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NEWS Thursday, October 26. 2000 - Page 5 SGA begins process of passing Student Bill of Rights MEGAN K. MARTIN Affairs. On behalf of the student While the Student Guide and Student Government Reporter the SGA, as the governing body of "The endeavor undertaken at body, the tetter seeks to open ne- Datebook puts forth a grievance the students. After three years, the Student gotiations among SGA, Academic procedure for discrimination and Thursday night's meeting was a They are asking Government Assembly unani- Affairs, Student Affairs, and Cam- sexual harassment, the SGA wants on all new policies 10 be informed much needed step in creating a Stu- policy and mously endorsed the II points it pus Safety in order to develop a a system to address administrative changes. Also, they are seeking to dent Bill of Rights," Kelly com- mented. eventually hopes to tum into a Stu- Student Bill of Rights, Kelly said. policies. . increase the SGA's policy-making dent Bill of Rights. The members Although the points have been Next, the SGA seeks to add an power beyond social and conduct Sharkey agreed adding, "We of SGA spent more than half of drafted over the last three years, "academic rights" section to the issues for students. The SGA also [the SGA] hope to be a force in their three hour meeting on Thurs- they were never ratified. Student Guide and Datebook. This wishes to have a statement affirm- shaping policy, as we should be, be- day October 19 discussing and hon- Kelly and members of the cam- section would contain students' ing students' right to run for SGA cause that's the whole purpose of ing each of the eleven points. pus life committee - Michael the college - to educate students _ "[This was 1 a great step for the Jenkinson, Erin Collins, and office and be appointedto college us." committees. "We make WMC what it is, and student govemment... and to make Stephanie Gulbin - put the issues The ninth issue seeks 24 hour if our rights are not clarified and student life better," SGA president into final form. written notice of room entries by documented, men we have no foun- Steven Sharkey noted. "Jeremiah and his committee college officials, such as Campus dation," elaborated Stephanie Jeremiah Kelly, senior class have a new focus this year; they Life president and chair of the SGA's have identified several areas which Safety officers notices or Residence include Knight, SGA treasurer. "The SGA has Kelly continued, would staff. Such campus life committee, has ac- they would like to be addressed in reason for entry and would require also decided ... not to wait unu! the tively pursued this issue since his the already &lJ written confirmation by the stu- administration says we need stu- statement existing freshman year. about student rights in the Student right to expect course requirements dent. dent support." "The time sacrificed by 20 Guide and Datebook," Sayre com- to be given on the first day of class. for student The SGA is calling In the tenth members of the student body will mented. . The academic rights section seeks to guarantee point, the SGA of referendum on the subject. Stu- explanations save every student now and every The first point, the preamble, would include a section guarantee- verbal and written notification of dents can bring their concerns, student In the future the trouble of states is that the Student Bill of ing that each year's Guidance Bul- policy violations to students. This having rights infringed upon and of Rights is LO be a "contract between letin would remain unchanged for would include a copy of any. cita- questions, or comments about the having no established right to base students, faculty, and administra- that class during its tenure at WMC. goals of the SGA concerning a Stu- guilt, tion signed, but not admitting a grievance," he said. tion." Also, a section would cover the by the student and college official, dent Bill of Rights to the SGA's The II points endorsed by the The second issue seeks to pro- right to an academically honest like a speeding ticket. Open Forum on Thursday Novem- SGA are part of a letter addressed tect students' right to freedom of environment. The final point asks that all par- ber 9 at 7:30 prn in Ensor Lounge. Fo- the Open The week after 10 Philip Sayre, dean of Student religious practice while on campus. Points seven and eight concern ties, including the student body, rum, November 12 through 16, the SGA Calendar ratify any forthcoming document ~~r~ t~~~~:haS:i;~I~o~~~~~~\!~:~ ' made to such a and any changes document. of Glar. outside All I I points are considered Sayre feels tha., the SG~'~ cur- Oct, 26 - Organizational Representative Meeting - SGA meeting starts at 7:30 pm goals the SGA has for its negotia- rent approach WIll draw mtrrest Nov. 9 - Open Forum in Ensor Lounge starts at 7:30 pm tions. Details and organization of from the student body. "There is Nov. 12 . Nov. 16 - Student voting on Bill of Rights goals any document will be worked out still a great deal of work to be at a later date. done," he said I SGA meetings are held Thursday nights in Hill 104 at 8 pm, These meetings are open to the public. and students are invited to voice their concerns during the student voice section of the meeting, Students may also contact their class president s with individual concerns. Senior class: Jeremiah Kelly, ext, 8309 Junior class: Claire Adams. ext 8631 Sophomore class: Jamin Bartolomeo. ext. 8027 Freshman class: Jeanette Flannery, ext. 8534 Coley elected as president of WMC continued from page I "So, we really did have a na- and a great service to our college. will become even better than we tional search," he explained. I think she'll distinguish our col- are and that we will be acknowl- Ira Zepp, Jr., professor emeri- lege even more," she said. edged as the ~nesl college of its tus of Religious Studies, said, Senior Amanda Cline, who type." "Her greatest strengths are com- served in the Transition Commit- Coley, a native of Philadel- , mitment to the liberal arts, her tee as a student representative, ex- phia, PA., came to WMC in 1973 Samuel H. Hoover (center), a long time trustee at WMC, passed away facility to exercise appropriate plained, "There is absolutely no as the director of the Graduate Wednesday, October 18, 2000. Hoover Library was dedicated in honor authority and her comfort in del- doubt in my mind that she is the Reading Program, was promoted of Dr. and Mrs. Hoover following a $1.2 mil/ion contribution to the egating authority, and her skill at best person for this job. She has a to Dean of Graduate Affairs and expansion project. With gifts totaling more than $2.2 million, they are relating to all sorts of people with tremendous capacity to hear all per- Chair of the Department of Edu- one of the most generous donors in WMC history. Pictured beside him integrity and sincerity ... Anyone spectives on an issue and to be dis- cation, became Provost in 1994 are a student and Dr. Michael Brown of the Biology department. who meets Joan is impressed with cerning in her response. She's not under the direction of. former her humanity, balance, and rea- afraid to take risks. She's so driven president Robert Chambers, and ophy of excellence son." by this sense of service to the acted as Interim President during Student reaction to the school and to the community." the transition period. Board's decision was also quite While strengthening the bonds She has been widely published fon to excel both in the classroo positive. to the outside community, Coley in national journals and has and on the field. Not only do man Junior Brook Joseph, the stu- also hopes to strengthen those authored, co-authored, and edited of its members maintain a hlg dent representative {Q the Board within. several books. GPA but the of Trustees for the class of 2002, "I would like to have regular She explained that she will ity or soror- also hold posi explained that she found out luncheons with students to sort of continue to be involved with lions in man about the news at the trustee's find out the student pulse," she teaching in the Graduate Reading ty that honors' orga annual retreat to on Oct. 22. said. Program. hows dedi- ntzations. "I was extremely surprised," While Coley has a strong vision The formal inauguration will arion to As she said. "It was a very proud mo- for the college, she also expects to take place 'on April 21, 2001 in endemics. winner of th ment for the college and a proud meet some challenges. conjunction with the spring Board a r sit Y Brant Cu moment for myself, as a student She explained that she is con- of Trustees meeting. ports, lead- Trophy, Pb and as a female. Having a women cerned about finances for the col- Melhorn said that the r sh ip and Sigma Sigm president is an outstanding state- lege and would like to improve the President's House will be reno- .ommunuy Was also rec ment for our school." student profile. "To me a vision is vated and painted, and plans for ervice. It was established to pre- ognized for its community servic Joseph feels that the college not something mat is established by Coley to move in during late win- serve the memory of Gamma Beta projects, such as the sorority's con will grow stronger under the di- an individual, but by a commu- ter/early spring. Currently, how- hi fraternity member James tinUOIJSeffort to raise money for t rection of Coley. nity," she said of her future goals. ever, Coley resides two blocks rant,~.:l died in 1976. National Kidney Foundation, it' ยท"1 think she'll do a great job Coley said that she hopes "that we Phi Sigma Sigma earned this national philanthropy. away from the campus. ward due to their continuous ef- -Counesy of Megan Hennigan
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