Page 169 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 169
Chambers resigns as WMC's Seventh President Coley named interim president as plans to search for the next president are being developed MICHAEL STOKES Chambers could not be reached and the successful completion of SwjJWriler by the Phoenix to comment for the the $40 million dollar Defining On April 10, 2000, Robert story. Moore said that it was his. Moment Campaign, Chambers officially resigned as the understanding that Chambers is "I was surprised and very sorry seventh president in the history of moving to Florida, ana that he does to see him go." said Philip Sayre, Western Maryland College. not seem to have any plans for the the dean of Student Affairs. Chamber's resignation hap- future at this time. Sayre was the first person pened during his 16th year as presi- Regardless of his future, Cham- Chambers hired back in 1984. He dent of this institution. bers will surely be missed by many too said that Chambers was a good He was on sabbatical for this at the college for the contributions friend and a wonderful boss. spring semester when he decided he has made to WMC. According to Sayre, one of that it was time to move on. Nancy Godwin, executive assis- Chambers' most important accom- According to Charlie Moore, a tant to the president and secretary plishments was that "he raised the WMC graduate and Trustee of the to the Board of Trustees, said, "I level of sophistication and reputa- college since 1993, Chambers told am devastated that he is gone. He tion of the college. the Board of Trustees that upon re- was my colleague and my friend, "Among other things, he estab- flection during his sabbatical 'he and a wonderful boss to work for." lished lectureships and concert se- decided that the timing was good Godwin points to just a few of ries, he said. "The tone of the cam- for him to move on in his life. his accomplishments that reveal his pus, because of him, is much bet- According to many, including impact on the college, including the Moore, his decision to leave the building of the new $13.4 million ter today than it was in the mid- 1980s." school was "certainly of his own science center, the establishment of Sayre also believes that the Dr. Robert Chambers, who will be leaving WMCjoliowing his Spring 2000 volition." ~ the Budapest, Hungary program, Continued on page 4 sabbatical, nos been credited for improving the college by renovating and envisioning camp!IS buildings the Defining Moment campaign Honor and Conduct Do athletes receive select treatment? Board is questioned CLAIRE AOAMS regulations state specifically that While wrestling during his StqjjWriter FRANCESCA SAYLOR effect of people coming forward? r What if a special pair of shoes
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