Page 107 - Phoenix1999-2000
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NEWS Thursday, February 24, 2000 - Page 3 Physical Plant to fix Campus Safety Blotter campus water leaks The Department of Campus property in Blanche Ward Hall. glary in Englar Dining Hall; at Safety documented 11:00 pm alcohol reports which include: the following ·2/08/00 at 3:00 pm towed vehicle underage possession violation due to in Blanche violations due to excessive parking FRANCESCA SAYLOR over the stairs is still a nuisance. • 2/03/00 at 6:00 pm an arrest News Co-Editor in Rouzer Parking LOI; at 10:45 pm Ward Hall; at II :05 pm alcohol Bentz says that Housekeeping warrant was effective on account _ The recent snow and ice may not has been helpful in placing a of interagency cooperation at damaging property in Rouzer Hall. violation due to underage posses- be the only thing tripping people up bucket there or a sign {O indicate DoCS Office. ·2/09/00 at 9:45 pm a felony-theft sion in Blanche Ward Hall. Chapel. • 2/1 3/00 at 12:05 am alcohol vio- in Baker Memorial lately. Many have noticed that while the floor is wet. ·2/04100 at 12:30 am stealing in ·2/10100 at 3:40 pm a case of ra- lation due to underage possession traveling through Decker Center In addition, Bentz says the McDaniel Hall; at 3: 17 am an ac- cial harassment in Rouzer Hall, at there is often a bucket or trash can roofer will look at the leak in front count of disorderly conduct in 4:00 pm unauthorized access to a in Blanche Ward Hall; at 12:15 collecting water, especially on the of Carroll Hall that offers prob- Blanche Ward Hall. am alcohol violation due to un lower stairs. lems every once in a while. He • 2/05/00 at 12:45 am derage possession in It tends to happen when there are says the cause of the leaks there a violation of resi- Blanche Ward Hall; at 2: [5 am a property periods of extreme weather, which are due mainly to the fact that the dence hall policy in crime in Rouzer Hall; happened rather frequently at the house is so old and has an awk- Blanche Ward Hall; at at 2: [5 am disorderly beginning of the semester. ward gutter system that recently 3:00 am treatment conduct in DoCS Of- However, Joseph Bentz, direc- froze. was refused in Rouzer fice. tor of Building Operations and There is also a leak in the lobby Hall; at 5:03 am un- ·2114100 at 10:32 pm Maintenance, says Physical Plant of Gill Gym that Bentz is hoping authorized access to a medical treatment re- has arranged for a roofer to come will be repaired soon. He says it college facility in fused in McDaniel fix the problem during the week of involves moving an air condition- Decker Student Cen- Hall. March 21. He estimates that it will ing unit out of the' way first. ter; at 9:32 pm a case • 2/15/00 at 12:35 am cost only $200 to $300 and will fi- While this may seem like a lot of racial harassment towed vehicle due to nally resolve the issue that has of repairs to some, Bentz asserts in Rouzer Hall. reserved parking "come and gone over the past few that Physical Plant has, "solved 95 • 2106/00 at 10:00 am years." percent of most leaks." a towed vehicle due to space in Whiteford There also used to be several Sometimes being aware of excessive parking Parking Lot; at 8:53 leaks right outside the Forum and what is wrong is half the battle. violations' in Rouzer Parking lot; college facility in Hoover Library, am towed vehicle due in Kriellounge. "That was our most "We definitely try to take care of at 10: 15 am towed vehicle due at II: 15 pm treatment rendered in to excessive parking violations in embarrassing [situation]," says everything we know about," says to excessive parking violations in Whiteford Hall. Harlow Pool Parking Lot; at 8:53 Bentz, but they were fixed when the Bentz, and he suggests that if a Whiteford Lane; at 2:12 pm un- • 2111100 at 10:20 pm treatment am towed vehicle due to exces- new terrace was put on the Pub Resident Assistant does not put in authorized use of a college facil- rendered in DoCS Office, at 11:00 sive parking violations in Rouzer about a year and a half ago. Also, a work order for a complaint in the ity in Decker Student Center. pm treatment rendered in Albert Hall Parking Lot; at I :26 pm vehicle towed due to excessive new roofs were recently built on the residence halls that the student • 2/07/00 at 9:45 pm damaging Norman Ward Hall. parking violations in Whiteford Garden Apartments and on Rouzer should make their residence life property in Rouzer Hall. ·2/12/00 at 7:45 pm defacing in Lane, at 5:00 pm a case of sexual Hall. Unfortunately, the skylight coordinator aware of that. • 2108100 at 1:58 pm damaging Whiteford Hall, at 12:32 pm bur- harassment in Rouzer Hall. A week of observing ERIN McGRADY COn/riburingWriler the nation's obsesston As of February 2, the women of the Phi Sigma Sigma sorority re- STACI L. GEORGE of a century. Brumberg also used ceived notice that they were chosen New," Co-Editor as a pilot chapter for the very pres- Did you know that Americans advertisements to show how beauty tigious Vision 2000 Project. Over spend over $40 billion dollars a women's their entire eventually right in- volved body-the 110 chapters of Phi Sigma Sigma year on dieting and diet-related were in contention. However, only hair color, the perfect face, the ideal products? weight, and creativity through body three chapters were chosen, and the When looking over researched piercing and tatoos. women of the Gamma Psi chapter statistics, it's not surprising that 25 at WMC were one of them. The cri- percent of American men and 40 On Tuesday, students could teria for selection included aca- percent of American women are di- complete self-reports and discuss demic excellence, leadership posi- eting on any given day. their concerns about possible eat- tions of members, philanthropic ac- Both statistics came from a ing disorders with professional therapists. tivities, and recruitment success. handout that was available on a Being selected for this program ERIN Thursday's event was a panel Members of Phi Sigma Sigma pose for a picture during their fal/formal. table set up in Ensor Lounge dur- means that ten sisters will attend a The chapter is one often chapted'selectedfor the Vision 2000 program. ing the week of February 12 discussion with four women with conference in the Baltimore area will develop ideas for polishing the munity and hardly anyone notices. through 19. either a professional expertise or during the last weekend in Febru- image of the sorority and then for- We achieve academically too, Western Maryland College cel- personal connection to eating dis- ary. Then, in early August, those mutate plans to turn those ideas while dealing with a number of re- ebrated National Eating Disorder orders. same women will attend a week- into actions. sponsibilities that other students Awareness and Prevention Week One of the speakers noted that long convention in Tampa, FL. Dur- President of Phi Sigma Sigma, don't have. We need to publicize beginning on Monday, February 14 girls as young as 10 were already ing the first meeting, officers from Gina Rende says that, "For any ste- these accomplishments, and Vision and concluding with a "day off becoming weight conscious. the national office will train the sis- reotyped group, it is difficult to 2000 is just one more way to reaf- from dieting" on the 18. Dr. Cathy Orzolek-Kronner, a ters for the session in August. When overcome misconceptions. Greeks firm the goodness of the Greek sys- This year's motto was "Don't professor of the Social Work de- they meet againin the summer they at WMC do so much for the com- tern." fight your genes, just change your partment as well as the coordina- tor of WMCs spotlight on eating Do you have a nose for Bid Night alcohoi poisoning jeans." Throughout the week, students disorders, commented, "There's news? COnfined from page J had an opportunity to donate jeans been a significant amount of par- A flair for design? resulted in the lossofa pledge class to speak. thai no longer fit to a worthy char- ticipation in the events we held. It's A head for business? for one full year, and the loss of Phi Alpha Mu president Krysta ityorganization. nice to see the amount of males that a woman come to help and support 'ho,usi,nW privileges. to include the Stacy refused to comment on the On Monday, guest speaker Joan they're concerned about." grou-p's clubroom. situation. If so, come join the _?hoenix For instance, in 1998, Alpha . The Phoenix also contacted the Jacobs Brumberg invited her large On Friday, students were en- staff. audience of male and female stu- couraged to splurge on their calo- Nu Omega had these privileges re- woman involved, however, she dents on ajoumey through history. . voked for a year after one member also declined to comment. The hour and a half adventure ries, and refrain from worrying Weekly meetings are held on nearly died from alcoholpoison- The college is still investigat- about gaining weight. - from Monday nights at 6:30 pm in ing. ing [he matter. took the audience members Bromberg In closing, here's one fact: the corsets to body piercing. woman is 5'4" our office in the basement of So far the student has been included diary entries in her pre- average American and wear a size tall, 140 pounds, Daniel MacLea. questioned once, but Kane says Editor's note: Francesca Saylor sentation, and it's inevitable that 12. And the average fashion model C~1lx8600 for more there' ard other' witnesses with 'did additional reporting/or this women began opening up more and is 5' II", 117 pounds, and wears a information. whom the college would still like article. more to their diaries over the course sizeOor2.
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