Page 31 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, October 5, 2rn;x>- Page II Homecoming lOOO':~a-preview~'Of the fun about to hitWM C~ SHAUNA_DOM':'GlJ£Z' (0"..... (ora B.reakfast n~~rt~e . Rich Tillma~) and Kickoff will ~ At 4:00P:m: the all-campus other, 'bigg~r parties and events. Features Edl/t)r 1i .. _ "t " ,....caboose.lh~';! ~llr2:e a lar~ t~nt at·I:OOp.m. tn none other than Bair party will begin In the Forum. All Approximately 14studentorga- Look out WMC! This year set up with-seatmg for about 100 Stadium. This year's game will be are invited, and this means every- nizations have volunteered for Homecoming isgomg to be bigger giJests:Tnegafeswilireiiiaiii'Open played against Dickinson. The one from-students to faculty, and booths and/or fund-raisers for dur- and better than ever! The theme is for tailgaiters and the cost of park- Gospel Choir will be singing the yes, the Alumni too! Beer will be ing the game. "We are the Champions" and tfie 'ingonthefieldis$5.00pervehicle ... National Anthem before the game available for those who are legal. New this year is promotion of colors are none other than our own Admission to the game is free for begins. Around I:30 p.m. [oak to A very minimal amount may be African-American Alumni. Eric green and gold. all 'attendees. the sky for the advertising plane to charged per beer just to help out Byrd came up with the idea, and The goal of Alumni Affairs is Next, show your school spirit fly by with advertisements for the with cost. Some food will also be according to Rytter, Byrd's plan is to reconnect alumni with the col- and pride by painting yourself, your all-campus party. available. an outreach to diversify and pro- lege and students and Homecom- car, or your roommate Green Ter- Don't forget - car-horn honking The Dog will be DJ-ing the mote racial awareness. There will ing is the best way to do it. So this ror green and gold. The campus is definitely welcome when the party until about 7:45 when every- be historical photos as well as a year it is going to be one fabulous bookstore will be selling body paint Green Terror scores. Also, students one will be invited to assemble on BSU fund-raiser. weekend! as well as various other school are encouraged to speak with the the Ravens' practice field for the Additionally, the [960 Alumni Approximately [5,000 to items such as the new Homecom- Alumni. They won't bite you and display of fireworks. Yes, that's Baseball team will be coming back 16,000 Alumni were invited back ing t-shins. (So go shopping and you never know whom you may right, there is going to be a fire- for a reunion and will be playing a this year and WMC intends to make wear the green and gold with pride, meet. works show this year. Be sure not game at 10 a.m. on Saturday. this Homecoming weekend the best WMC). Half time should prove to be to miss it! If the fireworks get From the Body Art Spirit contest one yet, so get some paints and a Bring your spirited self to Main better than ever as well. According rained out, they will be ~stponed to the parade, to the game, to the Homecoming t-shirt from the Street or Bair Stadium to see the to Randy Rytter, assistant director to another event or until weather fireworks, Homecoming weekend Bookstore, grab some friends, and pregame parade. Awards will be of Alumni Affairs, the sound sys- permits. will be loaded with things to do and prepare yoursetffor lois offun. given to the best floats (Kinetic tern at Bair will be upgraded and After the fireworks, the party have fun with. Don't forget to show It all starts on Friday night, Oc- Sculpture Award) as well as the will be equivalent to actual stadium will resume in the Forum with a more school spirit and Support tober 13, with the traditional bon- most spirited students (Body Art sound or even concert hall sound. live band, Hank. The game room other WMC sports teams and fire. The fire will get started around Spirit Award). Interim President The addition of two large speakers will be open for people to wander events as well, during Homecom- 9:00 p.m. Coley will be appearing in the pa- is what will do the trick, making into for some friendly games. The ing Weekend. Bright and early Saturday rade, along with antique cars and the events ofhalf time much easier party will last until around mid- For more information, check morning will be the Alumni Golf student Floats. to hear for everyone. The Gospel night so make sure you stop by for out the Homecoming page on Tournament with a Shotgun start at The Ceremonial Coin Toss Choir will close halftime ceremo, more fun. Also, as Rytter said, the Western Maryland's website at 7:30 a.m. Then at 9:00 a.rn. the (with honorary guests: the nies with their rendition of the more students who show up at this gates to the Bair Stadium will open Tillmans, parents of2000 graduate, Alma Mater. party, the more likely WMC can do homecoming2k.shtmL When Shakespeare comes to WMC, Comedy's Found in Error MATT MCGOWAN especially complimentary reaction sumes her husband (Antipholus of plex lighting for: a traveling show I960s) evoked the images of a sim- Assistant Features Editor from the largely captive audience. Syracuse) to be home already. was used very effectively to em- pier time, tainted by befuddlement Today's truly great The tale begins with retelling of Ephesian Egeus promises the pros- phasize the action of the play with- finally resolved with an enthusias- Shakespearean actors all have one [he boys' story by their father, po .... titute a gold necklace, which is out distracting from it. The pbysi- tic ovation by the audience. Direc- thing in common - they are able to trayed in this production by Rich- mistakenly delivered to the other cal set, too, provided the maximum tor Carey Upton used smart actors, deliver Elizabethan English in a ard I. Pryce, whose control over Egeus, and then the wife finds out effect with the minimum fuss, classic comedy and silly slapstick manner and style in. which it does often tricky iambic pentameter al- and thinks it was for her while the while a variety of interesting and tc their most and gr~edWMe..with not sound akin to Ancient Greek. lowed him to surpass the limits of goldsm,ith is arrested for the debt, time-reminiscent costumes (this a four (out of five) star show. The National Players are blessed the language's older form and with several such actors, and WMC present his tale in a lavishly ani- ~;~h~:%~I~~~~n~~;~~: :~:~~~: ~pe=,='o::-nn_a_ne_e_w_a_, _"_' _'n_'_he_e_"..c 'y :.____ ::-:-- ---, was fortunate enough to have them mated and truly fluid form. The conjuror to cure her husband of his Homecoming Schedule perform The Comedy of Errors father tells his and his sons' tale as apparent mania. Sound confusing? right here, in Alumni Hall on Sep- a prisoner facing execution and Shakespeare would hope so. Friday October 13 tember 16,2000 at 8:00 pm. insodoing wins the favor and tem- None the matter, for the point Pep Rally and Bonfire, 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Shakespeare wrote The Com- porary Pardo~ of the duchess as she is this performance, which was edy of Errors as, quite obviously, a embarks on a crusade to find the very well done. Both the wife and 14 comedy. The problem too often brothers. The Duchess was aptly her sister were very well- per- Saturday October faced by directors of portrayed by Elizabeth. Darby, formed by Valerie Fenton and Alumni Golf Tournament, 7:30 a.m. Shakespearean Comedies is that, while her executioner was played Maggie Glauber, respectively. The Continental Breakfast at the Caboose, 9:00 a.m. unless the actors' mastery of the by Scott Graham, whose grasp of former particularly shined during Men's Soccer vs Johns Hopkins, 12:00 noon language is great enough to over- slapstick is quite strong. a scene in which she attempted to Kick-off for the Green Terror football game, t:OO p.m. come it, the audience is often left The brothers Antipholus were re-seduce the wrong husband. All-Campus Party in the Forum, 4:00 p.m. cold by somewhat antiquated hu- played by Christopher Niebling Think overt sex in the middle of the Fireworks display, 8:00 p.m. mor. In tonight's performance, and Ari Dcminitz, who both gave streets of Ephesus. The supporting however, director Carey Upton fine performances, though they fell characters were also very well- Additionally on October 14 brought together a very talented just short of truly surpassing the done by quite talented actors and cast and a flair for slapstick humor language barrier while maintaining actresses. Volleyball Tournament, TBA that had the audience, most of necessary emotion, while the These strong performances Field Hockey vs Alumni, TBA whom were there by teachers' or- Dromios were both expertly por- combined with a simple yet per- Art Exhibit: Abstract Paintings by Fred Harrison ders, laughing out loud and glad trayed by Kate Michelson and fectly functional set and quite com- (Rice Gallery, Peterson Hall) they went. Michael Rizzo. While both of these It's the story of two sets of twin were quite good, Michelson stole .. brothers, separated at birth by' a any scene in which she was in- Anonymous AIDS Testing srorm at high sea. 'Each set is split, volved and her exuberant, high- placing one Antipholus (born mas- comedic performance was indeed Fall Semester 2000 ter) and one Dromi...2;.(bomservant) a highlight of the show. in each of two cities - Ephesus, The four confused (wins, 11:30-1:30 where the play takes place, and through several misconnections, EVERY OTHER TUESDAY Syracuse. ma~age to put the wrong set with When the Dromios start confus- Anlipho[us of Ephesus's wife, ing their masters, and even the wife whose sister falls for the mistaken Location - Smith House 3rd floor of Antipholus of Ephesus mistakes Antlpbolus, raising questions Of October 17 call his't)Yin for him, chaos ensues, re- adultery an.d generating great de- November 7 & 21 410-876-4752 or sulting in imprisonments, missed spair for both of the servants, who alliances, befuddled and beaten both end up being beaten, thus rais- DecemberS 410-876-4771 Dromios, and a final happy ending ing the issue of master- servant which reunites both the sets of treatment, and thoroughly confuse Carroll County Health Department brothers and their parents a classic and piss off the townsfolk. Shakespearean "rein it all back in" At one point, Antipholus of Ask fo~ Mary Io or Bernice to make an scene. The general consensus of the Egeus goes to a prostitute when he appointment audience was strongly positive, an is locked out by his wife, who as-
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