Page 37 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 37
Thursday, October 26, 2000 Board elects Coley as Commuters call for changes to parking JOAN F MILKNER u difficult issue always. People Wc~~ 's eighth p~~~!~~~!I---::::-,A=,.".N,=",£O"",--" ~ always feel there aren't enough When a letter from senior [spaces].' Co·New$ Edilor 24 in an all-college assembly in commuter student Abigail Engel However, though people com- After the sudden resignation of Baker Memorial Chapel. was written to the All College plain about parking, it is more President Robert Chambers last James Melhorn, Chair of the Council suggesting that the com- about lack of convenience than spring, Dr. Joan Develin Coley was Board of Trustees, explained that muter parking lots needed change. about enough parking. elected by the Transition Commit- Coley was viewed as. "a person the difficult issue of parking was Sayre says that Campus Safety tee on Oct. 20, 2000 to serve as who has a vision for the college. once again brought to light. often finds parking spots, as low WMC's eighth president in 134 She had all of the experience and Two years ago there were only as 15 10 30 at one period, mostly years. the credentials that we wanted in a about 200 commuters. according by the water lower and Harrison Coley, who came to WMC in president. The vote was one of to Engel. House. 1994, previously acted as Provost great confidence." Since then, Engel says that and Interim President during the The Transition Committee in- number has doubled to 400. How- transition period. This marks the cluded members of the Board of ever, they "haven't done anything first time in WMC's history that a Trustees, faculty, the chair of the to help extra commuter students," faculty member has been elected Alumni Association, and a student she says. president. representative. Engel feels that the college Coley said, "I was thrilled, hon- Melhorn said that Coley was needs 10 "allow easier access for ored, and a bit humbled." recommended by a national con- . those individuals who have to As president, Coley explained sultant, Dr. James Fisher of James that she plans to make more link- L. Fisher Ltd.--a national consult- ages with corporations that might ing firm that helps colleges and fund the college, and she also universities recruit presidents. Af- hopes to strengthen the relationship ter the recommendation was given. between the campus and the sur- Coley serves as a board member of Coley's resume was compared to a rounding communities. the Carroll County Chamber of national pool in a process called a "I believe that the college is part Commerce. validation study. of the larger community," she said. Coley's election as president continued on page 5 Campus hit by crime Hate crimes continue; students LAURA Bf:TH KELLEY Kelly Murray, a member of the Co·Edi/or·/,,·Chie! hold rally to celebrate diversity Homecoming evening proved house, has received new locks and the said since the burglary house to be more than fireworks and par- doors. MATfMcGOWAN proximately two hundred students Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and ties when a burglary, an intense "We are incredibly anal with SwjfWriler gathered in Red Square to call for said, "we will not tolerate intoler- fight, and a possible armed assail- double checking the locks now," Despite an outpouring of grief an end to such hatred within the ance." ant were reported. she said. on campus in reaction to a number WMC community. Few who participated in the All three instances occurred Webster encouraged students of hate crimes against homosexu- The gathering, a candle-lit vigil rally were aware of the four- inch between late Saturday, October 14 to write down the make, model and als, another hate crime was re- called a "Rally for Unity," focused tall swastika, a symbol of anti- evening and into the early hours of serial number to all high ticket ported in Rouzer - an etching of a on the incidents which had tran- semitism and reflection of hate at Sunday morning. items and keep it somewhere safe. swastika into a second floor door. spired in the first few weeks of WMC. The symbol was quickly The burglary occurred at 1:20 In an unrelated event, Campus The incident, according to Di- classes, and called for a commu- taken care of on the afternoon in am Sunday morning to one of the Safety encountered an "intoxicated rector of Campus Safety Mike nity-wide effort to celebrate our which it was found, and just last Pennsylvania Avenue houses. The and combative former student" in Webster, was recorded on October differences. week, offered dean of Student Af- burglar entered through the front the Quad according to Webster. 4, 2000,just days before fall break Senior Josh Bronson, spoke for fairs Philip Sayre, a student came door without any sign of forcible Continued on page 2 I forward claiming responsibility for entry according to Mike Webster, - - --- - - portable Inside the incident. the director of Campus Safety. The rally was planned and ex- A laptop computer, ecuted in little more than one week Discman, VCR, and roughly 50 by senior Jen Denzer, who was CDs were stolen along with a laun- aided by the Gamma Sigma Sigma dry bad to carry the merchandise. sorority and members of Allies. One occupant of the house was BJ Shorb discusses how the an- Among those who spoke were home, but in a room that was not tiquated tradition of courtship is President Coley, Sayre, Michael entered by the burglar. making a return in today's Webster, the director of Campus The merchandise was stolen society. Safety, Interim Provost Sam Case, from the common area of the house Mary Grace Alamandrez, the direc- and one upstairs bedroom, which tor of Multicultural Student Ser- were empty. Joan Faulkner highlights Eric vices, and junior Paul Himes, who There are no current suspects in Byrd's trio as they are selected represented Allies. the case, but Webster beleves i.t to play jazz and represent the The next day, marked the two was probably a student. l:J~ed Stines. year anniversary of the murder of "I find it hard to believe some- Wyoming College student Mat- one came from the outside dressest Greg Lederer profiles Carah thew Shepard, who was brutally in black," said Webster. "It had to Medill as she breaks single sea- beaten because he was a homo- be someone who knew the where- son records for the women's soc- Continued on page 3 abouts of students." certeam.
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