Page 32 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 32
Thursday, October 5, 2000 - Page 12 FEATURES The Outdoors Club: growing in numbers daily UJ SHORB Well, Adams was a scout most of her life. AS.I·islanlCommentary Editor In fact, in high school she was in a group Wow, what a difference a day can make! called High Adventure Explorer Scouts. Especially if you are a member of the Out- In a similar manner, Hill says, .. I just doors Club. They had 45 members one day, really Jove the outdoors." When she came 94 the next, and the number keeps rising here and found out there was just an inac- each day. tive backpacking club, she needed to do Founders of the club are juniors Claire something about it. Adams and Robyn Hill. Both are thrilled A mutual friend realized that the two of Club members after a long day of white water rafting at with the amount of interest the club received them had a common interest in the outdoors, Ohionpyie PA. at the activities fair on Sept. 19. They had so they got together and began to talk to some about 20 new students join, she says. actually need to form committees to accom- about 50 students sign up, that is 30 more people about the idea. With about 30 active members last year, modate everyone's interests. Some of those than last year's activities fair, and they have After talking to a member of the faculty, they were able to have quite a few success- interests are: Mountain Biking, Spelunking! been receiving calls from interested students they were given some negative feedback. ful events. For example, they had three dif- Caving, Canoeing/Kayaking, Rafting, ever since, says Adams. Hill says, "we were discouraged, and told ferent day-hikes, one caving trip, one camp- Camping, Hiking, Rock Climbing, Skiing, Mitch Alexander, director of college ac- there would be no interest." Despite what ing/white water rafting adventure, and an Snowboarding, and Backpacking. tivities believes the response has a lot to do they were told, the two of them decided to attempted ski trip. A number of events are already being with the way the club was marketed. He keep pursuing the idea. Officer Jason Bhargava recalls the white planned for this year. Specifically, a ropes says, they did a "phenomenal job market- Aftercompleting all the necessary paper- water rafting trip last spring as his favorite course day at Hashawa, an Old Rag Moun- ing themselves." He hasn't seen that kind work, the club held its first hike with approxi- outing of the year. He, too, was a scout grow- tain backpacking trip in West Virginia, a of response for a couple of years. "Having mately six or seven students in attendance ing up and enjoys camping. He describes the campus camp-out, and a ski trip to Camel- an outing under their belt gave them a con- at Gun Powder State Park in the fall of 1999, Outdoors Club as "everything put together." back Mountain are all on the club's agenda. crete experience rather than just hopes," says Hill. They wanted to start out by taking Even though they admit that a lot of time Overall, everyone is really ecstatic about says Alexander. smaller trips, she says, just in case there was is put into planning events, Adams says it is the club and its recent expansion. Adams Not only are they extremely excited, but "a lack of interest." "not a group that requires commitment." It says, "I never imagined we would attract this Hill says, "the people signing up were ex- Atthis time, the group had about ten regu- is nice to have regular members, but she rc- much attention from students." cited." Both freshman and upperclassmen lar members, most of which were acquired alizes that everyone can't make it to every Both Hill and Adams hope that the club were signing up at the fair. She recalls that through phone messages, according to event, so it is basically club designed for fun continues to thrive this year and for years to everyone seemed so "enthusiastic." Adams. and "getting people outside," she says. How did the Outdoors Club come to be? Then, at the 1999 activities fair the had now, t..h,,,,y~m,,,'Yc.,ii.c=,,,,,mo.. With over [00 members will have some speedy flats!l I ra ep. Aries (Mar. 21 - Apr. 20) Happy Birthday Librasl! The scales will This is your week to welcome the Fall! Ram tip on your side this month, Leaves aren't into the season with plaids and stripes, sure the only things falling into your tap, be- you can wear your flannel pants to Glar. ware of hurtling objects especially if you Make a statement! Put some tables together are sitting at the Homecoming and give ashow, everyone loves Gershwin! Game ...Those team players can get frisky!! Better yet, sing out the menu, Opera stylel! Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Taurus (Apr. 21 - May 21) Your seductive nature may start to feel a Hey baby bulls, you may feel a little ne- chill, if the cold weather makes you glected and unloved this month, but don't aren't 1\\,.j\ grouchy, Chill out! Just ._ .. _A. take it personally. Have :u;m~Pb~i~ho:~~;~g:~ <:~). I :~~::~~,:~~:.rit~~~e: the Squirrels convinced the science faculty P'" allowed on cheesy pickup line, at to remove this beloved experiment table. campus; your stuffed (' everyone you meet. I was walking through old Lewis yester- lt wasn't that hard a task really, consid- ~~~e: gorilla will have J 1 \. ~s~~~~':a~~ ~nnoa: t~~~ day, and I went to play with my favorite sci- ering that near all of the faculty are really ence experiment table, and I found I could pawns or plants of the Squirrels (a scant few , to have funl! not. Much to my surprise, the cool little ro- faculty members resist the furry menace, Sagittarius (Nov. 23 - I ~. \ J.' ~ botics guys are gone. most notably the Horneffs and Dr. Lemieux). Dec. 21) ~,.-....., ~ Gemini (May 22 - The little robots were an interactive sci- Yes, even Dean Coley has recently come You are going to be less June 21) ence experiment in a glass case that rested under the Squirrels' sway. All it took was stressed this week! You ./"~~.,::)t ... Jf:s 6.. Double trouble for near the rocks in the hallway near the Phys- one order from above and any mad whim of ~P"""" will wake up to a cold ~ you! Those wild inde- ics Office. You flipped on the power switch the Leader could be carried out. Removing sun and a clanking ra- ~ pendent Aquarians are and then you could control the robots through the robotics table was just such a mad whim. diator and think, "Why moving in and every- a series of switches or by a lever. The ro- We must mobilize valiant readers and do didn't I go to school in Florida?" one is banging on the door trying to get in bots moved around and turned on a light. our best to stop this fiendish plan! Now that the party'! Make it invitation only and make Also, one of them pretended to drill and I have told you about it, do not lose heart! Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) them all wear plaid togas!! one could unload something in theory. In We must not show weakness and get upset Competing Capricorns, the fall will reality at least one of the robots was always at the loss of the robot table, for that is what like present you with many challenges; with Cancer (June 22 - July 23) inoperable, It was still fun to come them any the Furry Menace drinking and partying! Keep make but that didn't wishes us to do. Continue - the Gemini's and still find time to make it maybe someone will come and pick you up! some switches and watch them do their thing. morale Actually, now that I think about it no one how will you find time to go party your life will pick up! And Don'tbeCrabby, less cool. by, flip your excessive up in defiance of the Squirrels' plot! to the Homecoming of bulls tossing Fireworks. Beware out lines. such a das- Who could have committed tardly thing and removed What the robots? really cares about the table except me. Prob- 21 - Feb. 19) (Jan. Aquarius 24 - Aug. 23) to come to such a griev- Lively happy Aquarian water bearers, this Leo (July OK lions, time to make your move, caused the faculty Dammit, there's no lime to ably no one even noticed it even existed. I Grrrrrr ous decision? barely played with the thing once a month is the season to rise above the fall! So go ask that sexy person you've been eyeing mess around people; my robot friends are as it was. much to do and so little time! Make sure out for a night of passion. Take them to gone! Still, I miss it now that it's gone. Funny you take some time out for you, go party Safeway and give them sexy looks. Noth- After extensive reporting and fact check- how that works, eh? I never noticed the thing with a Gemini or two or six! oolala! ing says I want you baby more then buying ing I have reached the conclusion that long- when it was here and now that it's gone I them produce. time readers of this column will nOI be miss it all the time. But you know even that Pisces (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) startled at. Yes, the robots were stolen by it's now gone, I'm going to remember the Getting a little chilly? I wonder when Glar Virgo (Aug. 24 - Sep. 23) none other than the Squirrels Qf this cam- fun times [ had with it. That's the most im- will have another seafood night? Float for Autumn is in the air and the magic 8 ball pus! In an effort to lower student morale and portant thing I think. Remember the good ou life!! I think the Homecomin Parade sa s" es" Go with it, and don't hesitate!!! cause general confusion and mass hysteria, times and nothing is ever gone entirely.
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