Page 164 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 164
FEATURES Exhibition Shows OfrWork' of Student Art Majors Student art work will be on display April Before his wife passed away, Mr. Wentz 12 through May 3 in the Esther Prangley Rice enrolled in art courses at WMC. This is how Gallery. he fell in love with painting. The juried Kathryn E. Wentz Art Show His generous gift to the college in her features work by WMC's art majors and in- memory is used to fund awards and ribbons cludes sculpture, print making, drawing, pho- which are given for the best art work pre- tography, painting, and computer graphics. sented at the final student show. An opening reception, which will be free The gallery, located on the top floor of of charge as well as open to the public, will Peterson Hall, is open Monday through Fri- be held Wednesday, April 12, from 7-9 pm day. in the gallery. In addition to the featured exhibit, the Al- The final show of the spring semester was bert and Eva Blum collection is on conunu- renamed in 1984 to honor the late wife of ous display in the Rice Gallery. For hours Harold F. Wentz, a retired Pennsylvania phar- and more information call x595. Courtesy of Public Information "It couldn't happen to me." "I am too careful. " Dr. Eshleman, WMC's only professor 0/ computer science i.~often found ill the Lewis Lab "I always look out for what is bestfor me at Hero of Computer Science parties." BILLIE Jo SHORB Another student of hers, junior Christa SlaffWrittr Farrar, said that she doesn't know of another Loyal, devoted, humble. outgoing, patient professor "who is as available, open, or pa- This is what one out of three college women and honorable ... tient as she is with her students." In addi- Not every WMC employee deserves tion, "She is always willing to stop what she say before they are raped. words of praise like that, but then Dr. Linda is doing to help a student, even if it means Eshleman is hardly your average associate leaving her office to come to the lab." professor of math and computer science. A time when Eshleman's availability was Support Rape Awareness After working at WMC for 30 years, her especially helpful occurred late last semes- work ethic has not changed. "You can't get ter. At 8:30 the night before the Computer Candlelight Vigil much more dedicated," says her friend and Programming II final, two students found colleague of30 years, Dr. Robert Boner, also themselves in need of her assistance. April 18,2000 a math professor. They called her office and sure Eshleman, originally from Fort Lauder- not only was she there, but she let /ililt:ftC ......wUl changing," which is one reason why some- Why? There simply is no visible way to be StYlJed_ one who teaches in this field must continu- measure her efforts, except by the expansion obsly learn new things about it. ' of the department. Eshleman devotes tremendous hours to Bonercommented, "outside.ofthe'depart- her job. She is on campus from 8:30 in the merit, no one really knows what she does." 11 morning to 10:00al night on four weekdays, Likewise, Farrar mentioned that except for andusuallycbmes back on Sundays for five students that have seen her efforts;" people hours.' Morgan describes her dedication as are not aware of the time, patience. and exemplary. "I don't know anyone who puts knowledge it takes for one person to db all I in as much time as she does," he says. that work."
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