Page 59 - Phoenix1999-2000
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NEWS Thursday, November 18, 1999 - Page 3 SGA makes changes on campus World AIDS day set The student government leads betterment initiative to educate WMC RYAN SEAVOLT SGA is lobbying to get framed cop- This measure will hopefully be StaffWrileT ies of the Honor Code placed in signed by Dr. Ethan Seidel, direc- MEGAN K, MARTIN nator and advisor for ASAP. The Hey students, ever wonder how every classroom to remind both stu- tor of the Administration and Fi- Editor-in-Chief you can make a difference and im- dents and faculty of their obliga- nance Department, Dean Philip Dec. 1 is day one of a year- speakers will make AIDS "more to the real, rand] more personal," prove campus life? The answer is tions. Sayre, and Alan Dolid, director of long drive to increase awareness students, she continued. simple: support your student gov- A bylaw passed last year stated Food Service. Dorsey, ernment. Better yet, join it. that the academic committee of the Copies of this document will be of the HIV/AIDS epidemic that know "what 30, wants people to affects the world. it's like to live with The Student Government As- SGA will review the Honor Code sent to each student, as well as sembly has grown in leaps and every year and look for ways to placed in front of and behind the WMC will be host to its third the disease." bounds in the last few years. More strengthen the rules. counter in the Pub. annual World AIDS Day, which After being diagnosed about focuses on young adults, who cur- students seem to be taking more Look for a survey pertaining to The SGA hopes that this mea- rently represent close to 50 per- seven years ago, he hopes to reach interest in campus matters that af- this matter in the near future. sure will be in place for only a year, cent of new HIV infections in this people through his speech. fect their lives at WMC than ever The SGA is also attempting to as they seek to'pass the Student Bill country alone. Dorsey wants people to know before. secure a mandate which would re- of Rights which will encompass The program will be held Dec. that life is not over once a person The four departments of the stu- quire all professors to give a five food service requirements. is diagnosed with HIV or AIDS. dent government which are cur- to ten minute introduction to all This bill would also require I at 7 pm in Ensor Lounge. of The Baker, 29, will also be provid- Dr. Laura Cheevers rently working toward improving their students about changes in the Campus Safety and Residence Life Johns Hopkins University will ad- ing a glimpse into his life with student life at our college - the Honor Code and to instruct them to follow proper procedure when dress issues specific to the AIDS AIDS. He has been living with the campus life, social, academic, and on how to report violations. handing out citations for violations, epidemic in the United States and virus for a little over five years public relations committees - are This is especially important be- so students will be able to under- the WMC community. but does not yet have AIDS. spearheading new rules and regu- cause the SGA has received a few stand their rights in every conceiv- Also, two gentlemen who live College students, Baker said, lations to improve the quality of life complaints from students who do able situation. should know to be monogamous here at WMC. not know the exact details of the In addition, the public relations with AIDS, Ron Baker and Calvin in sexual relationships and to ab- their speak about will Dorsey, Last semester, we witnessed Honor Code. committee is trying to promote a lives. stain from drugs and alcohol since how the SGA lobbied the student Another item on the SGA's campus-wide calendar and get This year's theme for World they impair judgment and make a person more at risk. body to vote for tougher Honor agenda is the renovation of the Pub word out about the SGA, so that AIDS Day is "AIDS - End the Si- Code regulations and how the stu- and game room area. students can take better advantage lence. Listen, Learn, Live!" For those with AIDS, dealing dents responded. Everyone has noticed the drab of the opportunities which the stu- The program is designed to with family and friends can also be difficult. The very idea that students decorum of the game room and the dent government offers. educate, while involving people in would pass an Honor Code which occasionally long lines and slow In the past year alone it has be- discussions about HIV/AIDS. The family and friends ofbo!.h mandates that they turn in anyone service at the pub. come increasingly apparent that the WMC's World AIDS Day men responded in a variety of they might see cheating would have Well, the SGA is trying to rem- SGA is serious about changing this event will also include music pro- ways. Some were supportive. others seemed ludicrous before last year. edy the situation by putting student school for the better. vided by Insight II to Life and a The fact that the measure was and sports memorabilia on the Kelly states that a few years skit performed by ASAP. hurt by the unfairness of the situ- passed indicates that students are walls and by increasing the quality ago, the student government "did Two panels from the AIDS ations, and some acted like the ready to take more responsibility in of food service at the Pub. men were no longer human. not have the impact or influence NAMES Quilt will be on display the way the school is run. Juniorclass president Jeremiah that it does today." in Ensor Lounge for the entire Both will dispel that myth. j And nobody is-more involved'; Kelly states that this undertaking of He also.says that SGA used to They are husbands, fathers, stu- on HIV/AIDS than-our Student 60Vemlllenl'As~ '[he campus life committee, which be afraid to fake risks and assert week. Literature at the display. dents, and employees. will be available sembty, meets Monday nights at 9:00 in the their goals, but now they have cre- The capstone of the WMC's Both hope to be an example Currently, the SGNs members pub, .has been nicknamed the ated a beuer dialogue with the stu- World AIDS Day program is the to those living with AIDS and to have their sights set on holding fac- "Beautification Initiation." dents and faculty. presentation by two people living those who are not infected of their humanness. ulty members responsible for the The SGA has already made Kelly says that the biggest vic- withAmS. "Everyone has to evaluate changes in the Honor Code. strides toward fixing the Pub's tory thus far, the Honor Code Speakers with AIDS "always themselves. There are lots of de- In return for the student pledge problems by recently passing the changes, came directly from the [have] a powerful impact on the have to report cheating, the faculty is Pub Standards Act of 1999 which student body. lives of students," said Bonnie cisions to make. You really " said and be cautious, to think supposed to be more trusting. To outlines the students' expectations He continues, "That's some- Bosley, Health Education Coordi- Dorsey. see that this is accomplished, the of the Pub. thing the SGA is pretty proud of." ASAP's convenient contraceptives subscriptions APO anticipates becoming a chapter Continuedfrom page 1 continuedfrompage 1 thought this would be a good idea ceiving so many requests and some that she teaches about healthy re- helped SERVE build a house in little kids on the big-wheels. was because not many students from the same people, they will lationships, ASAP did a program Leesburg, and labeled mailings for The event raised over $10,000 know the organization has con- now only receive two. that included a skit about how to Alumni Affairs. Within the last to help in the fight against drugs. doms to give to students. ASAP believes that this pro- form these relationships. few weeks, APO helped with set- What you witness at an APO At the beginning of the se- gram is a way to not only promote The organization has been de- mester, the organization was safe sex but also to help educate ing this program for a few years ling up and with ushering at the meeting, which is held every Thursday at 10 pm in McDaniel Dinner, and they di- International given a case of 1,000 condoms students about HIV and AIDS. ,- now, and this year the skit was rected parking at the Homecoming lounge, is a group of friends who by the state of Maryland. They want students to realize about how to properly use a con- game. work together on each task. They Because so many request that a common way to contract dom. Those members who stayed on trip forms were returned by students these diseases is through unpro- "This year's skit was the best campus during the summer volun- still leave time for a nightly game to the Pub and an intense to receive the condoms, there are tected sex. I have seen so far," said Horneff. teered to pick other students up of Frisbee at 11:00 pm, however. "This is another attempt by members of the college community from the bus and train stations to temity "The best thing about our fra- bring them back to campus. is that we were friends be- saying that they care about the students. " -- Barb Horneff, Josh Bronson says of a recent fore, but now we're better associate dean of the First Year Program service event, "I really liked Drugs the friends," comments Elisabeth Race Crockett. Against K-Mart project because all the members Danielle Price emphasizes one left at this point. "This organization is helping "It was a very informational ses- "It ยท[the program] grew so the college community to become sion and extremely well-done." help[ed] out, which was a positive that "it's service with a friend." ufckly and unexpectedly. that we more aware of disease and personal . Although ASAP does pro- feeling. We invited other fratemt- APO is still looking for more ave run out of condoms," said life issues," said Barb Horneff, as- mote safe sex. they do preach ab- ties on campus to come along and members. One can be inAPO and mrein. sociate dean of the First Year Pro- stinence as the best form of con- help us." pledge another 'Greek organlza- "We are going to ask Smith gram. "This is another attempt by rraception. At the race, kids had a chance tion as well. ouse for some more condoms, so members of the college community "We are not trying to promote to sign up and race on various This service fraternity is open e can fulfill the requests that we saying that they care about the stu- premarital sex," said Stacey kinds of vehicles. Older children to anyone on campus; all you ave already received," Amrein dents." Myers, president of ASAP. drove go-carts, while the younger have to do is attend the meetings ones raced with big-wheels. aid. Horneff is a strong believer in "But people are having sex, and display interest. Originally, students were re- what ASAP represents and teaches and we realize this, so we want K-Mart donated $5 for every There is no pledging right eiving four condoms at a time. but child who signed up. APO and the now, you just have to have pride students. to help them have safe sex," said other volunteers helped on the ow, since the organization is re- In. a freshman seminar course Myers. track and were buddies for the in your community and the self- to serve it! lessness
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