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SPORTS Thursday, April 13,2000 _-Page 15 Centennial Conference and NCAA D-III lacrosse stats Reitenbach said. StaJJWriter But as last season wore on, Reitenbach Western Maryland's 7 0 start in men's began to see Brown's development take form Conference Scoring: lacrosse garnered the team national attention, last season. as they flirted with a top 20 ranking. "He did make significant improvements 1st. Tom Brown 59 Pts The Terror dominated the offensive sta- during the year last year, as a feeder, and as tistics in the Centennial Conference, both as a ball carrier, as a shooter," Reitenbach said. 2nd. Brett Sweeney 48 Pts. a team and individual leaders. But one player Brown furthered his development this has done more than that. WMC's attackman year by deciding not to play football in or- 3rd. C. Anderson 33 Pts. Tom Brown has dominated the national der to participate in fall bal!. His one year of scene. college experience, and his participation in Only a sophomore, Brown leads the na- fall ball have paid big dividends for the Green Conference Goals: tion in scoring with an astounding 42 goals Terror lacrosse team this season. and 18 assists. Prior to the Swarthmore game, "!'mjust more accustomed to the college 1st. Tom Brown 42 goals in fact, he was a full point a game ahead of game this year. I had a big learning year last the next-leading scorer year, ana1'm still learning, but a lot of the 2nd. C. Anderson 22 goals There were signs of his offensive prow- things that coach was teaching me all year ess during his freshman year, as he led the last year finally started to sink in," Brown 3rd. B. Sweeney 21 goals team with 41 points. and showed a knack for said. getting the ball in the net. But it's not just his ability to score that "He's a pure shooter. He's always been Reitenbach sees major improvements. Conference Assissts: very good at putting the ball past the goalie, "Tommy's worked very hard to become between the pipes," WMC Head Coach Keith a better feeder, become a better ground ball 1st. B. Sweeney 27 assts. Reitenbach said. guy, to incorporate his skills into the team It seemed, however, that there was going offense," he said. 2nd. Tom Brown 17 assts. to have to be a lot of improvement in Brown's Brown is certain to break WMC's single game before he could be truly dominant. season scoring records, and is still in good 3rd. Joe Ellis 17 assts. "Last year, as a freshman, having not shape to be the nation's leading scorer come played fall ball (in order to play football) he the end of the season, but he says these things really struggled to overcome the bad habits don't interest him right now. *Western Maryland College that he carried with him from high school. "I don't have any statistical goals, 1 just They didn't prevent him from being success- want to try to keep improving, and never ful in high school, but they prevented him slow down, always keep improving and just players' names in italics from being very successful at this level," playas hard as I can all the time," he said. Wanna make money? Do you have an interest in sales and marketing? ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING The Phoenix is looking for an AdvertisinglBusiness Manager Spring Semester 2000 for the Fall 2000 semester. 11:30-12:30 Duties include selling advertising, maintaining financial records, and Every Other Thursday Exact compensation will be discussed betweenthe applicant and the April 20 Editors-in-Chief. May 4 If interested, please pick up an application from the Phoenix Box at the Information Desk. After viewing applications, interviews will be conducted. Location -- Smith House If you have any questions call Laura or 1enifer at x 8600. Call Ext. 243 for an appointment Deadline is April 27th! Send applications through campus mail to either Laura Kelley or Jenifer Sirkis.
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