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Thursday, December 10, 1998 - Page 2 NEWS Campus Safety Blotter Honor and Conduct Board On 11114 at 7:32 pm DoCS documented ha- On 11/20at 1:15 am DoCS documented dis- On 11123 at 8:51 pm DoCS documented a The Honor & Conduct Board adju- rassment at the Garden Apartments. orderly conduct in Blanche Ward Hall. pull station alarm report on Pennsylvania dicated a case on Thursday, October 8, Avenue. 1998, involving a student charged with On 11/15 at 9:50 am DoCS documented a On 1I120 at 1:27 am DoCS documented an violating the college's policy on illegal key pad alarm report at the President's emergency exit alarm report in Albert Nor- On 11/23 at 10:57 pm DoCS documented a drugs. The student was found respon- House. man Ward Hall. smoke detector alarm report on Pennsylva- sible and given a $150 fine, 3 hours of niaAvenue. community service, placed on disciplin- On 11115 at 3:33 pm DoCS documented a On 11/21 at 12:27am DoCS documented an ary probation through graduation, and smoke detector alarm report on Pennsylva- alcohol violation in Blanche Ward Hall. On 11/24 at I: 12 prn DoCS documented a required to participate in a substance nia Avenue. medical report at Smith House and rendered abuse treatment program. On 11121 at 4:24 am DoCS documented a treatment. The Honor & Conduct Board met on On 11I16 at 12:09 am DoCS documented the medical report in Daniel MacLea Hall, but Friday, November 6, 1998, to hear an- use of a controlled dangerous substance in did not render treatment. On 11/26 at 6:30 pm DoCS documented a other case involving a student charged Whiteford Hall. property crime at Water Tower Parking Lot. with furnishing false information to the college officials, racial harassment. and On 11I16 at 11:15 pm DoCS documented the On 11130 at 3:30 pm DoCS documented a defacing college property. The student possession of a controlled dangerous sub- medical report, but did not render treatment was found responsible for all three vio- stance in Rouzer Hall. at the Billingslea Building. lations and was suspended from the col- lege for the Fall 1998 and Spring 1999 On 11117 at 11:44 pm DoCS docu- On II/3~ at 5:03 pm DoCS documented semesters, required to participate in per- mented unauthorized access in Peter- a medical report, but did not render sonal counseling prior to returning to son HalL treatment, off campus. WMC, and required to complete an edu- cational project upon returning as a stu- On II/18 at 12:35 am DoCS documented On 11130 at 5:30 pm DoCS docu- dent. a residence hall policy violation in White- mented a damaging property crime on Finally, the Honor & Conduct Board ford Hall. Pennsylvania Avenue. met on Friday, November 17, 1998. to hear another case involving a student On 11/18 at 1:00 am DoCS documented dis- On 1212 at 10:09 am DoCS documented a charged with endangering the health and orderly conduct at the Englar Parking Lot. am DoCS docu- mented inde- periodic system check alarm report in safety of others, damaging another cent conduct at Whiteford Parking Lot. Hoover Library. student's car, and disorderly conduct. On 11118 at 9:00 pm DoCS documented un- The student accepted responsibility for authorized use of Peterson Hall. On 11122 at 1:25 am DoCS documented an On 12/3 at 4:05 am DoCS documented a all three violations and was required to emergency exit alarm report in Albert Nor- smoke detector alarm report in Daniel Ma- participate in an intensive drunk driv- On 11/18 at 10:57 pm DoCS documented a man Ward Hall cLea Hell. ing education program, suspended from smoke detector alarm report in Daniel Ma- the college for Jan Term 1999, and cLea Hall. On 11122 at I :54 am DoCS documented an On 1214 at 2:06 am DoCS documented a stu- placed on disciplinary probation through alcohol violation for underage possession in dent for possession of alcohol in Blanche graduation. On 11/19 at 2:20 am DoCS documented a .Rouzer Hall. Ward Hall. medical report, but did not render treatment, WMCJazz in Albert Norman Ward Hall. On 11/23 at 2:16 am DoCS documented a On 1214 at 9:03 am DoCS documented the property crime in Albert Norman Ward Hall. blocking of a fire lane on McDaniel Lane. Night swings, rocks, and all +tilUH.Sl that jazz FREE TAX HELP .. CUnu Bo Eckard calls it Jazz Night. But that mean doesn't the concert Annually one New Orleans' French Quarter. is straight from of the hottest nights of music at Western Genuine Help and FOR WHOM: For Students and Other Low to Low Understanding Maryland ballad, College, Latin, the concert funk, takes on swing, rock. fusion, Moderate Income Taxpayers ·IV ISleep Sedation rhythm and blues, soul, reggae, and even -First & Mid - Trimester disco. This semester's Jazz Night, free and open WHERE: Western Maryland College Gold Room B Abortion Services to the public, will be held at 8 pm, Thursday, -Free Pregnancy Testing Dec. 10, in the Forum. WHEN: -Pregnancy & Birth Control "We will showcase every aspect of jazz," Counseling the show fea- Thesday Thursday Saturday -Sonograms said Eckard, who will direct a jazz workshop turing two jazz ensembles, 7-9pm 7-9pm 12pm-3pm -Community Education & Guest and five student vocalists. developed Eckard February 16 February 18 February 20 Speaking Services ments for all of the pieces the musical arrange- scheduled for the February 23 February 25 February 27 -24 Hour Emergency Call sextet workshop session. Vocalist Raphael -Pemale & Male Board Certified March 2 March 4 March 6 Gynecologists: Taylor, a junior from Dover, Del., will per- arrangement. March 9 March II (Spring Break) FOR APPOINTMENT CALL form a self-composed will be available follow- Refreshments March 23 March 25 March 27 410-788-4400 ing the performance. Eckard Besides the jazz ensembles, March 30 April I April 3 directs the college'S electric bass ensemble. also April 6 April 8 April 10 Out of Area: The bass ensemble will present its semester- 1-800-427-2813 ending concert at 4:30 pm, Friday, Dec. J 1, Ask about our special student rates in Levine Recital Hall. Suburbia Building "Bass players," said Eckard, "are notori- By appointment only 5602 Baltimore National Pike ously late, so we just go ahead and build Suite 600 those few minutes into the starting_ time for Baltimore, Maryland 21228 our concerts." Convenient to Baltimore Beltway (695) The concert, featuring five bass players Please call Mike Gaston x8252 (on campus) or 410.75 1.8252 and a drum machine nicknamed "Fred," will (off campus) to schedule an appointment. http://gynpages.comlhillcrestbalt include a piece written by Nick Valentine, a sophomore from Cumberland. Most Credit Cards Accepted Courtesy of Public Information
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