Page 33 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 33
SPORTS Women's Soccer hit a rough spot GREG LEDERER outburst to take a 3-0 advantage Assi.~/anlSports Editor Merson put in another goal at the that they didn't relinquish and the 25 minute mark to take a 3-0 lead Plagued by dreary weather and Green Terror suffered their second into the half. In the second stanza, tough competition, the Western loss in a row by the count of 3-0. freshman sensation Carah Medill Maryland College Women's soccer By being shutout of two games continued to impress with her team team has hita rough spot after their in a row for such a great offense leading thirteenth goal of the year record setting early season success. team could break a team's confi- to go along with two assists in the The team has found points hard to dence, but the team continued to contest. come by on the road in conference keep optimism high. "Were doing Senior Tracy Castor ended Ole play so far, but continues to play pretty well, we have lots of team scoring for the day with another hard, looking for success at the end unity," says freshman Katie goal on their way to another com- of the road. Hancock. manding 5-0 win. On September 16, the Green After a two game losing streak Back to their winning ways, the Terror took their perfect record to on the road, WMC was glad to team was ready for one of their Muhlenberg for another tough con- come back to the familiar confines toughest games of the year as they "The season is going well, we were unfortunate in some games, but we just need to stay focused for the rest of the season. " -Candi Kuligowski. Melissa Merson dribbles the ball past a Rutgers-Camdem defender. BRI\J) WIDNER ference match-up. Both teams of Gill Field for another non- con- visited conference rival, Johns well, we were unlucky in some hard and are a promising contender played a tight close first half and ference game against Rutgers Uni- Hopkins. In a very well played games, but we just need to stay fo- in the Centennial Conference title went into the half with no points versity-Camden. game, the opposition struck first cused for the rest of the season," chase on the scoreboard. After the inter- The team broke out of their of- with a goal and took a slim 1-0 lead says sophomore goalkeeper Candi mission, the opposition scored fensive slump with a huge day of into intermission. Kuligowski. quickly and attacked the Green scoring as they posted seven goals As the second half began, the A bright spot for the team so Terror. on the Lady Starlets. Freshman Green Terror responded quickly far this season has been the play of Unfortunately this day wouldn't Nikki Lepson led the way with two when Lepson knocked in a goal to freshmen Medill and Lepson. be another WMC comeback as they goals en route to a dominating 7-1 tie the score at I-I. with the game Medill has scored a team lead- were shutout out 3-0 by the Mules. home win. lied, both teams pushed each other ing thirteen goals and a conference Goalkeeper Becca Lyter blocked Back on the winning track, the to take a key conference win. Un- leading thirty points to lead the of- 24 shots, but it wasn't enough as Green Terror looked to continue fortunately for the Green Terror, fensive attack this season, while the normally attacking team could their offensive surge at home another hard fought road game Lepson has registered five goals in only muster II shots on goal. against Washington College. would slip away as John Hopkins' the team's last five games. The team was looking to get Originally postponed by rain, Rashmi Roy netted a goal at the The future of WMC women's back on the winning track in a Sep- the game was controlled by the 64:00 that they would never relin- soccer looks bright with many tember 20 non-conference game home team from the start. Lepson quish. other key young underclassmen. with Messiah. Once again. the took charge early with two more The team played well again but While the Green Terror women game was-bard fought and..tightly -goals in the first ten minutes of the- los! their second conference game have been unlucky at limes this played. The opposition used an game and sophomore Melissa of the year. "The season is going season, they arc continuing to play We aa-ethe G.-een Te:rro:r SChooISpUritA~ Champions! arn your badge of honor and become a hall of farner. you to demonstrate The WMC Alumni Office invites gold football spirit as a true green your school and fan with a special comp~tition ~t this year's Official E Homecoming Parade. Prizes WIll be presented to Clear your calendar, organize your tailgating winners in two categories with a grand prize trophy awarded to the fao or 'group who is judged as most spirited. team, and wear WMCgreen and gold. Join in CATECOlYE5 . for the most incredible tailgate party ever as Body Art Spbit Award. Put your whole self in-go green and gold and win a prize. Cover alumni reunite to kick off this year's your body. your classmate's body, or your former roommate's body In green and gold and strut your just Show our visiting team spirit. Homecoming game. Get back to where you how creative and original WMC alumni fans can be. Winners' and posted on WMC web site. photos will be taken once belonged and cheer on the history- Kinetic Sculpture Aw... d your car, the family SUV, or Cover making Green Terror Football Team, three- your neighbor's old Dodge Dart in green gold paint, streamers, and time winners of the Centennial Conference banners, etc. If you don't own a with wheels will do; car, anything from bikes and trikes to boats on Championship. trailers to riding lawn movers. You can even strap on your in- line skates and paint yourself. Bonaec:onaing - Weekend 2000 Just drive it, push parade it or pull it for all to sec. in the and join - Weste ..n Ma ..yland· College Individual and group entries are welcome. Oc:tobe .. 13.14,2000 visit this web site: Ham Free Parking Passes! Entries /ill Kinetic Sculpture visit the WMC Homec:onaing Fo*, n1.ore information Fi..e1No..ks at 8 PM Email or calf the Alumni Office to pre- register. Web site: ""':"W"Wowmdc_edu/alumnlihomecoml:ngZk_shtrnJ
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