Page 46 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 46
Thursday, October 26, 2000 - Page 10 FEATURES Multi-campus concert postponed to 2001 Mt:J.ISSA BI.ACKWELL ANO CARA JACOBSON ing or were booked for the times the schools Staff Writers wanted them for. Remember all that excitement there was The Top 5 bands picked by the combined over the big three- campus concert, spon- student population of the three colleges were, sored by CAPBoard and the SGA, which was in order: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Barenaked to come in the fall of this year? Ladies, Creed, Counting Crows, and Stsqo. SlaflWriler Well, fret no more because it is still hap- Over 300 students filled out surveys lead- Nearly all 01 us are ciHldren 01 ine 80 s pening! ing to these selected bands, which was a great (and if you're not you'd better be a staff- WMC, along. with the colleges of Mt. response. member or a nontrad). Saint Mary's and Gettysburg, are planning More Information about this concert will bands selected by you, the student We played with GI Joes. Slap Bracelets on having the big band extravaganza in the be available after CAPBoard co-advisor lion of WMC, from a survey that and Nimendo. We watched He-Man, fall of 2001. Betsy Chi mock has her upcoming meeting handed out in order for you to vocalize Thundercats and Jerri, and we thought the Some of the hottest bands will be appear- in November 2000 with the two other col- wishes. ~ukes of Hazard was the epitome of televi- ing for all of the WMC community to enjoy leges. Discussion among those meeting will So, students of Western Maryland, sion. along with students from the other two include information about the prices, dates, for those surveys in your campus Yes I've become convinced that we were schools. transportation. and everything else that needs and remember to fill them out so all idiots as children. The postponement of the concert is due to be decided. Ever try watching a He-Man episode to the fact that the bands the students ranked now? Go rem one and you'll see what Imean. And if you can't find or don't wish to tor- ture yourself with He-Man then try visiting some of the web sites below in order to re- lieve the glory days of innocence and stu- pidity. Sean baby's NES Page http://www.seanbaby.comlnes.htm Frequent readers of this column will know that Iam a huge Sean baby fan. Still, he is also a child of the 80's and his NES page will convince you how stupid we were if nothing else will. Imean, we used to read pieces of empty- headed happiness diddlecrud like Nintendo Power and Hot Dog. Subvulture - Ewok Village Provides Entertainment to the Socially Inept sagesJ36.hlml We weren't the only idiots of the 80's- George Lucas put Ewoks in Return of the Jedi, made a cool toy. and then went on to make crappy toys as part of an Ewoks car. toon. Ewoks were a pretty sorry idea to be- gin with, Maybe that's why I collect them Rainbowland -Home of Rainbow Brite http://www.rainbowbrite.neU You know, Ispent most of the 80's play- ing with He-Man and watching Hogan's He- roes. Most other girls seemed to be playing with My Little Ponies and Cabbage Patch Kids. Rainbow Brite here was a another popular girl thing I never got into that much. I did watch Jern though. Does that count? The First Church of Pee-Men 81121pac.htm "Warning: not a religion. Do not wor- ship." Probably nothing proves Our stupidity as a nation better then the fact that nearly all of us embraced this sickly pizza who's miss- ing a slice. Hell, we even loved his sister/girlfriend/ d~ag q~een persona who was basically just him With a bow on it's head. Product of the 80's htt p :// regenU827/prodhome.html A general site for those looking to re- member the 80's. I don't have too much else to say about it. I'm too busy laughing my ass off at Seanbaby's site. Weird-Ass Site ojthe Issue: C~nada's Human'Sexuality Tax ' http://www.globalserve.neU_cocacoIakid/ll!( hst/hsteng.htm r! Hell,. they've taxed everything elseiwhy""" stop while they are ahead? ' .:1/ I,...j .'~A
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