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_I rtDPhoeni Volume XVIII, Number 4 Candidates make Graffiti sparks racial controversy atWMC into admitting to the crime. Accord- RY EMILY STAMATIIIS ing to an October 28 Carroll because it's an environment they News Editor aren't used to," Wright said. County Times article, Carter's fa- The incident captured on video- A week after the shocking dis- ther contends thai "just because tape was the last of three that oc- covery of racial epithets written on there is a videotape of his son writ- curred over the course of three days the doors of three Rouzer Hall ing on his message board does not last week. The first of the slurs ap- rooms, the WMC community'S in- mean he wrote all the messages." peared on Carter's door, as well as terest has shifted from who would Black Student URian President the message board of another third- commit such a crime to whether or Kash Wright declined to-comment floor Rouzer resident. on Thursday, not the perpetrator's confession on whether or not he personally October 22. was legitimate, and the racial cli- believed Carter was guitty of writ- The student wasn't in the build- mate of the school as a whole. ing the slurs himself. "Nobody has ing when the message was origi- Freshman Kenneth Carter III alt the facts, only those involved in nally discovered, and never saw it confessed to writing the slurs after the investigation, [Carter] and his for himself. He said he was in- a video surveillance camera, in- family," he said. formed of it when he returned to stalled to monitor the hallway out- Carter is not on campus at this campus Thursday night. side Carter's Rouzer Room 323. time and Dean Sayre declined to According to Lt. Brewer, the captured him writing on his own comment on his plans for return- case became an official joint inves- door and message board, said Lt. ing. Carter's roommate also chose tigation with the City Police and Dean Brewer of the Westminster not to comment on the situation. WMC's Department of Campus Senator Barbara A. Mikulski, Former Governor William Donald Shaeffer City Police Department. Wright described Carter as a Safety on Friday, October 23. This (pictured) and State Treasurer Richard N. Dixon included the WMC Westminster City Police is not "bright young man" who planned campus on this year's campaign trail. On October 23. a reception was pressing legal charges against on becoming a member of the BSU. was after another instance of van- held in Hill Hall Lounge with politicians. students, and college tru~ees. dalism was discovered on Carter's Carter, and his punishment will in- However, he said Carter mentioned door. WMCR and Channel 17 Honor and Conduct Board, own to him that he wasn't but particularly Public Information at WMC, added of; stead be left up to the school's Director Don Shumaker, over time at WMC, happy said upgraded and improved Dean of Srudent Affairs Philip things got better and he was look- that the videotape was viewed by Sayre. to the upcoming bas- ing forward administrators including necessary Even though Carter did confess ketball season. Mike Webster, students including to writing the messages, he and his "Most minority students aren't CAPBoard events such as sing- Carter and his roommate, family ers brought to campus and the re- family now say that he was coerced happy when they first come here, Continued on page 3 Both WMCR and Channel 17 cent Murder Mystery Dinner have +--------------------- _ have made significant changes in been taped and are planned to be their organizations this semester in aired. There are also plans for com- Teams Green and Terror place efforts to create a more professional mercials featuring parodies about look and gain respect from the cam- campus being added, according to well in ROTC Ranger Challenge pus community. Suchoski. Channel 17 has added improved Although there are some regu- equipment and is attempting to im- lar shows, the station is facing a BY FRANCESCA SAYLOR "I think we all learned a great "My' favorite event was the APFf prove their programming. significant loss because they are not StaffWriler deal about each other and our- because Iraised my score from 220 "We want to cover the major being allowed to show CAPBoard After nearly two months of la- selves. Overall, we formed great to 265:' said junior cadet Rob campus events," said Rich Sucho- movies, as they were in the past. borious practice, WMC's ROTC bonds and friendships and had a Taber. In addition, junior Jarrod ski, general manager of the station. "The movies from CAPBoard Ranger Challenge teams, Green great lime," commented junior ca- Gillam earned a 328 on the APFf, Starting this semester, the staff of were a big part of our popularity," and Terror, competed last weekend det Matt McQuigg, who was a the highest score of all of those Channel 17 is being paid for tap- said Suchoski. "The company at Fort A.P. Hill, Va. The annual member of team Green. competing. ing and editing events and there is doubled their prices and we are not competition involved all 19 schools In addition, Maj. Karen Doyle Individual scores were aver- a consistent schedule, according to allowed to air them anymore." from 4th Brigade, with a total of was also impressed with both aged together for team scores here Anne Butler. The station was able to purchase 27 teams. Fourth Brigade consists teams' dedication. "They were tak- as well as for all of the other events. the new equipment with their bud- of Maryland. Virginia, Delaware ing their personal time and work- Team Terror scored 5th in this event Pro- $2000. get of approximately a goal and it definitely scored Inside fessional are used Super VHS tapes, and DC. placing placing 6th, the ing towards were a total of seven and Team Green the APFT, 20th. cadets for quality paid off," she said. With team Green 15th Following in television sta- which There and team Terror and prepared went to breakfast began early ,!.j"i"tg,irii;: a tions, were purchased in addition cadets were ecstatic about their events so the weekend and did not end the rest of the events. The next chal- to other tapes. The station was also achievements. morning lenge was the M-16 qualification. Saturday Racist attacks: Ron Mojica dis- given $5000 about a year ago, "We're the smallest school in until Sunday afternoon. Cadets had practiced for this event cusses his reaction to having ra- which was used to purchase tapes the whole brigade and to finish 6th The first event, the Army Physi- using a weaponeer borrowed from cial slurs written on the door of and a new special effects genera- is a big feat," exclaimed senior ca- cal Fitness Test (APFf), began be- Ft. Meade that was housed in the his dorm room. lor. However, a lot of the equipment det Liz Clark. Most schools of fore the sun even came up on Sat- basement of Gill Gym.;~iah:ll4•••••• i. at the station is old and outdated. comparable size only send one urday morning. Cadets were re- The weaponeer is an electronic L-. '._ _ "I can foresee saving up for a team to Ranger Challenge. quired to do as many push-ups, then simulator for (he firing and recoil Cheap Thrills: Matthew Tho- semester or to in order to purchase . In addition, team Green re- sit-ups, in two minutes as possible, of an M-16. Although practice for mas hunts out some things to do better equipment," said Suchoski. ceived the Most Improved Team and run two miles as fast as pos- this event may not have been as which won't make a big hole in One of the major problems is award, moving up from last year's sible. extensive as it was for other events, the pocketbook. that Channel 17 emits a bad noise place of 24th. Reaching that point Akhough it was a cold morn- the teams still did well with Green ~®tJ1I'l·~·m¥••••• IJCC" ~oh;~s b:r~~~~~tif~~; !:~St::~~~~~ was not easy, but working out and ing. the cadets wore their team 1- team placing 12th and Terror plac- practicing on one event together shirts and dressed to the 'according Scoreboard: Get the stats on all combines with other signals at or another five days a week helped. standard, which meant no gloves. ing 10th. qualifi- By (he time the M-16 your favorite Green Terror play- Lewis Hall before it reaches a Training together made the team Despite the weather, several-ca- Continued on page 4 very close. dets received their best scores ever. Continued on page 5
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