Page 109 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 109
COMMENTARY Thursday, February 24. 2000 - Page 5 Internet still poses problems I have a problem about this Mark Henry elaborates on far, we are still waiting for the off the mark by Mark Parisi whole Internet thing. his experiences with the Ethernet cables, along with the See, the other night I was log- slow internet service. Ethernet cards, which most of us ging on at about 9:55 and, expect- still need to buy. ing a long wait, so I took out some This brings me to my next point. Also, when most of us go to the homework to do. If so many people are waiting to Ethernet, what will the data phone An hour goes by and I got con- get on, and the Ethernet is hooked be used for? nected. I got all excited because I up, why not let people start to use If they are worthless, will we be had to talk to a friend and get some it? able to bring them back and get our important messages. But, as it I mean, hey, you hook the thing money back? would turn out, the system up in the two freshmen dorms and This whole process was poorly wouldn't let me log on to you aren't using it yet? planned and the student body hasn't "excite.corn," "," or my Another thing, while they were been provided with information instant messenger. hooking the Ethernet wires in the about this process and what it I got so mad because I had a lot rooms, a couple of my friends and means. of important things to do on the In- myself had their rooms trashed due This whole Internet situation is ternet and I had to log off. Then, I to the process. not student friendly. If you are go- had to wait for another twenty plus The workers leftthe dressers ing to make people wait, you bet- people to log off in order to get and the cabinets in my room all ter make sure that the system is back on. And, after that, I got dis- over the place. accurately working. connected after waiting another The workers doing this didn't If you going to make a promise hour or so. respect the personal stuff in each about having the Ethernet working My problem is, if the service is room. They just moved objects and when we get back, then you should going to take so long to connect, left them in disorder. live up !O it. then they have to make sure that We were led to believe that we How do you expect a student to when you log on, you are actually would be using the Ethernet when do well when you don't provide all logged on. we returned from January break. So the tools that they will need? The Aftermath of Reflections of a semester abroad Valentine's Day Where is Hungary? Do they ride crazy, suicidal Italian. I never be- camels there? Are you going to Laura Beth Kelley shares lieved the word Schmuck would be Matt Hurff discusses the This brings to question whether have to wear a veil?These are some how her semester studying used as the name of a store. Many upon commercialization of a Valentine's Day is a holiday of of the questions I was asked last se- abroad changed her life. people in Budapest wear the ever deciding to study abroad holiday meant for love. love, or another time of commer- mester. I would mechanically an- on your tram and haven't show- popular San Francisco 5gers jacket. cial exploitation? swer that Hungary is in central Eu- ered. Inever thought Iwould sit up I never thought cars would speed Finally, the Valentine's Day I certainly agree with Graham; rope where they indeed drive cars up when you cross the street as if rush to purchase the perfect roses, Valentine's Day is an occasion on roads and the fact that they are all night on a train just to save $20 they get money for every person candies and cards for your signifi- where people should do things for westernized does not dictate a new instead of buying a couchette. I they hit. Inever 'thought I would cant other is over. each other because they want to, wardrobe. I began to question my never thought I would spend 54 be nearly hit by a tram, not once, Retailers, however, are not so not because they feel obligated. hours on a train in one weekend just but twice, or that I would get my decision, glad to see this holiday of love de- That is why I disagree with. tive. but tried to remain posi- to see Barcelona and be willing to hand stuck in the door trying to Iwould part. massive over-commercialization of Before coming to Budapest, I do it again. Inever thought robbed my keep them open. I never thought the be awake while thieves That's because this past the holiday, or any holiday for that held a mental image of my life sanitary conditions would be so low Valentine's Day was one of the matter. abroad. My housing would be in a friend on a train from Spain to throughout Europe that the contents or end up rummaging Switzerland most lucrative ever, thus causing Previous to Valentine's Day, I hotel, classes would be conducted through all the trash cans in search of the toilets on some trains empty onto the tracks. directly three days a week, and I would take of her wallet. While away from Westminster, "It would be great if people sent each advantage of the extra free days to I never thought I would see the I never thought I would say "I re- other cards and gifts because they really travel to as many cities as my Eurail Mona Lisa and find her prettier in ally miss wal-Mart." I certainly pass would allow. I saw myself person compared to all the prints never thought I would miss Glar. want to. Unfortunately, they don't ... " adjusting to new spices and food of her. I never thought I would Well, okay, maybe not the food, but concoctions as well as communi- make it up all 284 steps to the top rather the idea of having the food consumers to spend approximately recall seeing an advertisement for cation through gestures. All this of the Arc de Triomphe alive. Yet, "$1 billion on candy, $1 billion on the holiday on most commercial happened. However, throughout the breathtaking view of Paris made ready in one location every day and cards and $1.6 billion on jewelry" breaks, and constant reminders my stay, I found rnyself experienc- it all worthwhile. I never dreamed not having to search for a restau- rant. according to Richard Feinberg, pro- popping up on my computer screen. ing things I never expected. I would be part of a mar fessor of marketing at Purdue Uni- At first. these advertisements I never thought [ would be re- riage proposal on the top of the If you told me a year ago I versity. did not bother me, but after awhile would have been in Budapest last This certainly was true in West- I noticed that they are all worded minster; as the bustle for flowers in such a way that makes you feel I strongly encourage anyone who has ever considered studying and gifts was at fever pitch at guilty if you do not buy a piece of abroad to do so. The experience has changed my life. My trip Dunerer's Florist on Pennsylvania jewelry, box of candy or send a Avenue. bouquet of flowers. exceeded my expectations. Manager Lori Graham said that This is quite paradoxical to the "they were extremely busy, espe- sentiments of Graham. lieved to see the Beta Hotel Gar- Eiffel Tower. I never thought the dally since Valentine's Day fell on Therefore, Iagree with Western den after a long weekend trip or semester, Iwould have thought you Alps in Austria and Switzerland were crazy. I was one of those na- a Monday." Maryland College Sophomore refer to it as "home." I never could be more majestic than any ive people asking questions. I just She explained that Monday is a Lauren White when she says, "It thought I would be able to under- picture I've seen. I never dreamed went to the information meeting particularly arduous day for would be great if people sent each stand and confidently use the city my childhood fantasy of spinning with a friend so she wouldn't have Valentine's Day to fall on because other cards and gifts because they public transportation system. Ican on the Untersberg Mountain sing- to go alone. Some days Ifelt ready many tend to want their flowers really want to. Unfortunately, they go see a recent (at least for Budap- ing ''The Hills are Alive" like Maria to go home. Now that I am home, delivered to schools and the work- don't. So that's why Valentine's est) movie for $3 with stadium seat- in The Sound of Music would come somedays I wish J was in Budap- place on this day. Day is so important." ing and assigned seats. I never re- true. Inever thought my travelling est. Despite this, Valentine's Day is In turn, that explains the com- alized I would be easily identifiable would take me to see [3 cities I strong! y encourage anyone her favorite holiday because "un- mercial explosion surrounding this as an American _ that clerks in around Europe, and even to Cairo, who has ever considered studying like Mother's Day everyone is in a day of caring. stores automatically greet me with Egypt. abroad to do so. The experience has good mood and everyone wants to So next year, if you really want "Hello" before I say anything. While travelling, I encountered changed my life. My trip exceeded do something for someone else." to do something from the heart. be Beware of the little, old ladies funny incidents which will only my expectations. It will be my un- Graham added that on this busy spontaneous. That does not mean for they elbow, push, and shove to strengthen my memories. I never day, the price of a dozen arranged you have to totally ignore get a seat and think nothing of it. thought I would stay in a hostel expected events that will provided roses soared from the usual $40 Valentine's Day, but there are many Personal space is non-existent dur- dormitory room in Munich, Ger- me with the most vivid memories dollars to $55 dollars or higtwL other days that you can still show ing rush hour tram travel when it many with 24 other people includ- and the best stories to keep my stay when including delivery. 1/ that you care. n seems that everyonf in Budapest is ing six drunk German men and one in Budapest fresh in my mind for-
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