Page 45 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 45
FEATURES Byrd's trio to spread jazz worldwide JOAN FAULKNER could play and knew what we were pus this year. Assistant News Editor talking about." Four guys in particular are: When Eric Byrd graduated Byrd goes on to say, "it's almost Billy Deavers, Chi Sukosi, from WMC seven years ago with a like going to the Olympics repre- Michael Wiles and Matt major in music he had no plans, and senting the country. I'm.going to Schwaninger, who form the band still doesn't, to audition his talent meet foreign dignitaries, play at "Room 402." for musical shows or gigs. foreign embassies, all while carry- Grouping together in early Byrd doesn't believe in them ing the jazz banner so many greats 2000. these guys have managed to because he likes to "concentrate have held for so long." not only come up with, but pro- music as being an art and (one] "It's very humbling and an ex- duce and record a debut CD called can't real_ly evaluate one piece of treme honor. I'm still very numb "Welcome to the Room." art as being better," by it, to be honest," he added. This is such a short amount of But when Byrd heard about me For six weeks in the decided time for an accomplishment such Members of Room 402 take a break from working on their music to pose John F. Kennedy Center for the country, Byrd's trio will be play- as this. for the camera. From left 10 right are: Chi Sukasi, Billy Deavers, Mati Performing Arts and the United ing to an assorted group of people It all began with three average Scwaninger; and Michael Wiles. States Department of State select- because they normally don't get guys sitting around in Rouzer Hall was not made just on the artistic Ladies, the guys created a new, ing seven jazz trios to represent jazz there, according to Byrd. with nothing better to do than to and creative abilities of the group fresh, energetic sound. American music overseas as 2000- They will be ~Iaining it to start a band. members; they admit that they had On a roll and with the creative 200 I Kennedy Center-Department people who might not have any ex- Why not? Sharing the common much influence. juices flowing, the guys went out of State Jazz Ambassadors, Byrd perience at all." interest of music, the guys joined "Any music that gave us the and not only played cover songs, decided to audition with his trio. Thus, the trios also "have to un- together and started meeting after rock sound of the 60's along with They found out a few weeks ago derstand its basic form." choir practice in Bill's dorm room, a modem pop electric/acoustic gui- but managed to create quite a few that they were one of the lucky Dr. Margaret Boudreaux, chair Room 402. tar edge helped our music along" originals as well. So lets hear it for the talent of seven selected out of the initial 74 and associate professor of the mu- Determined to be heard, the quoted the band. trios. sic department, thinks Byrd's fu: guys were infamous on WMCR By the sound of the CD, the WMC, go have a listen for your- Bassist Bhagwan Khalsa and ture tour is fabulous. 1620am ... but they weren't yet guys have been influenced by the self and maybe you'll find your- drummer Alphonso Young, Jr. Boudreaux is proud that Byrd complete. best of the bands. self intrigued or inspired as well. http:// BAND INFO: website- complete the trip with Byrd on the "built it all up on his own," and that Adding Matt to the group, the From Fleetwood Mac and Janis OzContact- Jazz Ambassadorship. the ensuing
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