Page 22 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, September 30, 1999 - Page 14 SPORTS Alcohol Awareness Week October 17-23, 1999 The Sports View Calendar of Events !:IY CHRIS ANASTASIA Monday, October 18th Asst. Sports Ed;/or Smash out the Stress-Memorial Square-sponsored by The Cure for the Orioles May Be played the majority of the season team The Ross BACCHUS A Bitter Pill For Fans To Swal- was definitely not successfol. It is Sports and View his thumbs get up this low. my opinion (that is the basis of this week. Nobody could have Luminaries in Memorial Square-sponsored by Phi Sigma Sigma Sometimes the times change, column, after all) that the only way guessed that the Lions without and you do not even notice it. I you become, and stay a good team Barry Sanders would not only be "Last Call... A Sober Look at Alcohol Abuse" an entertaining recently went to an O's game and in the future, is to play the talent 2 and 0 going into play Septem- and captivating production using comedy, drama,juggling and was surprised to see a number of you have. ber 26 but are also running the other vaudevillian techniques to shed light on alcohol. abuse young prospects in the starting The truth is, no matter how in- ball very well in the post-Sand- issues-Forum-sponsored by BACCHUS and IOC. lineup. experienced and green these rook- ersera. It was strange, to say the least, ies are, they are the future of the Reggie Rivers leads a run- to see the entire starting infield Orioles, and the future is now. ning back committee that has different from its opening day in- plowed over opponents in the Tuesday, October 19th carnation. The sight of Calvin opening weeks of the season. Tie One On- alar Plaza-sponsored by CAPBoard Pickering, Jerry Hairston Jr., Jesse You can't dislike a team that Garcia, and Ryan Minor all in the A big thumbs down to the Bal- has '.'underdog" written all over starting lineup brought out a timore Ravens for waiting until them and still finds a way to win Wednesday, October 20th mixed bag of responses from the week two to bench QB Scott Mitch- Alcohol 101- Hill Hall-sponsored by Phi Kappa Sigma rather thin crowd. "Aw, c'mon, en. What coach Brian Billick and Well, that about does it for Detective Martin Johnsen-will-address fake ID's Hairston sucks!" seemed to be a the Ravens front office should have this addition of the Sports View. recurring theme during the game. done was never trade two draft Next issue, I will be back with My friend Matt's defense- of picks for, in my opinion, the great- my opinions about the then- Calvin Pickering's tremendous est human impression of a walking settled playoff picture i~nbase- Thursday, October ztse hitting prowess was somewhat ham sandwich in history. This is a ball. If you get the chance, check Midnight Milk and Cookies-Ensor Lounge negated by his current .167 bat- guy nobody else even wanted, and ,out the Phoenix Sports Trivia ting average. the Ravens trade two draft picks to section that we added this week. All Events are Subject to Change Needless to say, these green' get him from the Lions. if we get a good response, we will only get better by Bobby may be able to give out prizes Maybe Lions Phoenix Spotlight: youngsters big league opposition. In Ross is not as stupid coach as so-called .Until next week, so check it out. facing to the winners, my opinion, this is what the Ori- I will see you once thought. Insiders" "Football Marvin Deal oles have to do. Lets face it, the often under-fire of the Lions and their in the cheap seats. Speaking old, oft-injured lineup has that head coach, Bobby Women's soccer BY MATI HURFF SJa!fWr;/er mutilates Muhlenburg For Marvin Deal, playing cornerback, or football for that The MulesJen Sands battled for matter, has not always been his pri- a loose ball close to the goal that mary athletic concern. The first she kicked past Lyter ..T.hat goal put love for this New Carrollton, Md., After a rough start of I win and the Mules back 'to "'wlthiri one, but product was soccer. He did not be- 2 losses, the Green Terror women's the Mule's threat wasn't over. gin playing football until his senior soccer team is undefeated in con- In a miscommunication, Giorno year when he was urged by his fa- ference play with a most recent 2 - passed the ball back to Lyter, but it ther to take to the gridiron. Even I defeat of regionally Ninth-ranked was intercepted by Muhlenberg's then, Marvin Deal was a quarter- Muhlenberg College Two per- Nancy Grove. Lyter dove to the back by trade, not a cornerback. fectly placed shots-and phenomenal ground and took the ball off of Despite this, Marvin has thrived goal-keeping secured the victory. Grove's foot to save the Terror from at the cornerback position at West- On one of the first Terror scor- the Mule's attack. That play got the ern Maryland College. This fact is ing drives, two-time All-Region Terror back in sync and recom- evident in his Centennial Confer- pick, Beth Blasi, nailed the ball in posed to finish the tough win. ence record 21 career interceptions the lower right hand comer of the The game ended 2-1. Lyter fin- and the two third team AU-Ameri- goal from 18 yards out off of a pass ished the day with 13 saves. The can honors that Marvin has accu- from freshman Melissa Merson. Terror had 8 shots overall com- mulated over his four years here at The duration of the half, end- pared to Muhlenberg's 13, but per- Western Maryland. ing 1-0, which was mostly played feet placement on the Terror's part The Centennial Conference in the middle half of the field with got them the win. record was attained when the 3-0 some Muhlenberg threats, was This game meant a lot to the Green Terror FootballTeam de- scoreless. Terror, who were' embarrassed at feated Randolph-Macon 28-7. Dur- The Terror defense lead by Muhlenberg last year by a 6- [ loss ing this game, Marvin tied, then sweeper Meaghan Giorno, success- in the season closer. This also puts broke the record, and in the process fully stripped the Mules of any the Terror back on track after their propelled the dominant Terror de- chance to get a good shot off once rough start, losing to Messiah (5- fense against a skilled Randolph- in the scoring zone. The shots that 0), a perennial-power, and losing Macon offense. were fired were saved by junior the first game of the Wesley tour- Marvin enjoys playing goalie Becca Lyter who finished the nament 1-0 in overtime. cornerback because of the man-en- half with five. The Terror hope to carry this man competition, which "tells you Muhlenberg, psyched to start momentum into their next few if you are in the game." Deal looks for an opening during a punt rerum against Ursinus the second half. suffered a blow games against Notre Dame and Coming into each season, Mar- vin has worn in every game going enjoys because it allows him to when Terror sophomore, Thea Goucher to be a final tune up for vin plans on "having a good sea- back to high school soccer. become involved in the offense. Bayly scored off on a high shot, conference foes Washington and son, play{ing] the game, and Of course, Marvin, a multifac- Off the field, Marvin aspires to over the goalie's shoulder, just a Ursinus. play[ing] it well," and accumu- eted athlete who has played and become a second grade teacher be- minute into the half. "This win sets the tone for lating eight to 10 interceptions a thrived at baseball, soccer, and cause an elementary teacher has Shortly after the Terror put the [playing] the rest of the confer- season. These are quite lofty per- football throughout his life, is most been a great influence on his life. score up 2-0 they started to relax. ence," summed up Giomo about sonal goals which he hopes to top concerned with team goals. As the He wants to give back to other kids That was when the Terror "got con- the win. off with a first team All-American Terror attempts to go for another in the same way, through teaching, fused and discombobulated," ex- nomination this season. These undefeated season, Marvin is will- and possibly as a football or base- plained Giorno. This led to the Editor's note: The soccer team also goals are somewhat insured be- ing to aid the team in any possible ball coach at some point. Mules lone goal eleven minutes defeated Dickinson 2-1 and cause of the lucky socks that Mar- way, even punt returns, which he into the half. Goucher 2-0
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