Page 172 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, May 4, 2000 - Page 4 NEWS Students andfaculty members react to Chambers' decision to resign continued from page J overall beautification of the campus over the Board to serve as interim president. dency will be to continue what Chambers office and the ad~issions office. There are past few years is due in large part to Cham- "He was a great president, and I can't did; however "the other part will be to form few on campus tha't kriow the college better bers' desire to improve the campus as a think of anyone I would rather work for," a future vision for the college with the com- than her," said Godwin. whole, admits Coley, who has been working in the munity." Sharpe also agreedwirf G6dwin,-saying There are many other members of the morning as provost and in the afternoon as Coley has not yet made a decision as to "We are fortunate to heave Joan, especially administration and facultythat are sad to see president. whether or not she wants to be considered someone with as muchexperience as her." Chambers move on. "It's been overwhelming, as both presi- for the full-time position as president. Dean Sayre also believes that Coley Joseph Carter, a professor of economics dent and provost of the college, but I'm com- "I was happy being provost, but I am still would be a good fit for the. president. and business and member of the faculty since fortable with what I am doing, mainly be- weighing the pros and cons of the position," Although "there area lot of strong people September of 1988, said, "I hate to see him cause it is interesting and challenging," said she said. on the. faculty and also H1e campus that are leave. We'll definitely miss Bob, he was a Coley. No one knows exactly how long it will capable to fill, the position," said Sayre. unique combination of a business man and A few days ago Coley was relieved of her take to find a new president, but the transi- Even though th'e'administration may be an academic." provost duties when Dr. Samuel Case, pro- tion committee, which is made up of trust- overwhelm~d in some ways with dealing Jane Sharpe, the associate librarian in fessor of exercise science and physical edu- ees, alumni, faculty, the administrative staff with the transition, an informal poll showed Hoover library and member of the staff for cation, was designated as the college's new and select students is scheduled to meet early that nine out of 10 students could care less almost 30 years, said, "During his tenure as provost. in May. about what is going on right now within the president, there's been a lot of advancements "I don't think that we are going to lose They hope to "begin the development of administration. at the college." any momentum," said Coley, in response to aplan that will lead to the recruitment of the One senior, who wishes to remain anony- The one faculty member that has been the new changes. eighth president," according to James mous, said, "I'm more worried about most affected by Chambers' resignation is "Because the executive teamis still here, Melhorn, chairman of the board of trustees. Siouxsie the [president's] cat then J 'am. WOf- Joan Coley, the former provost and now in- including myself and the three vice presi- No one knows who is going to be the next ~i::t.~bout who is g_oi~g. to become presi- terim president ofWMC. dents of the college, we are going to be able president, but many of the same people who . ,I Coley had been serving as acting presi- to stay focused on the shared goals that were adored Chambers feel that Coley is well Many students , are more worried about dent since late December and on Saturday, developed by all of us, including Bob," added suited for the position. finals, and others feel that the college will April 15 at the spring meeting of the Board Coley. "Joan has served in many positions on continue to do just fine, no matter who sits of Trustees was unanimously elected by th~ She went on to say that part of her presi- campus, including both the academic affairs in the president's office. Thanks for the Memories, Bob FRANCIS (SKIP) FENNEI,I, culture of the Deep South. deal. He enjoyed the robe, the medallion, the Bob Chambers continues to be the sort Professor of Education CASE - Carnegie FOllnd(l- Did you know Larry Bird recently met hat, the whole gig. His introductory com- lioll Professor of the Year _Maryllmd, 1997 of classic frustrated jock. Many have heard his maker? Not the former hoopster and cur- ments at virtually any ceremony were always Bob's old tale about missing some impor- Over 15 years ago I was honored to have rent coach of the Indiana Pacer, but Bob and something to behold, whether these were tant field goal as a kicker on his North Caro- been elected by the faculty to serve as one WMC's own Larry the Bird who had a about the late Tip O'Neil!, a friend, guest lina high school team (maybe it was an ex- of three faculty members involved in the prominent perch in the President's home. speaker, you name it. Trust me, we all want tra point). NOI an athlete, Bob was enam- search for a successor to Dr. Ralph C. John And then there is Siouxsie. What will be- to receive a Chambers tribute. ored by athletes, and athletics. In fact Bob as President of Western Maryland College. come of this campus legend? That cat has His remarks at my being named the continues 10 be enamored by people in power Dr. Mary Ellen Elwell of the Social Work had more press than several academic de- CASE - Carnegie Foundation Professor of athletically or otherwise. Department, Dr. Eth~n.A. Seidel of the Eco~ . partments on \,his, campu~.. ... .. th.e Year, for Maryland (1997) are my spe- A regular supporter of campus and re- n~~ics/~u~j~e~s Adm;n1.~t;ati~n Deparl- n' "A~ ~·resj"dert~of.VVMC, BODth·u'mbers· ....·d!tl memories \n this area.~B~b's t.aped re- gional sports events, Bob was proud ofWMC in'ehi,lygs lhe sam~l D'r~:SejdeC ~ndme.' , wa's th{iliHii n-;dn at'th~'·righni~(He' IS a 1 marks at the memorial seF;}ice'forhls prede- accomplishments in all sports' Mosi k·nbw As now Vice-President for Administra- man of incredible enthusiasm, interest, and cessor Dr. Ralph John are but a recent con- that Bob Chambers continues to be an ac- live and Finance Seidel likes to reporr, I was vision. He clearly wanted to make WMC bet- tribution-tc his expertise as an orator. Bob tive runner. Not very far, certainly not very in charge of copying the resumes of (he hun- ter in every way. He did. Look around. Most Chambers was certainly a ceremonial presi- fast (oh, I hope he reads this line!) Bob is dreds of candidates who clearly wanted to out there trudging his three miles most ev- become President ofWMC, but that's an in- Bob Chambers used to drive me crazy with his ery day of the week. He tells me it is every side joke. day now! The search took about a year. This guy unfailing ability to seem to know something about Ah, but probably the classic Bob Cham- from Bucknell was highly recommended by bers sports story was the time he played sec- a former Middle States evaluator of WMC everything. ond base for the faculty team in a softball as a possible candidate for our-presidency .. _ ~ ..... _ ~ , ;>0 _, - ... -~ game with the graduating seniors the after- His name was Robert HunterCha'mbers, III ... r\1ad~r~ won't rem.em~er when Red-$qu~re dent: that is probably an understatement. noon of Baccalaureate. A line ~ho( ii-bill a Nice pedigree too - Duke, Yale (where he was an ugly parking lot (for administrators Bob Chambers was a colleague. Bob en- senior arrived at Bob's nose prior to his mitt. taught Gary Trudeau and Kurt Schmoke and guests only) fronting a woefully inad- joyed the fact that he was a faculty member. Baccalaureate that evening had Bob regularly among others), and Brown. It was my task equate library. He taught - always. He was interested in what dabbing a still bleeding nose. To my knowl- (other than copying) to make phone calls to Other significant physical improvements his faculty colleagues were doing - always. edge that was the President's final appear- all those who chose to recommend this include but are not limited to the Hill Hall He loved to poke even provoke faculty de- ance in the faculty softball team's lineup. Chambers person. makeover of the former Memorial Hall, the bate and discussion. Bob Chamber's forte is the English lan- Of course all of these folks supported his new life given to what used to be called the During the time when the faculty debated guage, so he reads - a lot. Many of us were candidacy. I remember one such reference Art Building, now Peterson Hall. The growth the wisdom of moving from 3- to a-credit always amazed at the number of books he informing me that Bob Chambers would of Levine, the remake of what used to be my courses, I still believe Bob drug out the fac- had stacked in his home ready for reading. definitely become a president; it was just a former office and those of others in the Edu- ulty meetings, enjoyed the heated debates, Did he-really read all those books? We'll matter of time. So Bob Chambers came to cation Department into the admissions suites and seemed to ask the dumbest questions just never know. Well-read and knowledgeable Baltimore for his interview. in Carroll Hall. And on and on - including to keep folks engaged in the process - per- about writers and their genre, film seemed He was the only "top candidate" who the newest jewel on the Hill- Lewis Hall. A haps fray is a better word. to be his passion, particularly quoting lines could answer then Board of Trustee Presi- bricks and mortar president, sure that could Bob Chambers loved a pany, mostly as from films. I found this odd, but he enjoyed dent "Woody" Preston's standard question work as a legacy. an observer of people and behavior. He flits it - still does. I can still recall him matching regarding the second baseman of the Win- Ah, there's more. Bob Chambers used to well. He can't dance -little kno'wn fact. film titles and actual lines with Professor ston-Salem, North Carolina minor league drive me crazy with his unfailing ability to He established the fall faculty football Herb Smith on more than one occasion. baseball team - seems to me the answer was seem to know something about everything. gathering, regularly hosted events at the But, our president was fascinated by other Earl Weaver, but Seidel would remember. Worse, when he didn't he could fake it bet- President's House and enjoyed hosting guest things - travel, culture, and politics t9 name Anyone who knows Bob Chambers knows ter than most. As anyone who knows Bob speakers and others for social events on the other topics and issues which to this day con- he schmooses well. He was an easy top Chambers can attest, Bob is a schmoozer par Hill. Senior Week was also Bob's thing. The tinue to vie for this man's time. choice of our search committee. The Cham- excellence. He can meet and greet with the baccalaureate speech he gave at least 15 This is long enough. For over IS years bers Era began on the Hill. There are liter- very best. Everybody is a friend. times always highlighted the gala party in Bob Chambers has been president, leader, ally a myriad of memories and thoughts What's more, when he was prepared no- around and over Decker Center the night be- mentor, colleague, and friend to many of us flooding this composition about the Cham- body could toP. Bob Chambers from the po- fore commencement. during the Chambers Years. He had a lot to bers Years on the Hill. dium. I think Interim President Joan Coley But Bob truly enjoyed all of his col- do with defining who we are on the Hill. The mugs in his office, the Pez stuff, his coined the phrase that Bob eats adjectives leagues - facuity, staff, students, you name His persona defined for many of us good fascination with the King - Elvis Presley. I for breakfast. He just loves to pontificate. it. He was Bob Chambers. Call me Bob was years,' fond years on the Hill at Western always hated Elvis. I figure Bobjust couldn't If there is a ceremony anywhere - send his sorl of standard line. He valued the con- Maryland College. Defining Moments - in- leave everything about the South even' Bob. He brought back Baccalaureate. He tributions of all members of the campus com- deed. Good luck Bob - Thanks for the Memo- though·he despised the redneck attitude and made introductory Convocation into a big munity and celebrated them. ries.
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