Page 36 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 36
Volume XXII Number 3 Terror defeat Ursinus and Mulenburg; hold a 4-1 record MICHAEL JENKINSON . for The Terror to allow themselves SwfJWriter to be defeated. It didn't happen that Grab a pencil and a piece of way. Boo Harris connected with paper. Teron Powell. a captain to captain Now, write our a script for the connection. for an 80 yard score. most exciting, intense, and dra- A few-minutes later Harris ran for matic regular season football game another score to decrease Ursin us's you can. lead to 17-14 at the half. What would such a contest in- Now how about lots of scoring? clude? Well, how about an intense If the first half's excitement wasn't rivalry? A major comeback? Lots enough, the Terror added of scoring? Why not throw in some three more touchdowns in the sec- personal redemption on a game ond half. Unfortunately Ursinus winning play? added two as well. When Ursinus When The Green Terror trav- scored a two-point conversion late eled to Collegeville, Pa to take on in the fourth, the score was tied Jamie "Boo" Harris displays his mobility as he runs to escape a tackle from a Gettysburg defensive lineman. the Ursinus Bears two weeks ago, 32-32. After the score there was The Terror defense, or The game. "(Rob) McCraken did great, record set by Marvin Deal a year "We knew we had to be up for this game. Green Swarm as they liked to be (Jason) Wingeart did great. They ago, but still could reach this goal. The whole D played great. We had lots of called, shut down preseason All- played almost perfect." The Terror have an off week American wideout Joshua Carter. The Dalso forced six turnovers, next week due to faU break. How- pressure on the QB all day ... When asked how they were including four interceptions. Two ever, they will return the following able to shut him down, senior line- of those were by Wingert. "We week to face off against a 1-3 -Jason Wingeart backer Derrick Gwynn said, "He knew we had to be up for this Dickinson squad for the homecom- was their main guy. We just kept game" Wingeart said, "The whole ing game. the game included all of this and less then two minutes to go. The' hitting; trying to make him scared. D played great. We had lots of Expect the Terror to continue its more. Terror drove the ball down the I think he was scared to go pressure on the QB all day." winning ways now that momentum Most Terror fans think of field. Key catches by Matt Jack- across the middle by the end of the So far this season, Wingeart has is in their favor, and they will defi- Gettysburg and Johns Hopkins as son and James Jegede, who also game." recorded 22 tackles along with a nitely want to impress the return- the Terror's rivals. Although this had one of the second half touch- Gwyn was also quick to point team lead 3 interceptions. He still ing alumni in this crucial Centen- Istrue of the all-time matchups, the downs, brought the Terror deep into out the defensive backs in the has a way to go to reach the team nial conference game. most intense rivalry in the league their own territory with 8.8 seconds the past two years has become left. arris Ursinus. Last season the Terror Which leads to the final aspect defeated the Bears 36-15. The of our script, personal redemption. GREG LEDERER any pressure, the more experience In a backand forth offensive shut- game itself was actually a much The reason Ursinus was able to lie A$.fislan/ Sports Editor I get, the more comfortable I feel," out, Harris went 17-36 and threw closer game then that score would the game with the conversion was What do NFL quarterbacks says Harris. for 304 with three touchdowns. indicate. that the Terror had missed three Brian Griese and Jay Fielder have In response to following He also ran for 76 more yards Ursinus went on to win the rest consecutive extra points. in common with Green Terror Sermarini, Harris isn't scared of the to lead the Green Terror to a cru- of their schedule and advance to the One kicker Brent Sandrock starting quarterback Jamie "Boo" challenge. "I'm replacing a great cia135-32 road win. In the game, NCAA 0-3 playoffs last year. missed on his own, two of the oth- Harris? player, but I can't be him." Headds "westarted to believe in ourselves Many experts, as well as players ers were blocked. They all had the unenviable "I have to be my own man." Har- as a offensive unit." and coaches from Ursin us, pre- Now the entire game tame task of following in a star's quar- ris loves to play the game of foot- He also adds "We feel now that dicted that this was the year that down to one man, Sandrock. And the gap between Ursinus and The of course Sandrock split the up- "I would be lying if / said that there wasn't any pressure, the Terror would close. rights with a beautiful 29-yard kick, Many thought that without winning the game 35-32. more experience / get. the more comfortable / feel." their three big-play superstars, If he hadn't made it, then it -Boo Harris Marvin Deal, Tommy Selecky, and wouldn't have made a dramatic Ron Sermarini that the Terror ending to a story book football terbacks footsteps. ball. "I really like the contact and whenever we get the ball on of- wouldn't be able to defeat a tal- game. In the case of Harris, he has physical play of the game," says fense, we can score for the team." ented team like Ursinus. This past weekend the Terror supplanted last year's co- .Harris. In the future, Harris would like to The Terror answered the chal- defeated the Muhlenburg Mules. Centiennial Conference player of His goals for this season are to attend law school and" use the lenge. What many Terror fans might not the year, quarterback Ron lead the Green Terror to another gifts God gave him." So back to our script for a realize is, this was a team that was Sermarini, who graduated. This Centennial Conference title, and After a 19-7 season opening minute. We have the rivalry cov- arguably as good as Ursinus. can be a difficult task for many down the road maybe even a na- home loss to Bridgewater State ered, so how about a comeback? The passing offense was ranked players, but Harris isn't fazed by tional championship. College that snapped the Green The first play of the game was a 8th in the nation going in. the pressure of the situation. As opposed to personal goals Terror's thirty game winning kickoff. Ursinus returned the kick Also, fans might remember the The Sarasota, FL product is a and his statistics, Harris adds "the streak, there were some critics foraTD. two TDs in the final 4 minutes of mobile athlete who is looking to team goals always come first." who wandered if the team had the Ursinus then added a field goal the game last year that were re- lead the Green Terror to their "He is the team leader and he talent to take another title again. and another TO to the lead to put quired to pull off the victory. fourth Centennial Conference rises to the occasion," says sopho- After big conference wins in the Terror behind 17-0 in the sec- The Terror did do it again this football championship in a row. more linebacker Matt Mauriello. the last few weeks, Harris has ond quarter. With fans, opponents, week, defeating the Mules When asked about the pressure His favorite moment of his ca- shown that he has the talent and and the press ready to declare 15-3. Harris again ran for over 100 of taking over such a successful reer came in the third game of this leadership to lead the 2000 squad Ursinus the new conference yards. The story in this contest, team, Harris was honest. "I would season against tough conference to another Centennial Conference champs, it would have been easy however, was the defense. be lying if I said that there wasn't foe, Ursinus. championship.
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