Page 183 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 183
COMMENTARY Thursday, May 6, 1999 - Page 7 Troubled teens and non-conformity in Littleton, CO Compared to all the 'soap who wore black, got physical Contributing writer Robin How many of these people, who boxes' I've waxed prolific from, abuse, in addition to psychological, J. Sinex searches for are known for a habit of wearing these commentators and politician think that it is the teased person's this one is the largest by far. I am making me wonder if my gender meaning in Littleton. black, are going to be pushed over fault that they are being teased. very upset about some aspects of protected me from physical abuse. the edge? And how will these Is a victim of child abuse re- the press coverage of the school He was beaten, regularly, and vir- This isn't an isolated reaction. people over the edge react? How sponsible for their abuse? NO! shooting in Littleton, Co., and tually nothing was ever done about When I was attending that school, many will end in suicide? How Does is matter if the abuser is an about how reporters are handling it. Finally, we were able to get I ran into trouble with some of the many will start fights, giving in to adult or child? NO! the problem of school shooters. video cameras installed in school teachers and guidance counselors the anger? And how many will Yes, psychological help is good. What really makes me worried busses. because I'd accidentally written is the emphasis the press has given As soon as my brother and his something that is a very evil sym- reach for guns and bombs? for those being cut down, but it is to the way the shooters dressed. friends heard about the shooting in bol in Christianity, but as a non- what What makes me so ANGRY and is even more important that the teas- ing stops. Stop the abuse, commentators and you Yes, they may well have had a ten- Colorado, they decided not to wear Christian, it had represented only interviewees are saying and imply- will cut down, or stop, these shoot- dency to wear all black and trench black until all of this passes. They random numbers to me. ing. From what I've seen, a non- ings. coats, but that is a popular style do not want to be associated with The way that the guidance conformist isn't a threat, but the I'm not talking about efforts among non-conformists. the students who were responsible. counselors and teachers treated me minute the non-conformist does like that black box on the bus that Because all members of my Unfortunately, their reputation could have caused me to do some- something wrong, they're called an family are different, we had a dif- preceded my brother and his thing drastic. Thank God, I inter- outcast. Are all non-conformists sometimes has a camera, or that was on. My brother's beat- sometimes ficult time in school. Our peers friends, and Iknow that my brother nalize, so the worst I would have outcasts, or just the bad ones? ings on the school bus continued didn't appreciate our-high vocabu- was harassed because of it. done was to commit suicide in that As for the idea that movies cause .. lary, learning disabilities, or our Whereas he was able to tell us guidance counselor's office, where people to react this way, that's for some time before it was caught on videotape. different way of looking at the when he was beaten and abused, that woman would have to deal wrong. If you've seen an overview Yes, these gunmen are respon- world. before he and his friends found with the repercussions. of past school shooters, one thing sible for their actions. What I'm I've heard my friends making each other, he would not tell any~ I don't think that "guidance that ties them together is that they saying is that their peers are not to- disparaging remarks about revenge one except Dad. Be only told the counselor" even realized that she were all teased. Teasing is a form tally innocent. We must stop the for teasing being a powerful rest of us that the other kids were had made a mistake in assuming of abuse! teasing because it is abuse, some- enough motivation for such a trag- harassing him about the shooting, that the numbers were intentional. These abused students, pushed times physical, but always psycho- edy. claiming that they thought he and She had been too busy telling beyond the edge of rationality, may logical. It is. I was relatively lucky - his friends would bring guns to me that 1was evil to even ascertain use movies to help form their plans, And the media is responsible for when my peers teased me, it was Howard High. and shoot everyone that I hadn't a clue. and video games, like that James the raised levels of abuse heaped only psychological abuse. there. Now, at least my brother knows Bond game, may have helped"lnake upon students who wore all black, Nobody here knows that I My brother said he was so an- why people are harassing him. It the idea of shooting people less real, before or after the shooting. Rather didn't trust any of my peers until gry that, when the class ended, he still is unacceptable, and I can't less final. than emphasizing the way these 1 my senior year of high school. My bolted out of the room to find one help wondering how many other Nobody seems to have made the response to this was to hide behind of his friends, because ifhe didn't, people are being harassed by their connection between this form of :~~~t:r~a~;e~::~'o~h~o~m~:~~~~~ a mental wall, not letting anyone he may have punched the taunters. classmates. Not all non-conform- child abuse and the shootings. Yes, in to where they could hurt me. What were they trying to do? Cause ists come from as stable a family they admit that being teased is one My teenaged brother, the one a shooting? as we did. of the constants, but it seems that The joys of a semester in France ;~e end \ As most students know, two Former editor Kate many local vineyards, I was invited here! Lisa Dale- VanAuken and a half years of living in Hampson praises the back to the family's home to spend It's hard to believe that the se- comments on WMCland can get pretty monoto- experience of travelling an evening. mester is almost over, it feels like nous. After even sitting in Glar and abroad. The social opportunities in it's still the beginning. I'm not ready commentaries. complaining about this became Dijon are a lot better that in West- to come back to the States yet, Well folks, it's been a year, and boring, r thought it was about time a drinking age here, they're usu- minster. There is actually more than there's still so much I want to do we at commentary are pleased to to experience student life some- ally too drunk to do anything at all! one bar, and there are even several here. One thing I will be glad to see say that we have survived. where else. So, armed with a be- Life in France has it's ups and nightclubs! Like at WMC, Thurs- again is my car. While there is good We have done our best to boldly ret, a wine glass, and my dictio- downs. The food here is great, lots day is the main party night, and public transport in France, I think I bring you the opinions of members nary, r headed for the distant shores of baguettes, croissants, and most of the international students have walked more in these last of our community. ~ of LaBelle France. cheese. Being a vegetarian, I've tend to go out en masse. The locals months than ever before. you haven'1 I've now been in Dijon (yes, the had to refuse the local specialities don't really seem to know what to The campus is a 25 minute walk liked And them. sometimes, Maybe mor Okay. place with the mustard) for three of snails and frogs legs, but I can't make of'hs, and we must appear to from where I live, and I usually go than sometimes. months now as part of a program say that I'm too upset. be an odd mixture. there and back at least twice a day. You probably have thought. at the unt versity of Burgundy. Any Food plays such an important One of the best things about The town center is 35 minutes on "Why is she writing about that," 0 wine buffs out there are sure to place in French culture that we "I bet the writer of that articl know the name of this region; even have a course on the history Jfyou are even remotely considering doesn't get enough fiber." some of the best wine in the world of gastronomy - in one class the And you probably thought that is grown here. This isn't a great professor talked for two full hours studying abroad, go for it. the opinions you read were not study aid but it's certainly a lot of on the subject of cheese. even worthy of lining your closet fun. The two worst things about studying in Dijon is its proximity foot and the last bus stops at mid- let alone being published. I'm living in a residence hall for France are the drivers and the ciga- to the rest of Europe. Paris is less night. But if you ever thought any- international students. The mixture rettes. Crossing the road is a life- than two hours away, and London So whenever we are too cheap thing about any article you read in of cultures makes for an interest- threatening task, and eating in one is only five hours by train. to pay for a taxi, a night out involves this section, you got the point. I have just returned from two a bracing walk home in the early If -wbat you read makes you ... the French people's reputation for weeks traveling when I visited Flo- hours of the morning. This is a great mad, good. Everyone should feel in Italy, Monaco, rudeness is pretty much unfounded ... rence and Rome Avignon, and Aix- way to sober up, but it makes for strongly about something. meant to Nice, Marseille, some huge blisters. are articles These en-Provence in the south of France, I also miss TV, the sun - the make you find out about how you ing time, and it's amusing to watch of the school cafeterias leaves your and Geneva in Switzerland. Other weather in Dijon is not the greatest, feel. We write them to make you the different habits of ,;-arious na- clothes and hair smelling like you students from here went to, among and Walman, which I never appre- think. tionalities while I practice the art just spent a week in ajazz club. other places, Prague, Madrid, ciated until it wasn't there. Oh, and 'Sometimes we piss you off, and of cafeteria-chilling. However, the French people's Copenhagen, and Amsterdam. I miss my friends and family too! sometimes we show you that there The Japanese students are in- reputation for rudeness is pretty Classes here are all in French, are others who have the same opin- I think this semester credibly polite, they bow if you much unfounded. They wouldn't no matter what your level of flu- one of the best experiences has been ions as you I have hand them something and always win an award for the friendliest ency. Some students didn't know a ever had. I've seen many new If you do have opinions, con- seem to be giggling behind their nation ever, but once you get to single word when they arrived, places, made some great friends, sider this: The Phoenix is an open hands. know people they are really very while others are almost fluent. and improved my French at the forum for expression, or at least, The Scandinavians love to dis- generous and nice. I have some homework but no- cuss issues; it's impossible to men- Many of the families in town where near as much as I am used same time. consid- commentary is. liked or hated what If you've If you are even remotely tion a topic without it becoming a participate in activities with foreign to, so I have a lot of free time. Plus ering studying abroad, go for it. you've read here, consider writing full-blooded debate. students. r went on one such out- the fact that I don't have class on You'll have the time of your life, I for us. As for the Americans, once ing a few weeks ago. After taking Fridays, nor on Monday mornings, know I am. We'll take your opinion, even they discover that there really isn't part in a wine tasting in one of the means that life really isn't too hard when it pisses us off.
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