Page 174 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, May 4, 2000 - Page 6 'N EWS members of the World Church of the Cre- knowledge., _ 'j rt.. side of thehouse. -)IJt.11 ,Ii.; ,. i Iii':! 1::1; SWffWriler. at9f placed recruitment pamphlets on cars in .: W,MC sociology professor Jean Shin ex-, .!I Byrd erplainedthat theywanted rospread Imagine confronting hale (ace to face. ,WMG parking.lots. plained that the lack.of knowledge people]. ' the message that.ltwe shall One WMC campus safety member did, l' IDirectorofMulticulturalSendcc_s Grace, nave. gets; translated into a; blame on e.cer, .)f. ,1.,Recently, WMG:~ulturallgr0upsJand' while stopped at a red light il'! Manchcster.t Almandrez explained that "Borhf Carroll :! tain group.fora societal.problem .. "1 • -Greek.organizations-worked togetherao pro- While his tinted car windows hid his.iden- County and WMC are small communities ' Explanations coupled with the use of re- tuole,,a stronger community by bringing 'my to Ku Klux Klan members rallying that are mainly white. I think there's a mis-, ligion can be quite attractive to impression- former Aryan Nations propaganda leader, nearby, he could see quite clearly what was conception that hate crimes and bias-moti- able people, he said. fI FJoyd, ,_,~b ;1.rlJ· l1i about to take place. vated incidents do not occur. Therefore, both Collins believes that the.hate crimes corn- Since then Multicultural Students Asso- Hate approached his car and knocked on communities are reactive versus proactive." mitted on campus and in the area have the driver's side window unknowingly. ,rWhile WMC has made diversity an, im- .broughr issues to the forefront at WMC. '''I ciation PresidentCamille.Cook has received on how to react to hate crimes pamphlets That's when the white-robed Klan member portent goal, much of Carroll County needs think there's a stronger level of diversity," from the director of the Edu- surprisingly came to find that the driver was to also. he said. cation and Vigilance Network. not white, but rather a person of color. Carroll County National Association for Awareness in response_ to the crimes has Cook hopes that in the future the MSA, Campus Safety senior supervisor Chris the Advancement of Colored People mem- come from some Carroll County leaders. Union, and other campus Collins recalls from his experience, "I could ber and WMC music professor Eric Byrd Westminster Mayor Ken Yowan com- Black Student can work together and educated or- ganizations see the fear in his eyes." explained that currently there are no African mented, "Obviously, in our country we have area teenagers about diversification and fac- While, Collin's experience occurred American teachers in the county public freedom of speech and people are allowed nearly 10 years ago, hate groups are still ac- school system. to say things covertly. Individuals espouse. ing batred. are promoted through Fear and ignorance tive in Carroll County and hate crimes still "This world is so diverse, so the county hatred that many of us find revolting. On the bate crimes, Cook said. "Hate crimes drive threaten many count)" residents. should be also," Byrd said other side of the coin, I think it is incumbent people apart and force them to become hos- Diversification and multicultural aware- Byrd, a WMC graduate and Carroll upon leaders to speak out against what these tile and hesitant toward positive relation- ness have become main goals ofWMC fac- County resident, went on to explain that groups and these people stand for." ships." ulty and students. while he feels diversification is poor in the Yowan describes himself as being "cau- Webster feels that the 1992 incident was The Southern Poverty Law Center, which community, he thinks WMC has largely im- tiously optimistic" about Carroll County's for increase keeps track of-active hate groups all over the proved since he first attended in 1988. future in diversification and believes that a catalyst on campus. racial awareness and attention country, found that in 1999 Maryland was In 1992, racial epitaphs were burned into parents have to playa large role in educat- "Although it was a sad thing," he said, home to roughly 12 hate groups. the WMC golf course and sprayed onto the ing children about related issues. "it was also a good thing." The groups range from the World Church tennis courts,' and National Alliance pam- "Prejudice is not something we're born the multicultural clubs have pro- of the Creator in Finksburg and Towson to phlets were placed in campus mailboxes. with, it's something we're taught," he said. vided While many educational programs, Alman- the KKK in Woodsboro, 20 miles from West- Campus Safety director Mike Webster ex- WMC has made efforts to reach out to drez said she would like to have more stu- minster. plained that individuals were targeted when the community and support diversity. dents and groups take part. Manchester police Chief Timothy hate flyers were put under the doors of mi- In 1997, a single African American "If diversity was infused in all our cur- Timmons reported that while the same KKK nority and international student residents in woman was planning to move into a new ricula, if more people attended multicultural group that Collins encoun~er .is still .in Rouzer. house in Taneytown with her children. Be- programs, if there was a community effort Manchester, they've been "relatively curet Byrd recalls, "At the time there was a fore she was able to move in, a racially mo- to make diversity a priority, I believe there lately." polarization. People were either shocked and tivated perpetrator destroyed the house. wouldn't be these hate crimes, she said. The last reported hate crime on campus outraged and others didn't care." The WMC Gospel Choir in turn raised "01 Education took place in November 1999, when three Most people blame hatred on lack of roughly $250 for her and held a rally out- change." and an open mind are key to GBTOYOTA ' TOYOTA-101 MORE VALUE/LESS MONEY INTRODUCING THE ALL NEW TOYOTA ECHO Starting under $10;000 - About $12,000 well eqUipped. THERE'S AN ECHO OUT THERE! Great looks on the outside, great room on the inside. Cruise the highway at 40 MPG· ...very thrifty. Power?Plenty! It's a 1.5 liter hi-tech 16 valve DOCH engine with variable valve timing (new) that kicks out 108 horsepower any time you want it. And best of all, Echo statts at just $9,995 t • New ue~nl thru Toyota Motor Credit helps those with limited credit history buy or lease a new Echo or Celica. See dealer for details. [~TOYOTA real\lCllues.everyday,] 'EPA tmrIalro32139 CttylUwy ,u~llc, 34141 CirJIH.,..,. manual. "BeSt: YSRP aducfiDJ tlI1I5pOttatien, tlil, tIft.oo ItgtclllllJr ~btd cqulpmtnL
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