Page 173 - Phoenix1999-2000
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EWS Bob Chambers changed the way football team was on the verge of we think of ourselves as a commu- setting a Division III record for nity and a college. When reflect- the students, and admin- consecutive losses. Who among us ing on his legacy, it is tempting to istration have all had the oppor- imagined that he would be leaving focus on the beauty of the campus, having celebrated our third con- tunity to reflect upon the signifi- the singular library, the extraordi- secutive undefeated season? cant impact Bob Chambers has nary laboratory building. But these Or that with the spring season made upon our entire college ar~ only physical manifestations of still in progress, our varsity teams community. I would now like to Bob Chambers' lasting contribu- would have already won five Cen- share a few of my personal reflec- tion to Western Maryland College. tennial Conference champion- tions from the perspective of an More than anything, Bob taught ships? Alumni and a Trustee. us to raise our sights. If he had As an academic dean and then First and foremost, J consider never been in our midst, we still , , as a college president, Bob never Bob to be a dear friend, These arc would have expanded the clearly Seidel helped hring Chambers 10 WMC. not words to be taken lightly, for stopped thinking of himself as a inadequate library, but would we I truly feel that friendship is an teacher first and foremost. The de- have built one that is the envy of others aspire? How many of us sire to be the best in every en- aspect of personal relationships our sister institutions and the cen- would have thought it appropriate, deavor, to not compromise in the that has to be earned. Bob has terpiece of our campus? If he had even possible, for a small liberal quest to be the best, this is the last- clearly earned this status through not been our leader, we would built arts college in central Maryland to ing lesson he taught us. his outstanding leadership and Moore worked with Chambers for service to the institution I dearly almost 15 years 011 the Board. love. Bob has provided: "' Bob Providcd The Resources: * Strategic leadership to The He fought many battles and left short autobiographies about our At the close of each class, Dr. Board of Trustees Classof '01 religious backgrounds and our pre- Chambers would summarize what- * Intellectually sound leadership no stone unturned to insure that When my advisor suggested vious English experiences. Dr ever we had discussed and provide to our faculty and administration the financial resources were avail- that I take a class with President Chambers listened intently and his own insights to help clarify our * Compassionate leadership to able for the College to respond to its multitude of competing priori- Chambers, I did not know what to seemed genuinely interested in us, thinking and raise other issues. Of our student body; and ties. expect. As a freshman, I hadn't had not only as students, but also as the three papers assigned, his re- * Enthusiastic leadership to the "' Bob Expressed Sincere Appre- much contact with him. I was un- people. This first class set the tone quirements allowed creativity and thousands of volunteers who give ciation: sure about what I was getting my- for the rest of the semester. original thinking. My classmates selflessly of their time and money When Bob thanked us for our ef- self into and very intimidated. As our class explored contem- and I turned in collections of po- to nurture the quality of this great forts (which was often), he did it On the first day of Religion and porary American literature and its ems, and short stories, as well as institution Literature, I sat at the enormous relationship to religious beliefs, we analysis based papers. Dr. Cham- How do I define Bob's leader- in a manner that made us feel appreciated. deeply For over 15 conference table in the President's formed friendships with each other bers always offered constructive ship? To me it is very simple. conference room surrounded by my and Dr. Chambers. criticism tempered by ample praise Bob's leadership had four key years we have been blessed with fellow classmates. Five in all. And Also, Dr. Chambers required us of the student works and was will- characteristics: Bob's leadership and friendship. we waited. to teach a ing to look over a draft for anyone. * Bob Created A Vision: However, the thousands of stu- He was late. class on two It was obvious that he took his po- He clearly excelled in his ability dents who will Come to WMC in After he sat of the 13 sition as professor seriously and to creatively challenge each of us the years ahead will more deeply down, Dr. texts that we cared about his students. to "think outside of the nine dots" and richly feel the true benefit Chambers were reading I feel very lucky that I took my and to push all of us beyond our these gifts. spread out during the advisor's advice and enrolled in previous limits. Bob, our greatest wish for you several yel- semester. Religion and Literature with Presi- * Bob Led The Way: is that you are leaving us know- lowed sheets This meant dent Chambers. It was a wonder- He never missed an opportunity ing that you have woven an intri- of notebook that we had ful introduction into the English to put forth the personal time and cate web consisting of the many paper with to do outside department and my studies here at energy to insure his Vision was people who will be forever grate- to ful for having the opportunity not e s research and Western Maryland College. scrawled be prepared over them in to lecture and red ink. He Amanda Lesher had the opportunity 10 discuss the glanced take Chambers' class in spring of 1998, novel for the lot for WMC. If you look at the of scholarly pursuits." about at the majority of News Co-editor buildings and the appearance of the Case, a WMC graduate in the expectant faces surrounding the the three hour class period. By The WMC email system has campus, this is the testimony of ef- class of 1963, has been teaching table. After greeting those students throwing us into the teacher's role, been busy over the past few weeks; fectiveness of his presence," he here for 35 years. During this time, whom he already-knew, he called he helped us to think in depth about first it was the campus an- he has coached wrestling, roll and smiled at us each in turn. literature and figure out how to nouncement of President track, cross-country, lacrosse, Immediately, he asked us for present our ideas {Q our peers. Robert Chambers' resigna- and was an assistant football tion and now it is the an- coach. Before becoming a nouncement that Dr. H. Sam Green Terror professor and Case'will be the acting pro- coach, he worked at other in- vost. stitutions and has held other Effective for the 2000- administration positions. 200 I academic year, Case, a "Coaching involves ad- professor of exercise science ministration-you have to plan and physical education, will practices, schedule meetings, fulfill the duties as the and motivate people," said College's provost while Case, as he drew a parallel be- Dean Coley becomes in- tween his experience as a terim president. coach and an administrator. Case said that he is Besides teaching and coach- gradually working himself ing, Case has also devoted his into the provost's duties, and time to the Mid-Atlantic his first event as the acting Chapter of American College provost was the Honors Sports Medicine, which he program's annual banquet just ended a term as president. on April 27. He is no Casewillserve(ls~'o!legeProvostllextyear. He has published works stranger to WMC's Honors in scholarly journals and has program; years ago he was the as- said. To quote the email Coley sent served as associate editor for two sistant director, along with Nancy out campus wide, Sam Case has it ~ational journals. Additionally, he Palmer. all: "the respect of his colleagues, has done research in Antarctica, During Chambers' tenure 01 WMC, one oj his contributions was the use of So how did Case feel about abundant historical perspective, which he will be giving a presen- Gary Trudeau's Doonesburv cartoons un college admissions materials. Chambers' resignation? "Sur- and a publishing and writing tation on soon-before he picks up Chambers is pictured above with a cut-out character from the cartoOIl. prised. Dr. Chambers has done a agendathatserveasafin~example the duty of an acting provost.
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