Page 126 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday. April 12, 200 1 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff Eligible juniors deprived of opportunity. Editors-In-Chief Jeremy Keil explains how not all When I returned from spring break I did the application the first time. Claire E. Adams '02 juniors eligible for Omicron Delta not have an application in my mailbox. On Edward K. Schultheis '03 So far I have spoken to 11 (13 percent) Kappa received applications. Tuesday, March 27, I called Dr. Seidel's sec- of those 85 students. Not one received the retary again. application that was supposedly sent out Fri- News Editors On Monday, March 12 applications for day, March 30. She called me back the next day and said Staci George '03 Omicron Delta Kappa, a national leadership she had put an application in my mailbox. Those students include RA's, members honor society, were sent out to the top 35 She also gave one or two other students who Assistant News Editor percent of the junior class. had previously complained about not receiv- of SGA, club presidents, sorority presidents, Joan Faulkner '02 Unfortunately, they were not sent to the ing one. members of Honors and Circle K and an AII- athlete. American These are the people who juniors by when they are graduating, but by This angered me, because instead of fix- Features Editors accumulation of credit. This means that should be in ODK and they have yet to re- Shauna Dominguez '02 more sophomores, who are not eligible, re- ing the problem, the administration decided ceive applications. has yet to be resolved and This matter only to those who had to give.applications Kate Esposito '01 ceived applications than juniors, who are complained, and not to any other juniors who inductions are coming up at the end of April. 'eligible. had been overlooked. It's not-like it is hard to get the information Commentary Editor Ialerted Dr. Seidel to this since he is the On Thursday, March 29, J submitted a re- required to send out the applications either, BJ Shorb '02 faculty secretary of ODK. quest to the registrar to see if it is indeed since I am holding it in rnyhands right now. Friday, March 16, the day before spring possible to get a list of the top 35 percent of If you are a junior in the top 35 percent Sports Editor break, Dr. Seidel's secretary called me and juniors by graduation and not by credit. of your class and have not yet received an Matthew Hurff '03 said (he problem was that when someone The following day, Dr. Seidel's office re- ODK application, I suggest you call Dr. asks the registrar for a list by class they go ceived the list and more applications were Seidel's office at extension 200 to complain. Assistant Sports Editor by credits accumulated and not by gradua- sent out. According to the registrar's list this is 85 Greg Lederer '03 tion date. ' On Monday, April 3, the regisrrar's'hst students. Perhaps if more people affected by Craig P. Johnson '03 She also said that the registrar was go- was sent to me. However, the problem was this complained the people who need the ap- ing to generate a new list and those who did not solved as J was led to believe. The list I plications will finally get them. Copy Editor not receive applications would over spring have shows that 85 juniors out of 137 in the break. top 35 percent of the class did not receive -Jeremy Keif is a junior Physics major. Photographers Spring break reflection: long live the beads Kelley Diamond '04 Brad Widner '03 Chris Taugher reveals the history filled with fabulous floats, fantastic food, Flashing for beads, or just flashing for of beads, and how they enhanced crazy costumes, music, picnics and parades. fun, has spread to spring breaks everywhere, Distribution Manager Zsanett Borsos '02 his spring break this year. People sing and dance in the streets and the from Cancun to Daytona Beach, from Cali- whole town really comes together to put on fornia to the New York Isles, from the Red- It's hard to believe that spring break has a great show. wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters. already come and gone. There is an overwhelming generosity that Staff Writers Even though my tan has started to fade, When I was down in Daytona Ihis year, Amy Bittinger '01 I would like to reflect on my spring break surrounds Mardi Gras. People riding the everyone had beads, everyone was selling floats throw stuffed animals, Brandi Crawford ·'02 this year. I'm not going to talk about long to the children in the crowd. toys and beads beads and everyone wanted beads. You could The children's Nykole Tyson '02 car rides, overcrowded beaches or hang- faces light up and everyone enjoys them- even get beads for filling out a credit card Jessica Fitzgerald '03 overs. Instead, I'm going to discuss a newer selves. application. Beads are the perfect excuse to talk to a girl, or guy. Matt McGowan '04 - spring break tradition. Beads. Michael Jenkinson '02 You gotta love beads, especially if you rating. However, not all of Mardi Gras has a PG While in the clubs, girls would always A section of New Orleans called the Jeff Grever '02 are a guy. Beads can be the difference be- French Quarter gets a little rowdy after all be asking what they had to do for beads. Jon Renaut '01 tween an average spring break and a great Some would flash, some would give you a Marcus Helton '02 spring break. Beads are the currency of of the parades have gone through. About 10 kiss, and some would even kiss each other. years ago, college began students flocking Chris Taugher '02 spring break. to Mardi Gras (especially the French Quar- In my personal opinion the girl kissing an- other girl is not as exciting as it used to be. Jackie Leazer '0 I In case you've been living in a cave for ter) in great numbers. Many of them would It's almost becoming as common as a hand- Tamrni Slater '03 the last five years, girls, and guys too Iguess, get drunk on Bourbon Street and lose their shake. Call me old fashion, but I'd rather Jeremy Keil '02 go crazy for beads. People are willing to do inhibitions. get flashed. Anne Butler '0 I all kinds of crazy acts to get beads. Since this would happen at night there Michael Wiles '03 The better the color and more exotic the would be no children around to throw beads Idon't know what they put in those beads, Brad Widner '03 beads, the more outrageous the stunt has to to. The college students then felt like they but IHke it. So guys do your part and keep giving those beads away. And girls, keep up be to get them. had to compete to get the attention of the Adviser My new-found love for beads got me people who threw beads from the balconies. the good work. Earn those beads and wear I'm just glad I got to con- Terry Dalton thinking, "Hey, where.did this great Ameri- This is where the whole idea of flashing for them proudly. tradition. tinue a college can tradition come from?" After many hours beads started. . If it weren't for times like spring break, of research, J found the answer. It all started Ithink Ispeak for us all when Isay, "God The Phoenix is published biweekly. The life. would just flash by ... sorry, pass by in an . fPinions expressed do not necessarily represen in New Orleans. The Big Easy is known bless Mardi Gras!" Because of this original instant. As you know, ~ose of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the French celebration, which translates into Fat fmurustratorsOfWMC. for its annual Mardi Gras celebration. The Tuesdays, we now have a lot of phat Tues- -Chris Tougher is a junior communication The paper welcomes free-lance submissions real Mardi Gras is a festive family affair days or any days of the week'for that matter. major. fmts· The editors reserve the right to edit fo Letter to the Editor: students' alcohol use Pn Macintosh disks in most word processor for- larity, length, and libel and to publish as space Dear Editor, ing, but rather lighting up. seven days a week did bad, 1 am just making penruts. All submissions (excluding self-ad- Am I being naive or what? Did r come I am proud to say r have yet to do any- a generalization of what I have seen. f;=oo diskeues) become the l""P"'IY of Tiu to college to learn or to get drunk? Well thing that dumb. It's called responsibility ... Leam it. Be- hoenix and cannot be returned when r first came here, it was all about the I hear about the "Thursday Night 0' cause once we all leave college and have to Please include a name and phone numbel drinking. It was a new experience being able Fun," r hear about the drunken sex, I hear make it in the real world, Ibet you will be in or verification. Names will be withheld only by to drink and party the weekends away. Iam about the marijuana parties, and I am' for a rude awakening when you can't drink Itbe discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. proud to say that I no longer party and only ashamed. Ashamed to hear a guy talking five nights a week and. still hold down ajob, The Phoenix does not discriminate based or drink about once a month. Now that I am about having sex with agirl after getting her when some people can't even make it to class ge, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, older and wiser, haha, r realize that college so drunk she didn't know what was going at noon because they are still sleeping off a !national origin, condition of handicap, or mari- isn't about the drunken orgies or about the 00. hangover after there night of fun. tal status. beer pong parties until 3 o'clock in the morn- That is pitiful, and so is that guy. But 1 I'm not truly condemning alcohol use, I ing. It's about much more than that. am sure he will not think of it that way after am just making the point that a good major- Mail to: But the problem is that people haven't getting high fives from his friends that act ity of the people who use it on the campus The Phoenix caught onto that yet. I still see the drunk- like 2-year-olds. aren't the people who have a beer after a hard WMC, 2 College Hill ards walking down the halls at 2 a.m. on a You know who you are, the same ones week of classes. No, these are the people westminster.Mp 21157 Tuesday night and it disturbs me. Don't who probably got bad grades, an incomplete, who have to have a case of beer after a hard (410)751-8600 these folks have better things to do? Don't or something like that last semester because day of doing nothing. FAX, (410) 857-2729 they have classes in the morning? I guess they "partied the year away." Well you know So guys especially, keep your little E-Mail: they don't have anything that is as impor- what? That is your fault. I'm not saying that drunken conquests, i.e. lies, to yourself, be- tant as hitting the Jack Daniels or Bud Ice. all people who did bad were drunk 70 per- cause 1 am tired about hearing about them. Worst case scenario is that they aren't drink- cent of the week, or the ones who were drunk Get a clue, and be a little responsible.
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