Page 181 - Phoenix1998-99
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NEWS Thursday, May 6, 1999 - Page 5 WMCRFest Continuedfrom page J were followed by Insight II Life. turned to the school to perform. ters Student Eric Evitts and Profes- featuring vocalists Rafael and Carl As the sun started to set over the sor Tony Kirschner. Kirschner even Taylor and Prakash Wright.Insight square, Cheazy-E took the stage to promised a raised grade to a par- (J Life has already established a entertain probably the largest crowd ticularly complimentary student in following on campus and is set to of the evening. His unique rap per- the audience. release a CD entitled Let's Not Wait formance is legendary at WMC, and The hip-hop act of Me. Sinister shortly. the added bonus of a Michael Jack- & Lefty Larsony wlDJ Chucho, Lynus and .30-.30 followed, son dance number, made Cheazy's featuring students Marcus Helton, two Frederick-area acts invited to set the highlight of the evening for Eric Larson, and Jack Sorto, di- take part in the festival by WMCR many in attendance. rectly preceded Splitsville, the staff members. WMC alumni The crowd stuck around for The headlining act of the evening. In Pocket Full of Change also re- Shelly Coats, featuring WMC.Mas- their button-up suits, the trio pro- vided a set full of energetic power pop numbers. The last act of the evening, Seven Hills of Guam, of- fered a bit of "space rock" to end the evening on a unique note. "I thought it was a good turn- out for the first year," said Junior Martin Wisor, who was at the fes- tival for most of the day, and picked Cheazy-E as his favorite act. He said the turn-out definitely warrented another WMCR Fest next year, possibly with a bit more advertising to draw a more diverse crowd. "~Ithink the main reason people showed up was because they knew someone in one of the bands." TRANG DAM The Shelley Coats feature WMC's own professor TOllY Kirschner on bass. ASAP TRANG DAM Headliners Spiilsville performed songs from their debut album, Repeater. Continued front page I consists of humorous fictional skits to various AIDS education pro- opinions about the impact of their presented to raise issues concern- grams, but when it comes down to Undergraduate Spring 1999 ing the AIDS epidemic. The topics it, they just seem to ignore using organization. "We can do as much as we can to increase awareness, Awards Recipients in the skits presented include: ab- safe sex methods. "I am very con- but in the end it's up to each indi- stinence, safer sex, and how to get vidual to take it on himself or her- tested for HIV. A dfscussi.on period cerned about HIV and AIDS," said self to make sure they are safe:' who has seen ASAP a male student follows the skits. presentations. "But, Idon't always said member Lisa VanAuken. "We "Many people have questions Academic Awards think about using condoms, though, can only point the way. It's their about AIDS and condoms but are because I don't think that I could decision whether or not to listen." Jean Alpaugh Award for Interdisciplinary Study: too afraid to ask," said ASAP mem- really get AIDS." Amanda Sue Lesher ber Shauna Dominguez. "If they Still, others say that they are Stacey Myers, president of MACPA Outstanding Achievement in Accounting Award: see our skits, it often answers their trusting of their sexual partners, so ASAP agrees. "No matter what we say or do ... a lot of the kids have Lubomir Kassovic Ondercin questions without them feeling they don't pay attention to AIDS James P. Earp Sociology Award: Jaime Marie Rauser embarrassed." educational programs. "I trust my the attitude that 'HIV doesn't hap- pen 10people like me.'" Myers said Ralph B. Price Scholarship: Laszlo Farkas The confidential AIDS testing sexual partners when they tell me that from talking to people, and The Wasyl Palijczuk Art Award: Pamela Sheree Murrell clinic was started in the spring se- that they are not infected with HIV, watching responses to skits and Outstanding Sophomore Art Award: Lori Kristin Hansch mesterof 1995. Currently, the test- AIDS, or any sexually transmitted programs ASAP members put on, Wentz Most Promising Art Freshman Award: Leah T. Dantinne ing is performed every other Thurs- disease," a sophomore female said. she feels the general campus atti- Barry A. Winkelman Memorial Award: Sean David Pond day at Smith House and is a satel- In a survey conducted last tude is that HIV doesn't infect Harry Clary Jones Scholarship (Physics): lite AIDS testing station for the month of 50 WMC students, 80 WMC students. Michael Anthony Morgan, II Carroll County Health Department. percent claimed to know "a lot "We can educate we're until Harry Clary Jones Scholarship (Chemistry): Gaelen Patrick Cross Bosley, who performs the test- about HIV/AIDS and how it is blue in the face, but it won't do any James D. Essig Memorial Scholarship: Lindsey Melissa Drager ing, says that approximately six to spread and how to protect oneself." good unless individuals care," Isabel Isanogle Royer Biology Scholarship: Diane Elizabeth Grove seven students are tested in the two Twenty percent claimed to know VanAuken added. The Felix Woodbridge Morley Memorial Award: hours that the clinic is held. some about the spread and preven- ASAP plans to continue their Andrew Jackson Forney The testing process is confiden- tion of AIDS. None of the respon- Caroline Ann Rodgers tial, and students who make ap- dents claimed to know nothing peer education program, bring a Charles J. Miller Award for Excellence in Mathematics: pointments at Smith House for the about HIV/AIDS. speaker infected with HIV or AIDS in involved and become to campus, Laura Michelle Boesler test do not have to give their name, Additionally, 90 percent were freshman orientation, according to Anna J. Treff Award for Excellence in Pre-Medical or Biological Bosley explained. The only thing aware of the free AIDS testing pro- Myers. Studies: used to identify the person being gram on campus, and 86 percent Michael Robert Duus Bosley plans to continue lectur- tested is a number called a unique were aware that they could get free ing to classes in order to raise The Gordon B. Shelton '68 Award for Excellence in the Life identifier, a combination of an condoms from their resident assis- Sciences: individual's birthday, social secu- tants. awareness on campus. She also Kenneth Brian Fischer hopes to use The Phoenix to fre- rity number, and race. It is enough However, only 8 percent have quently publicize accurate AIDS Millard Milburn Rice Non-Fiction Writing Prize: information so that the number taken advantage of the AIDS test- Sarah Elizabeth Radice . information and statistics for stu- can', be traced to the person, but it ing clinic, and only 22 percent have dents. is enough so that the state can keep requested condoms from their RAs. Although there is a general feel- an accurate record of who gets The responses were evenly distrib- ing of not caring about AIDS on Activity and Leadership Awards tested, and the result of the test, uted among the sex of the student. campus, ASAP members intend to SGA Undergraduate Leadership Award: which is not reported to WMC, When asked what could be done to continue their educational pro- Amanda Joy Cline, Kelly Underwood Dunnavant, Bosley said. promote AIDS education on cam- grams even ifit only reaches out to Stacey M. Myers Although there has been a pus, most students did not answer a small number of people. When The Ralph Candler and Dorothy Prince John Award: strong effort to raise awareness and the question. students think about ASAP, they Kristine Louise Knox prevent the spread of AIDS on cam- In response to these statistics, just think about a place where they Jane M. Prichard Memorial Award: Chandra Keely Westergaard pus, it is hard to tell whether an Bosley was pleased that students can get condoms, said ASAP mem- William McCormick, Jr. Memorial Scholarship: impact has been made. were taking advantage of the. ser- ber Sara Gruber. ''That may seem Michael Francis Blundin Some students say that they care vices on campus, but she would like 'beneath' our higher goals of James B. Moore Memorial Award: James Henry Moore IV and are concerned about being in- to see the numbers increase. awareness, but that's enough for me fected with HIV and pay attention ASAP members have various if we save one life."
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