Page 129 - Phoenix2000-01
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FEATURES Thursday, April 12, 2001 ~Page 9 . Cecelia Bowens: An Unsung Hero 'ilpcominq Euents NVKOLETVSON personv as Davidson puts tt.vghe In he, earty-to-tate-zu's. Sr(ljfWmer Brouqh: to !IOU 69 C!lIPBoarcf: "She has worked here for over oversees everything. to me about any Bowens went to cabarets and aclub I can at Mar- And, trust her to come tins West in Westminster, Courtesy of Carrie 9I£ewman 35 years, and in the ten years that I problems," she said. called Frocks, which was also 10- have been here, she has never Davidson also describes cated in Westminster. 5!pri{ 16, 8p.m., Pub- Movie: (jreen Mife missed a day," comments Brenda Bowens as very customer service- She adds, "I used to be a fancy (co-sponsored by 5!CL'I1) Davidson, general manager Of oriented and a lot of fun to be dresser. I love to dress. Music was Englar Dining Hall. around. a love of mine. I would dance to ''The main thing for me is that Bowens describes herself by any and everything; it just didn't 5!pri{ 17, 8 p.m., Pub- Movie: Dead Man 'Wa{/(!w she is very dependable," remarks saying, "I am a good, lovable per- mailer then. Honey, I was young. [co-sponsored by5!CL'I1) Davidson. son. I am also kind of shy but I can Oh yes, I could dance out of this Who is this person? Born in hide it really [well]." world. I used to win dance contests Frederick and raised in So what more is there to know and I bet today I can win some." . 5!pri{ 19, 9 p.m-. Pub- Comedian: Francis Det.otenzo Westminster, she is Cecelia about her? Bowens believes most Some of the dances that she Bowens, the line supervisor of Glar; people on campus know what she used to "shake" to were called the also known to many students as Ms. does while at work but, "I don't "honey west," "the limbo," "the Jlpri{ 20, 7 & 9p.m., :Hi{{108- Movie: Meet the Parents Cecelia or Ms. Ceil. know if you guys have ever real- jerk," and "the electric slide." While many are still snuggled ized that I sing while I'm on the But, these days Bowens says up in bed at 5:30 in the morning, line." that after work she likes to lay back Jlpri{ 24- Concert: Matcfijjol( 20 & Euerclear Bowens is raising the gate to Glar Most of the time she is 'Singing and "just relax baby." TB5! - 'TicR!ts on safe startiW5!pri{ 11 to get ready for the WMC commu- gospel songs and other times "I just Her motto is just to take life one nity. be acting silly," she says with a day at a time. "That is the only thing Her day usually ends at 2 p.m. wide grin. you can do. Sometimes it's hard but Jlpri{ 25, 9 pm-. :Forum- :Hi{by the (jerman Juggfer 'Boy or later depending on what help is So how do the students treat I do it with God," she says. needed. Bowens? "I can say that most stu- If you ask Bowens if she has Although the dining hall gets dents are respectful." she explains, any children, her response is, 5!pri{26, 7-11 p.m., Pub- 'l(praoR! 9{jgfi.t short-staffed at times, Bowens adding that if students do some- "WMC students are my children handles the additional jobs that arc thing she doesn't like, "I'll pull the and that's enough." Music 'Department 'Events: assigned to her without missing a student aside, sing to them, talk to of the dining McCauley, secretary Karamae step. them, and they will usually apolo- hall, remarks, "She courtesy of Brandi Crawfort! While it is apparent that she is gize." loves all the students like her chil- physically tired, she is always Students are fairly respectful dren." Monday Jlprifl6-7 p.m.-Mc'lJanier LouWe pleasant, has a positive attitude, and when dealing with her. In fact, McCauley says that former stu- Morufay 9{jgfi.t Music Presents: greets stressed students with a Davidson says, "I have to say she dents have come back to visit Jln 'Eveniw ofJazz PiaTUJ'Trio Music witfi. 'MiR! Con1U! warm and genuine smile. out deals with the students better than Bowens, giving thanks to her for is quick Bowens I have ever seen." anyone to point everything she did while they were that students are the most enjoyable Hussein Samater, a junior po- in school. 'Tuesday Jlpri{ 17-7p.m.-Mc'lJanier Lounqe part of her job. on how stressed litical science/history major, says as She adds, "[Bowens] is a mom Commenting Bowens characterize he would students home, bring 'Ifie yafe (jordan 'R..esidency Program Presents: and tired the students look as they hard-working. away from cards," and she empha- her gifts, composer LoTTai1U!'Wfiittl"esey of Baltimore, M'D enter Glar, she says, "I feel that iff "At least when I see her. al- sizes, "students will actually come say something funny, joke, or cut though she may seem tired back in back just to see Cecelia." up with you guys, it will make you the line serving food with all the . Reminiscing on all the students Morufay Jlpn"f 23-7p.m.-Mc'lJanie{ Lounqe all's day a little brighter." steam, she accomplishes her job that have come in and out of her 'Baa and 'Beyoruf presents: junior One student, Maya Redfearn, ma- a 100 percent," he says. life, Bowens says, "It's so good to communication/theater also finds her famous Samater shadow puppet pray of the epic :Hindu poem CMafi.abratai jor, can attest to Bowens' caring words, "How are you, baby?" to be see my kids graduating; I know it's hard." personality. "very refreshing, making you feel She advises WMC students ap- She comments, "I honestly be- at home in a certain way." Monday 5!pri{ 24--7p.m.':_Littfe 'BaR!r Chaper lieve it is the students' smiles that Although Bowens is content proaching adulthood to, "keep on keeping on, to go with the flow, and Senior 'R..ecitaf-Jessica Sti1U!fert, guitar keep Ms. Ceil coming back to Glar with her salary, Samater also be- to take one day at a time." every day and vice versa." lieves that she should gel a mise. Not only is she 'an important In fact. Redfearn considers With a mischievous smile, part of the dining hall staff, she is :Friday Jlprif27-7:30 p.m.-Mc'lJanie£ Lounqe' Bowens to be her "fifth mother." Bowens described that she was also very important to the college Student 'R..ecitaf-'Brarufee Mc9If{ister, piano Laughing, she adds, "I have so "shy" in her youth. community. many, but seriously, she is always Grinning. she adds, "I used to Bowens provides support and giving advice, lending a smile, and go to cabarets where you would reassurance to many students while Surufay5!pri{29--3 p.m.-Levi1U! '/(porn 100 sharing her caring and strong spirit dress up in gowns and all that junk. she works. She sees'her job is so satisfying Senior 'R..eataf-(jreg Parmer, percussion with those who may need a soul That was way back in the day. I because of her link 10 students that - Rick lames uplift at times." used to go toconcens ...................................................... at is the line supervisor Bowens "Who could ask And girl, I used to throw concerts. she often wonders, the dining hall, the "important Surufay Jlpri{29--7p.m.-'Big 'BaR!r Memoria{ Chaper . down on some clothes." for more?" Coffege Cfwir Concert Have You Been Tested? Morufay Jlpri{30--7p.m.-Littfe 'BaR!r Chaper Student 'Brass 'Ensembl"es Free, Anonymous/Confidential HIV Testing rrfieatre 'Department 'Events: Where: The Freeman Room courtesy of 'Brantii Crawfort! When: Tuesday Aprill7 and Tuesday May 1 I:MPoSSI'BL'E'lvf5l2{'lIJJI(j'E JIcontemporary comedy of a Drissful visit with. a derigfi.t- For questions or an appointment call: fu{ry wacKy famiry. 410-876-4752 'Directea by 'WMc Senior Joy 'Ifwmas 5!prif20, 21, 22, 26, 27, aruf 28 at 8 p.m. or %umni :Ha{{Studio 'l1ieatre 410-876-4771 'TicR!ts: $5for adu{ts & $3for seniors/studentsl'WMc (Ask for Bernice or Mary Jo) ...................................................... :For ticR!t in ormation, ca{{ (410) 857-2448
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