Page 163 - Phoenix1999-2000
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FEATURES Thursday, April 13,2000 - Page 11 you want to leave, leave! Scorpio (Oct. 24- Nov 21) Pay close attention to your dreams Virgo (Aug. 23- Sept. 22) this month and stop wetting your What is your favorite memory of The planets are aligned and this is bed. your month. You will accomplish Spring Fling? Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21) Words and pictures by Erin Owen You are known for your quick wit and knowledge of useless facts. Put these skills to good Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) use and try on that fake dol- Your sign, the bull, represents phin nose. power and strength but this "Sophomore year hanging month, the only bull you'll be Capricorn out with my 'photo shoot' full of is the kind that comes (Dec. 22- Jan. 19) friends in secret while out in liquid form. Stop BS- Stop underestimating your tal- watching the thunderstorm ing, pop down some Pepto, ent, you too can be the next and get to work! Cheazy E. roll in." Krysta Stacey '00 Gemini (May 21- June 21) Aquarius (Jan. 20- Feb. 18) Let loose your wild side dur- You look good this month! ing Spring Fling and show ev- Shake that booty and get some eryone those new Backstreet too! Boys dance moves you've learned (you know you want to). everything on your "to-do" list ex- Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20) cept your laundry, but Virgos are You dance like a fish out of water, Cancer (June 22- July 22) supersmart and know how to flip but don't worry there is still hope. Remember that life is full ofpossi- things inside out. Hook up with a Gemini for the lat- bilities. Follow your heart and' it est dance moves. "Performing with the show will lead you to distant places. Libra (Sept. 23- Oct. 23) choir-our tape broke and or at least the nearest McDonald's. Your exercise routine could use a IT today is your birthday: there was a rush to use the little of Richard Simmons' help. Remember one thing during Spring microphone. " Gel off the couch and start sweat- Fling: beauty is in the eye of the Melanie Weinzirl '02 beer holder. 64 and Gameboy), Sony at Sak and Lago have compiled some SlajfWriler (Playstation of the weirdest video game quotes I & 2), and the surprisingly return- all into one well-organized site. You knol'£, I really Jove video ing Sega [www.sega.ccrn/ Who can forget, "Fight Megaman 1 ga;"es. They're a whole lot of fun, homepagej (primarily Dreamcast). For everlasting peace!"? and nowadays there's a game for Others are about 10 enter the fray, nearly everyone! Whether you play (most notably Microsoft with its X- Zeroes Unlimited [http:// "How the whole campus Pokemon, Final Faritasy, Gran Box) but for now these remain the] came together and we just Turismo, Lunar or Smackdown, big three. This guy has an even more bizarre this Rat's Web is for you! Having trouble with a game? I sense of humor then Seanbaby. He had fun like a community It's good to stay on top of your can't think of anything more frus- reviews bad video games. And I should. " gaming news when you're as into trating then getting stuck in the mean bad, like Mega Crap (the ac- Maya Redfearn '02 'em as r am. Otherwise how would middle of a game I love (Grrr ... tual name), or Violence Fight, or I know when the games I'm wait- FB!). The following sites can help the ever-inscrutable Hangly Man. ing for (Lunar: Eternal Blue, Kirby you escape this fate. He also has other stuff here like info 64) are coming out? And how do GameFAQs-www on the cut sex scene from Tron. you know what games are good? The following sites offer up to the (FAQ = Frequently Asked Super Smash Bros. Official Site minute news, reviews and previews Questions.) In this case the ques- f of the newest releases. / tions will be about whatever game enter.htmlJllove this game. How you look up. There's an incredible many ways do I love this game? I [www.videogames.comJMyfavor- selection here with the Nintendo 8- love playing Jigglypuff and putting ite video games site (and not just bit, Super Nintendo. Sega Saturn, Link to sleep when he has a bomb because of the easy to remember and other "dead" systems repre- in his hand. I love bodyslamming eddresst); this site offers daily news sented. 'regularly visit this site and someone as the ultimate puffball and interesting features. "The His- have found it most helpful. Kirby. tory of Nintendo" was fun, as was GameSages_ l love kicking Fox in the tail "Top Ten Villans of all Time." with Samus and r love kicking my There are also codes, previews, and One of GameFAQs sister sites, friend's asses in this Nintendo reviews for the latest games, but not this site provides codes, tricks and fighting game. And don't forget the for older ones unfortunately.' also hints for tons of games from nearly all-powerful Shoe Scuff attack! find their logo to be a great eye- every system. Got a Colecovision Well, I guess that's about it for sore. (Why?) then they have codes for now. If you'll excuse me I have to Another site is Happy Puppy you. go walk my cows in Havest Moon [ ]. Finally, here are some miscel- (Gowy gets cranky if Idon't.) Good This site recently changed their laneous video game related sites: luck in your games and remember design, and I'm not particularly to beware the puffball! fond of the new one. Still, they of- Seanbaby's NES Page [http:// fer good reviews and news. They] Oh right, it's the Weird-Ass Site "Getting drunk and don't cover the handhelds (Game This guy is freaking hilarious! of the Issue: rioting. " Boy etc.) unfortunately, which Man, if you had an 8-bit Nintendo Matt Libber '01 makes them lag far behind as a kid or ever played one, you Qatar International Desert Mara- in my eyes. They have to check out this page! thon - also offer good computer game in- I know next to nothing about the formation. Zany Video Game Quotes [http:1 tiny Middle-Eastern country of The major console players out Iwww.portalofevil.comlzanyvgJ Qatar, but thanks to this site I now there are Nintendo [www. I featured this page before, but it can follow the QIDM from my] (featuring Nintendo more then deserves a return visit. home computer!
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