen Dorff(rightr area. It canre to Owings Mills for But much like his current con- ing or rapping, he says, "Everyone about rwo weeks, recalls Barry. "U tract when you-are in a series show kepi fellrng me I could, sO , did. ,. lIorrible(?) Halloween Horoscopes 60 SECONDS LISA STAr'1LEY dark clothes to blend in. Your lucky of the West or the witch of the East; 1 numbers' are 12,20, and 33. either one will have an awesome ~Oc~r~~r~e~v 22) time this year. Keep with the col- al~:1 th;.Y~rty ~his J;Ialiowee':!! Go I, Aries (¥ar 20 - Apr 20) ors of your inner witch/wizard. is the best Halloween costume hav UtWIth.the Ghoul~. an~ y.ou,will Go CRRRAZZYl Be ~n the prowl Your lucky numbers are 7, 26, and . e the time of your life. Stick this Halloween and stick close to 30. ... _'- :ilh black this season. Your lucky that Goblin, you know only evil Compiled by .lenffer Sirkis umbers are 6,19, and3!. will come of it. Be monstrous in Cancer (June 22 • July '23) s . "" Keep the fun flowin'. 2~:gltarius (Nov 23- Dec Spread around, hitting all the hot spots and you will ~;e in the candy _ ~ou are live lavishly this Hallow- er too old to trick-or- een. A plush purple' will "Every year since 7th grade ~eat. And besides, you can serve you well, and your' I've dressed up as an old lady a wayS pretend. Be sweet in lucky numbers are 5, 15 and, for Halloween." yellow. Your lucky numbers 24. -Arie Hawkins '03 are 10, 24, and 36. Leo (July 24 - Aug 23) io~pricorn (Dec 22 - Jan Have an abandoned Hal- loween dream? This year ~.rysOmething new this fall, make it different, dress-up frlt the sewers and stay away as something you've always om the tired witch get up wanted to and live it up. Any , '"' and have a blast doing it. Try color that your heart desires "Judge Smalls from Caddy ,.~~ PUmpkin orange for Hallow- will ensure a great time; Shack." een fun. Your lucky numbers your lucky numbers are 9, -Sean Pond '01 are 2, 14, and 27. 23, and 34: Aquarius (Jan 21 _ Feb 19) green, and your lucky numbers are Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 23) A.1I right, you beautiful people keep 4, 16, and 25. You are ready to get rowdy, so let ~our eyes peeled (yes, like grapes) Taurus (Apr 21 - May 21) your buds know they are in for a Or a great time, it will appear Work it this holiday season. Hit the boatload of Halloween fun with somewhere you wouldn't expect. parties dressed up as one of the you. Get loud with a florescent or- Be hot in red, and your lucky num- members of Team Rocket and you ange. Your lucky numbers are 3, II, bers are 8, 21, and 22. will go blasting off again. Keep it and 32. "Friends were JFK and JKF cool in a light blue. Your lucky Libra (Sept. 23 • Oct 23) :is~es (Feb 20 _ Mar 20) numbers are I, 17,and35. Tone it down a little this Hallow- Junior." mile more, but watch your fangs een by having fun but stay away -Claire Richardson '01 - they may scare people away. Oh, Gemini (May 22 - June 21) from anything too off the wall- you ~nd keep clear of the garlic too. Consult a map and decide which can expect to have a lot more fun eep out of the sunl.igh~ and "Yfiru: .• witch jt will,be this year, the witch that way. Keep it clean with shades of gray. Your lucky numbers this l__ _:.___ -'----'-'-- -'-- _ _j., ,
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