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NEWS, Thursday, May 4, 2000 - Page 3 Athlete treatment on campus -debated continued/rom page J Campus Safety Blotter uities within the athletic program cause of his success on the field. as well. "Male teams gel more pub- Selecky's first advisor, profes- The Department of Campus Safety Blanche Ward Hall. alcohol posses- >I< at 8:00 pm treatment rendered cases: the following reported >I< at 5:45 underage in DoCS Office. [icily," she said, "and there's going sor and chair of the exercise sci- 10 be preferential treatment of male ence department, Dr. Alex Ober, 416 at 9:20 pm treatment rendered sion in ANWIDMC "Quad". of rules/ 4117 at 12: 12 am unauthorized ac- cess to a college in PELC. facility in Peter- >I< at 5:58 pm violation athletes no matter where you go." explained that like many freshman 4/7 at II :35 pm parking/traffic crime in Albert Norman Ward Hall, son Hall. For instance, the WMC softball who come to WMC, Selecky violation for an illegally parked >I< at 9:59 pm possession of para- >I< at 12:45 am towed vehicle due team has enjoyed continuous sue- merely came here to play football. vehicle in Blanche Parking Lot. phernalia in Rouzer Hall. to excessive parking violations at cess and even placed third in the "He had the ability to do well, 4/8 at 12:34amdamaging in Rou- >I< at 10:14 pm underage alcohol Elderdice Parking Lot. NCAA East Regional Tournament but he didn't take his classes seri- zer Hall. possession in Daniel Maclea * at 9:25 pm stealing in Rouzer in 1998, but it is less known than ously," Ober commented. "Some- >I< at 12:47 am treatment ren- Hall. the football team's success. "If you how he was able to appease the dered in Albert Norman Ward 4118 at 6:55 pm towed vehicle asked WMC students, all of them standards. I question why he was Hall. due to parking in reserved space would know about football and able to continue to stay here and >I< at 3:09 am damaging in at Whiteford Parking Lot. maybe 30% of them would know return when he was not progress- Blanche Ward Hall. 4/19 at 4:30 pm treatment not about softball," says Bell. ing in a normal fashion as a stu- 419 at 12:55 am treatment ren- rendered in DoCS Office. Many other students believe dent." in Rou- that top WMC athletes receive bet- Ober believes that for a large dered in DoCS Office. conduct >I< at 9:30 pm dishonesty >I< at I :55 am disorderly zer Hall. ter housing both on and off cam- part most athletes at WMC do not pus. A 1999 WMC graduate ex- receive preferential treatment, but in Albert Norman Ward Hall. >I< at 11 :30 pm a hit and run ve- hicle accident at Albert Norman 4110 at I:32 pm a fire alarm for plained that she knew one athlete Selecky was a "good example of unknown reasons in Rouzer Ward Parking Lot. who, in exchange for playing foot- an exception." Hall. 4/20 at 10:05 pm treatment not ball, had his.apartment rent paid for Associate Dean of the First- 4/13 at 2:20 am trespassing in rendered Off Campus. by the Athletic Department. Year Program Barbara Horneff, Whiteford Hall. 4/21 at 1:19amassaultin Rou- Preferential treatment may in who was Selecky's second advisor, >I< 3:30 pm a hit and run accident >I< at 10:30 pm underage alcohol zer HaJL tum aid the success of the team. explained that many people prob- at Pennsylvania Avenue. possession in Rouzer Lane. * at I:45 am disorderly conduct One current WMC football ably question Selecky because he 4/14 at 11:45 am treatment refused * at 10:40 pm tampering with fire in Blanche Ward Hall. player who asked to remain anony- was vocal about coming to WMC in DoCS Office. prevention equipment in Rouzer * at 2 pm damaging in Albert mous said, "I think football play- to play football. .* at 1:30 pm stealing in Blanche Hall. Norman Ward Parking Lot. ers do get preferential treatment, "Everybody that comes here Ward Hall. 4/16 at 12:05 am possession of al- 4/22 at 10: II pm towed vehicle from scholarships to housing. The comes here with an agenda," she * at 10:55 pma towed vehicle due cohol in Gazebo. due to excessive parking viola- success of the team has made the said. "I can't be critical of a per- to blocking traffic at Whiteford >I< at I:30 am unauthorized access tions at Department of Campus faculty and administration more son who has a different agenda. J Parking Lot. to a college facility in Blanche Safety Office. lenient, which in turn has helped don'tplayGod,nordolplayjudge 4/15 at 12 am underage alcohol boost the football team's success. and jury." Ward Hall. * at 10: 15 pm towed vehicle due possession in Rouzer Hall. * at 2: 13 pm trespassing Campus to excessive parking violations at They've built on top of each other." Homeff explained that Selecky >I< at 7 am possession of "kegs" in Wide. Daniel Maclea parking lot. The football player recalled a had to meet the same standards as conversation with other teammates every other student at WMC. "He athletes. in which they were discussing the did not come to a dean and say the Gamma Sigma Sigma Also, large academic scholarships they 'Keep me in school." Too much difference students may forget I and , e Division between received. He explained that eachof emph~sis has been put on this Division III school. "Sometimes the players admitted to being be- Torrtmy Selecky thing. There are 'a'W;"""ar"~d'e\"'l~charter,vi~i6B~ยท~iri< low-average students in high things thathave beenexaggeiated." tality,th;nkingthey'ligetO;v;s;on ' .ac' "U .' . , ._._"0' "". school and did not know how they Part of the confusion may have I treatment ata Division Ul school," earned the scholarships. its roots in the admissions and fl- Homeffsaid. "I don't think there is JOAN FAULKNER ready completed, they have al- ~'There is so much evidence that nancial aid process. a division between athletes and StajfWriler ready shown their dedication to would indicate there is something Dean of Admissions Martha nonathletes at WMC." Watch out Greek life! There's the ideals of the sorority." now! on campus going on," he said. "Not all of it is O'Connell explained that there are WMC Director of Athletics another sorority 30, Gamma Sigma Jennifer Jorio, vice president As of April true, but some of it has to be be- academic scholarships and finan- James Smith explained, "We take Sigma officially received their of service for Gamma Sigma cause I hear athletes talking about rial-aid packages that are compiled pride in treating students equally." charter after a year of hard work Sigma, says the idea for starting it all of the time." He continued to separately for each student. She Smith blames the accusations on and dedication. the sorority was when Carrie and explain that many athletes brag believes that when students receive general misconceptions about the With 48 members, Gamma Newman, Michelle Voight, to start Mary Anne Tyler wanted difference between Division I and Sigma Sigma has made itself the a service sorority. "I think football players do get preferential Division III schools. largest Greek organization on cam- They assembled a group of 12 treatment, from scholarships to housing. Some students believe that pus. students, and went to Betsy Chi- WMC has attracted such talented It has been a colony at WMC, mock, assistant director of Col- The success of the team has made the football players by offering money. and was eligible to be chartered in lege Activities, to look at all the explained, "We do every- faculty and administration more lenient. " Keating we can in regard to federal February. President Amanda Cline national sororities. thing has been "on the phone pretty much they chose Gamma However. -Unnamed team member regulations on giving financial aid every day calling someone from Sigma Sigma, a national commu- packages." He believes that the ath- nationals to make sure this [the nity service organization. letes are drawn to WMC because charter] happened." about receiving a large academic" need-based aid packages, they of its great reputation. Cline says earning the charter The group "wanted to start an scholarship while having a poor sometimes get them mixed up with Bell and other athletes stilI is like "moving from being a terri- organization on campus that was academic performance in high academic scholarships. "I certainly claim that being a Green Terror ath- . tory to a state, in the nation of social, Jorio says, but a dry so- school, Other students would claim understand why families get con- tete helped their financial aid pack- Gamma Sig." rority that concentrated solely on that the accusations are all hearsay. fused," she said, "because the titles ages. Since the group's debut as a service, friendship, and equality." Senior, football player Greg are used interchangeably." "It was a ton of work," says explained that he as- Keating Dubell believes that the idea of O'Connell aJso commented that sumes the rumors are due to incor- colony a year ago, "bylaws and Jorio, because they had to "fig- rules had to be passed by standing preferential treatment for athletes coaches, among other WMC fac- rect perceptions. "Any time you the colony and sent to an executive ure out officers, pledge them- at WMC is based completely on ulty members, often inquire about have success, people want to tear branch," says Cline. Two visits and selves, plus make their own con- rumor. "Look at the stereotype of admission and scholarships given you down.vKeertng said. "Some- two reports were also required. stitution." athletes. Then compare OUf school to certain perspective student ath- body wants to find something Cline goes on to say that the But Jurio believes that the end to Division I schools," he said. letes. If coaches find out that an- wrong, and they'll exploit that." chartering "would not have hap- result was definitely worth it. Head football coach Tim Keat- other institution is offering more As far as upholding the impor- pened without these women. Ev- "Community service makes you actually ing was astonished to hear that stu- money in a scholarship, O'Connell tance of academics, Keating ex- eryone has been so enthusiastic and feel that you're in the world," making she a difference dents believe preferential treatment explained, they want to know why. plained that if he finds out one of positive." says. " is given to athletes at WMC. "In However, some athletes may his players is not attending classes, Joan Coley, Acting President We give back a little to soci- my seven years of experience here expect preferential treatment based he will not allow them to play in and Provost, spoke at the Gamma ety of what we've gotten from it." at WMC I've never heard of it or on their experience in high school. games. "Football and other sports Sigma Sigma's formal held last seen it, but it occurs at other Divi- Homeff explained that some without an education will get them March, and strongly supported this The sorority's mainstay, Jorio sion III schools without question," athletes might have received pref- nothing," he said. community service organization. says, is the idea of a nonselective he said. erential treatment in high school. Homeff agreed, "If a student Coley said that "this organiza- group because we "want every- Some wonder whether former She recalled two students specifi- isn't going to class and isn't doing tion will no doubt contribute ina one to feel included and have football player Tommy Selecky re- cally that had grades altered in their their .work, that jeopardizes the positive way to the campus. Given fun." ceived preferential treatment be- high schools because they were Rush for the next pledge class team as a whole." the service hours that they have al- will be held in the fall of 2000.
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