Page 27 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 27
Freshman realizations Jessica Fisher reflects on so that I can go home and lay down the realizations she has in my bed for one full night of made about college life sleep. Buying a new mattress right before I went away was definitely Before I left for college, my not the brightest thing to do. parents, sister, and friends all told The privacy of my own bath- me what to expect. They said it room- At home I was Dot used to would be such a new experience waiting in lines for my showers, and that I would miss so many brushing my teeth with four other things. girls surrounding me, and I was All the things they said never definitely not used to carrying quite sank into my head. I figured around my little blue personal I would go to college, realize how caddy that had all my shower ne- much freedom I had, and never cessities in it. come home. The comfort of carpet- Ihave As much as I hate to admit it, I to say Imiss walking around in my think there may be a chance thai bare feet. Now when I gel out of they were partially right, but I will bed in the morning, I climb down never let them know that. I have from my loft onto my cold, bare I have realized so many things since I have been up here that I had never even thought of before. realized so many things since I floor, which usually has something have been up here that I had never on it that Iend up stepping on. Not even thought of before. to mention, Imiss the plush brown The importance of flip-flops- carpet in my bedroom at home. I have not worn them since I was Running out to the store at any- five, but now I will not even think time- Iwould make a list of things about going into the bathroom un- I needed from various stores, grab less I have them with me. One time the keys and some money, and I when I left them at home, I made was on my way. Up here, things are my parents go to Wal-martand pick very different. I need to beg my me up a pair. Sure, they are bright boyfriend for a ride to one store, pink and they match absolutely while praying that everything I nothing that I have; nonetheless, need will be in that one location. they have become a necessity. Relying on my parents to help My mom's home. cooked me with things- For instance, meals- Suddenly that spaghetti whenever my computer would not that we used to have every Sunday work, I would always call one of night for dinner, that I used to them upstairs to try and fix it. Now, dread, sounds very appealing to Ijust bang on the hard drive hop- me. Ihave actually resorted to call- ing that fixes the problem, so Ican ing my mom and grandmother to continue to type up my papers. request that they make me some Basically, it is the little things food and bring it up here for me. I that I miss the most. never knew I could be so creative Each day, I learn a new thing when it came to preparing food. either in my classes or in my liv- The comfort of my new mat- ing situation. tress at home- What else can 1 College has definitely been a say? I cannot wait until the break, learning experience for me. ~!~~ny~.e!~t! !~y~ d~~2!~,~tYc!~~co~e~~!s~~es ~~~~~ut~~!!k?o!ili~!~t~!Ltails students that are biology majors or for the lab. students with labs deserve colored chemicals together just to just to increase their percentage just taking a biology course, one would think that the administration not I~~I~~v;::e~n:':;a~~~ ~;:~~ credit for their time. :~:;:t~r=sn~~:~: ~~ ~~~ gra~::n a~~~wf~:=:~ done would have a better way to handle all told that the lab does not really credits for the extra work students tech microscope. Lab takes a lot of class for the week, I. am sitting in the biology lab. After all, many stu- affect your grade too much if you are putting into lab is well de- work that requires you to closely lab observing diffusion. For the dents are required to take the lab don't do well. served. follow directions and then write on sadness, boredom. and utter con- in addition to their actual biology However, the emphasis was . Biology lab can make you feel what you observed and how this fusion I go through every Friday course. heavily placed on how mandatory as if you are taking. on another relates to other concepts. afternoon. I want a credit or two! For those of you that are unfa- miliar with the way Biology labs Lab is not just putting pretty colored chemicals together just to Actually, I'd really like a car of work, let me explain it simply and 'some sort or something, but Iwon't be greedy. quickly. see what happens. Nor is it looking at neat things under a very Other biology students and Iare You basically spend three hours high-tech microscope. Lab takes a lot of work that requires you to in a lab doing all this complicated, merely asking for t~e credit we time-consuming, "pain in the butt" closelyfollow directions and then write on what you observed and deserve. We are working hard and work, in addition to your Biology how this relates to other concepts. that work should be appreciated lecture, for no credit. and awarded like it is in all the other classes. You get four credits for the ac- it is to attend labs. If lab is so nee- 'class. It takes a lot of time and you It also takes three hours out of a The Phoenix would like to tual biology class, and the lab is just essary,. what are students getting have to do the work, unlike some college student's precious time. hear your ideas on class a "necessary" part of that lecture out of it? other four credit classes offered One could be using this' time to class. If I have to sit in a lab for Many times what we are doing here. study material of the classes for hours vs. credits. Sho~ld three hours on a Friday afternoon, in lab does-not match what I am If it is going to be required for which they actually receive credit. there be more creditsfor I want some credit. doing in class. I am not asking for biology students to take a lab with For all the time and effort that labs, or should they be Sometimes I have to stay later four more credits for my lab, as if their lecture class, which I agree included in the course into their labs, in the lab to finish up. Then, I still it were a whole other class. that it should because it is helpful students are putting should reward load? The deadline for the the administration have to study, and take quizzes, etc. Since the material for the lab is in class, their efforts should be rec- just like you have to do in any other different, I think one or two more ognized ",:ith at least one credit. them with a credit or two. Pro-Con submission is would At least then students October 19.
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