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Thursday, November 5, 1998 - Page 2 NEWS Art Exhibition College brings young, 'new director of The first exhibit featuring the works of multicultural affairs from California husband and wife artists Thomas and Jane Ann Wynn opens Monday, November 9, in (he Esther Prangley Rice Gallery. signed. He relocated to the University of critical in a selection process such as this. Although they have had scattered pieces BY MICHAEL STOKES Wisconsin Green Bay to become the We cannot presume to fully appreciate or in group shows, this is the first show dedi- Staff Writer university's new coordinator of the Ameri- understand how students are going to feel." cated solely to his computer-enhanced pho- As Western Maryland College struggles can Intercultural Center. The selection of Almandrez was based on tography and her mixed media assemblages. with the recent events concerning racial dis- Almandrez was chosen from a group of an evaluation of each finalists' qualifications "Visions of Life and Decay" runs through crimination on campus, minority students approximately 70 applicants who applied for and input from the committee and the stu- Friday, December II. An opening reception will soon have another outlet to turn to for the position. dent representatives. "There was a clear con- will be held from 2-4 pm, on Nov. 15. guidance. The search committee that was respon- sensus on the committee as to who we should Thomas Wynn had always wanted to be Mary Grace Almandrez is expected to sible for selecting the new director was choose," said Reiff, "and that choice was a sketch artist, but an argument with a high begin her new career as director of headed by Dr. Reiff, and included Martha Grace." school teacher kept him away from art multicultural services on November 16, ac- O'Connell, dean of admissions, Dr. Charles Almandrez graduated in May of this year classes and pushed him towards photogra- cording to Dr. Henry Reiff, associate dean Neal, professor of political science, Dr. from the University of San Diego California phy instead. Self-taught from then on, he now of academic affairs. Robin Armstrong, an assistant professor of with a Bachelors Degree in Sociology and a uses some of the images he captures as a pro- One of the main reasons that she was music, Susan Glore, the director of the Coun- minor in Spanish. She is also very proficient fessional medical photographer in Baltimore chosen, according to Reiff. was because of seling Center, Mitchell Alexander, the direc- in communicating in "Tagalog," the indig- throughout his artwork. her "exceptionally strong interpersonal tor of college activities, and Maureen enous language of the Philippines, "I like to shoot on film, feed it into my skills." Reiff said that administrative skills Meloche, the administrative assistant of the Almandrez's birthplace. computer and arrange the image into what I are very teachable, however interpersonal administration and finance department. She was the youngest candidate to apply am looking for," he said. "The infrared film skills are not. "She also has a lot of experi- The committee reviewed all 70 applica- for the director of multicultural services po- is excellent for the saints work because it ence for someone who just graduated from tions and reduced them to four finalists, who sition, and was the only one who was "fresh" gives the images an other worldly look." college, including her many different awards participated in day-long interviews on cam- out of school. Reiff said that she was up For Jane's work, the couple is always and her participation in a number of groups pus. In the interview, the finalists met with against people who had "lots of experience, searching yard sales, flea markets and even while in school," said Reiff. Dr. Joan Coley, the provost, Dr. Philip Sayre, including some who had masters degrees." roadside junk piles. "What impressed us the most was her the dean of student affairs, and others, in- ''The advantage of hiring someone like "l covet discarded materials," she said. obvious, sincere enthusiasm for working cluding representatives from student orga- Grace is that she is very different from the "I see everything as art and I am constantly with students. She will bring energy, vi- nizations such as the SGA and the Black Stu- WMC community, and hopefully she will having visions of what I can do with these brancy and a vision to this program," he dent Union. bring with her fresh ideas and new perspec- objects we find. My mind is always work- added. According to Reiff, the meetings between tives. You never want to lose someone with ing on art." The position bad been vacant since last the finalists and the student representatives the kinds of skills that James had, however Courtesy of Public Information June when former director James Felton re- were the most important. "Student input is it gives us the opportunity to acquire some- one who will help the position to move even said Reiff. further Reiff also said that Felton is involved in in the right direction," Campus Safety Blotter helping with the transition processes of both by way of phone and the college, Almandrez conversations and two visits back to WMC. Kasb Wright, the president of the BSU, -On 10/14 at 1:01 am DoCS documented -On 10121 at 3:45 pm DoCS documented ha- -On 10/25 at 1:09 am DoCS documented un- was involved in the selection process of unauthorized access to college facilities on rassment at Whiteford Hall. authorized access to college facilities at the Almandrez and is excited about her hiring. the 4th floor of Whiteford Hall. -On 10121 at 9:34 pm DoCS documented a Blanche Ward Hall Clubroom. "She brings a lot of energy and experience -On 10/15 at 4:20 pm DoCS documented property crime at the Whiteford Parking Lot. -On 10/25 at 2:41 am DoCS documented an to the position. Grace is a trained individual unauthorized use of college facilities on the -On 10!22at 10:39am DoCS documented a alcohol violation for underage possession/ who will be another outlet for minority stu- 3rd floor of Lewis Hall of Science. theft at Peterson Hall. consumption at the Blanche Ward Hall Clu- dents here at WMC. Ithink she will be a great -On 10/16at 12:31 am DoCS documented a -On 10/23 at 12:32 am DoCS documented a broom. asset to the school." property crime at Hoover Library. hit and run vehicle accident at the Garden -On 10125 at 2:21 am DoCS documented an "People are going to love Grace," said -On 10/16 at 1:09 am DoCS documented a Apartments Building 3. alcohol violation for underage possession/ Reiff. "Not to put any pressure on her." property crime at the Bair Stadium Parking -On 10/23 at 12:34 am DoCS documented a consumption at the Garden Apartments Lot. medical report and rendered treatment at Building 3. -On 10/16 at 10:43 am DoCS documented Daniel Macl.ea Hall. -On 10125 at 4:05 am DoCS documented an harassment on the 2nd floor of Albert Nor- -On 10123 at 1:35am DoCS documented un- inter-agency cooperative effort off campus. man Ward Hall. authorized use of college facilities. -On 1O!25 at 9:02 pm DoCS documented a Internship -On 10/16 at 10:OOpm DoCS documented a medical report, but did not render treatment. theft at PELC. -On 10/25 at 10: 18 pm DoCS documented a -On 10/17 at 1:00 am DoCS documented a medical report and rendered treatment in the Opportunity property crime on the 1st floor of Albert basement bathroom of Whiteford Hall. Norman Ward Hall caused by malicious be- -On 10/26 at 2:20 pm DoCS documented a The Baltimore office of havior. medical report in the Decker Student Center Shand wick International, the •On 10/17 at 12:50 pm DoCS towed a ve- Game Room, but did not render treatment . world's largest independent pub- hicle for blocking traffic at Bair Stadium. -On 10/27 at I :30 am DoCS documented a -On 10/17 at 2:16 pm DoCS documented a medical report, but did not render treatment lic relations finn, has spring in- medical report at Bair Stadium. on the 2nd floor of Blanche Ward Hall. ternship positions available to jun- -On 10/17 at 5:42 pm DoCS documented an -On 10126 at [1:40 am DoCS documented iors and seniors who are interested alcohol violation at Beir Stadium due to the racial harassment on the 3rd floor of Rouzer in pursuing a career in public re- possession of "kegs." documented racial harassment at Hall. lations, advertising, graphic de- -On 10/17 at 10:15 pm DoCS documented Rouzer Hall. -On 10/27 at 10:22 pm DoCS documented an alcohol violation for underage possessionf -On 10/23 at 11:22 pm DoCS documented harassment at a Pennsylvania Avenue House. sign and InternetlNews Media. consumption at the Rouzer Parking Lot. an alcohol violation for underage possession/ -On 10/28 at 6:02 pm DoCS documented a -On 10/17 at 11:02 pm DoCS documented a consumption on the 4th floor of Rouzer Hall. misdemeanor theft at Thompson HaJI. Interns earn $8 an hour and medical report but did not render treatment. -On 10123 at II :40 pm DoCS documented -On 10/28 at 8:55 pm DoCS documented may receive academic credit. Free -On 10/18 at 12:05 am DoCS documented an alcohol violation for underage possession/ harassment. parking is provided. an alcohol violation at·Memorial Plaza. consumption at Rouzer Hall. -On 10129 at II :23 pm DoCS documented -On 10118 at 1:35 am DoCS documented -On 10125 at 12:32 am DoCS documented an assault and battery adjacent to the Gar- harassment at a Pennsylvania Avenue House. an alcohol violation due to underage posses- den Apartments. For more information about -On 10/20 at 11:32 am DoCS responded toa sionfconsumption at the Blanche Ward Hall -On 10/29 at II :41 pm DoCS documented Shandwick Baltimore's internship fire alarm report at Decker Student Center. Clubroom. telephone misuse at Daniel MacLea Hall. program, contact Andrea Kehoe at -On 10121 at 3:45 pm DoCS documented a -On 10/25 at 12:06 am DoCS documented -On 10/30 at I :48 am DoCS documented a (410) 558-2100 or bye-mail vehicle accident at a Pennsylvania House. an alcohol violation for underage possessionf medical report, but did not render treatment. -On 10/21 at 4:35 pm DoCS documented a consumption at the Blanche Ward Hall Clu- The medical report at Smith House. broom. deadline for spring internship ap- plication is December 15.
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