Page 29 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 29
Thenew freshmen: who are they? BJ SHORB "As.•istant Commentary Edi/Qr Who are the 485 new student faces we see on "the Hill" this year? They are known as the freshman class of 444 students and 41 transfer students. Of those 485, Martha O'Connell, dean of 4,dmissions, reports that there are 214 males and 271 females. Contrary to the rumor that the class is enormous, that is only 19 more incoming stu- dents than last year, and 16 fewer than in 1998. O'Connell believes it is possible that more students are choosing to live on cam- pus, which may be causing the misconcep- The Odyssey Starts Here: the class of 2001 launched their senior year with a crab tion that the freshman class is gigantic. and beer party on Saturday, September 30 in the Pub. Approximately 80 seniors As we continue to see new faces at WMC, came to support Senior Pride and enjoy the Maryland tradition of steamed crabs and O'Connell believes that we are growing frothy beverages. ~~~:n~i:;~:'f~~::~ ~il~;~t;:r~:;~: i~ LefuMau Burger shows his crab-eating prowess as he attempts to shove a whole 1994, the freshmen class is 14 percent rni- ~::;: h~~~~~hHumbert (left) and Megan Drost partake in the festivities by shar- According to Barbara Homeff, associate lIEi~~~t;[::r~ILi:ng~"~c:ra:b'~ J nority this year, she says. dean of the first-year students these new stu- dents come from 14 different states, the far- thest being California. There are also new 32 and August with 31. O'Connell. However. she recalls the num- year, O'Connell says that the acceptance pro- international students coming from countries Ranging from 17 to 28 years of age, the ber of students choosing to be undecided cess was a bit more "selective." Only 76 per- like Ethiopia, France, etc. new students have a variety of athletic inter- growing each year, and suspects that is true cent of applicants were accepted this year, Names such as Colby. Semre, Tarique, ests from ice dancing to ultimate Frisbee. this year as well. French, Ina, Lahnna, and even Lydia are all Horneff says that students admire vari- As far as GPA's go, there are 34 students in comparison to 80 percent last year, she says. new to the WMC community, says Homeff. ous role models, such as parents, relatives, who came with perfect 4.0's from high In total, there are 20 new first names in the friends, and coaches. school. A 3.45 is the mean grade point aver- come. For those 76 percent who are here, wel- freshman class. Also, names beginning with Their career jnterests are also quite di- age, according to O'Connell. She notes that They are represented by these statistics, / the letter "J" are the most popular among the verse among the arts and sciences. the average of their SAT scores for verbal is but over their college careers at WMC, they incoming students. Unfortunately. a break down ofacademic 564 and for math is 567, clearly.a balanced Homeff also observed that the most popu- will begin to develop themselves as individu- lar months for Birthdays are October with als. Each student making hislher contribu- tions to WMC as a familiar face on the Hill." Honor board hears trial from Take a Stand Against the spring The Honor and Conduct Board met in Hate and Discrimination September to consider a charge carried over from the spring 2tX>Osemester that a student had violated the Honor Code by submitting plagiarized material in a paper for English Candlelight Vigil 1102. The Board found that the student had violated the Code and established the fol- lowing sanction for the offense: The student (tentatively) on Wednesday, October 11 at 9:00PM in Red Square, and a will receive an "P' grade for the course. Courtesy of Student Affairs Classified Day of Silence / Blackout from 8AM to 5PM on Thursday, October 12 - all over campus. SPRING BREAK 200]! CANCUN & BAHAMAS. EAT DRINK, TRAVEL FOR FREE, WANTED CAMPUS REPS! Call USA SPRING BREAK, The Vigil: The Blackout: toll free (877)460·6077 for trip information and rates. A vigil will be held to protest the recent instances of Two years ago, Matthew Shepard, a student at the 25 Continuous Years of Student Travel! . slander found in various places around versity of Wyoming was abducted, tied to a fence, campus. The offenses were related to the com- beaten unconscious by two men after they discovered he PREGNANT? the Administration last week. and students was gay. Five days later, on October 12, he died. FREE CONADENTIAL now, coming together to stand against these Matthewfs untimely death stirred a huge reaction in the PREGNANCY TESTING & [unacceptable manifestations of hate, which run counter United States and prompted hate-crimes legislation to CARING COUNSELING HELP the very philosophy of the community we aspire to be introduced in Congress and in many states. Join Al- (800) 521·5530 Candles, poetry, and quiet will make all aware that lies and others in memorializing Matthew by CONTINUE EDUCATION must stop now. Wednesday is also National Com- black and remaining silent. Cards explaining the AND CAREER- The Nurturing Network: OUIDay. are to be handed out instead, and will be available at (800) 8664666 vigil the night before.
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