Page 187 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 187
Eve 6 featuring Angry Sallad: WMC's Campus Concert 1999 raws Sizeable Crowd and Rocking Response From high school students to stars "[Our fame} is not so bad that we can't Four years ago, at La Crescenta starts rolling. With us, things were terior of the apartment that we lived walk down the street [without being Valley High School in California, different. RCA signed us for what in. That's about it." two freshmen huddled in the cor- we'd turn into." Los Angeles, Collins' current bothered} yet. " ner of a gym, deep in conversation. RCA's investment is paying off residence, is where he fostered his While their peers clamored to with the release of Eve 6's self- talent for music. "I really fell in love Jon Siebels, Eve 6 guitarist shoot the next basket, Max Collins titled debut album, featuring the with music the summer between my and Jon Siebels talked about their single "Inside Out." seventh and eighth grade years when dreams of becoming rock stars, "That's a song that is interest- I bought a Dead Candy's record. musing over their chances of one ing because it starts out insecure That totally turned me on to the punk day being signed to a major label. and ends up being very sure of it- rock scene." self," Collins says. "It takes you Gone are the days of Collins and "The belief is that through the progression of heart- "I really fell in love to the break and hating everybody you sign a contract point where it's all okay and you're with music the screaming it out and letting it al I and then everything go." summer between my starts rolling. With Eve 6's name comes from an episode of "The X-Files." ''There seventh and eighth us, things were were eight Adams and eight Eves grade years when I Eve 6 bring youthful pop-rock different. RCA in it," he says. "They were all in- bought a Dead sane. And Eve 6 is in a straight signed us for what jacket in a cell and above her cell Candy's record." sound to the the PELC stage a plaque that says her name there's Repeat WMC openers we'd turn into." on it. She bit her guard's eyeball J Max Collins liked him. she out because Soon after, the merchandise guy Eve 6's youthful combination Max Collins, lead vocalist thought it was a cool twist. Any- 8Y EMIf.Y STAMATHIS started pinning t-shirts, stickers, and rock and power pop drew an impres- of Angry Salad ready to way, I saw the plaque and thought Siebels sitting in PE class fantasiz- ~und Ediror·ln·Chief hats to the waU for sale. The Eve 6 sive audience as WMC's campus four in the afternoon boasts may have this year. Siebels proudly Today, to his table, rushed make jump to stardom that his dream Collins is coming along true. He it would make a cool name." ing about their futures. Their dreams it started: a group offourgiris trying fans excitedly had it all already, they but concert college gym facilities for mill- the oldest of five chil- Collins, true, something Collins are coming to enjoy using the state-of- claimed not to buy anything because PELC, outside ing around "I knew dren, was born on August 28, 1979 undoubtedly is not taking for granted. Siebels, and guitarist the-art with drummer Tony Fagenson, formed in New York City, where he lives that it would be an amazing thing if tolook inconspicuous in their Eve to talk to him, for he was almost working out, but the PELC was trans- Eve 6 (RCA Records). The trio was for four years before moving to we could do this." 6' t-shirts. They were just too part of the band. formed into an equally impressive is due to be released on May signed to a recording contract two Miami with his family and, finally, young to actually attend Western As showtime drew nearer, the one-night concert hall for himself av ABIGAIL D. ENGEl" 25th. years ago, whits its members were to Los Angeles. Maryland College, but for the Sta!fWriler hoards of WMC students in staff t- and his band. Their personal musical in- still in high school. "I have these vivid memories Article originally appeared in the show, they'd come here. They had shirts had to make the fans leave the Ranging from ages 19 and 20 Angry Salad absolutely loves terests cross a variety of musi- "There were times when I was of New York," Collins said. May 1998 edition of the Los all seen the band before. One had building and get in line. They were themselves, their crowd ranged from playing to college audiences. cal genres. The band considers really afraid it wouldn't happen," "They're like still shots in my Angeles Arts and Entertainment a guitar pick of theirs around her first of course, behind the others the post-college crowd, to WMC stu- They say coJlege crowds have their sound to be pop power Collins said. "The belief is that you head. Idon't remember much. I re- Magazine. neck. who would eventually queue up dents who came out in impressive been very good to them, and have with depth. Bob, the tall blonde sign a contract and then everything member the playground and the in- outside the gym, across the front of numbers compared to their showing appeared at Western Maryland lead singer, writes the songs. He the building, and down toward the last year, to fans 'from the commu- College twice in the last five is like a poet in that the takes parking lot. nity or further away that were years. an idea and creates lyrics and "It's not so bad that we can't younger than the band themselves Their most receru WMC ap- music to match the idea. walk down the street yet," said Eve pearance, opening for Eve6 on How does a band get a name 6 guitarist Jon Siebels of his bur- and had a parent or guardian in tow. act Angry When Salad opening April 18th, entertained approxi- like Angry Salad? geoning fame, which may not have (see related article in this spread) left mately 600 students and mem- Bob explained that while he quite reached Beatlemanta-status the stage after a very well-received bers of the community. and some friends were on va- yet but has no doubt exploded since set, there was an even more palpable Angry Salad got their start cation in the Virgin Islands dur- the release of their debut self-titled feeling of excitement in the air. The performing at Brown University ing their high school days, they album and the attention its first die-hard Eve 6 fans who had been in Providence, Rhode Island. spent a lot of time sitting in the "[Inside Out] is a song that is interesting single, "Inside Out," has received waiting all day had run directly to the Since then, the band has had the hotel bar trying to come up with across the country. front and were bracing themselves opportunity to support other a good name for their group. A because it starts out insecure and ends up Lead vocalist Max Collins, gui- for the show, and even the security grunge pioneers The Pixies. Cur- bands such as Soul Coughing, voice from another table said, being very sure of itself. It takes you tarist Siebels, and drummer Tony Other highlights of the show Barenaked Ladies. The Goo Goo "Why don't you call it Angry Fagenson had dreams of being fa- staff in their bright yellow t-shirts rently, Siebels said that his favor- were the introduction of a "brand- Dolls, and Rusted Root. Salad?" through the progression of heartbreak and mous rock stars growing up together came down out from the balcony and ite recent albums are "Echo" by spanking new" song, as lead-vocal- Tom Petty and "Utopia Parkway" view of the for a better doorways Angry admits that they delib- This voice, to their surprise, near Los Angeles, California. The stage. ist Collins called it, and their most erately waited quite a while to was that of Freddie Mercury, hating everybody to the point where it's all realization of their dream has led to Over the course of their 45- by Fountains of Wayne. popular song, "Inside Out," which The boys rarely slowed down, record their music because they the lead singer for Queen. okay and you're screaming it out and a record contract and scores of tour minute set, Eve 6 blasted through the except for a few lighter paced had the entire audience on their wanted to be backed by a major Needless to say, they took dates. Although WMC is the only material on their debut album with numbers that were still far from feet, bouncing up and down in uni- record label, and now Blackbird! his advice and now are getting letting it all go. " college stop on their current tour, energy and exuberance. The influ- slow. They took a brief breather son. Atlantic Records has agreed to ready to hitit big with an album Eve 6 has previously participated in ence of the Southern California punk to do an entertaining acoustic Siebels may claim that he and back the band's first release. backed by a major recording Max Collins, Eve 6 lead vocalist MTV's Campus Invasion tour, per- bands like Social Distortion that Eve portion that included "Face the his bandmates can still walk the Angry Salad's first single, label and an audience of loyal forming at schools across the nation streets virtually unnoticed, but to in their home- "The Milkshake Song," was fans trailing after them from with Third-Eye Blind. 6 grew up listening in their songs. Muzak" and a hilarious cover of judging from the size of the crowd town is obvious scheduled to start getting airplay event to event - every star's According to Siebels, there are A variety of bands from many the Divinyls' "I Touch Myself." that gathered around tl m as they the only cover Eve 6 tour bus on April 20th. Their first album dream, in reality. plenty of perks that come along with different genres inspire the music That wasn't that evening, however; attempted to board that tju .ast bit of WMC, performed and leave playing on college campuses. "They Eve6 produce, according to Siebels. later when they were plugged anonymity may be slipping away always have the nicest gyms," he He sites influences from the afore- back in, they did "Leaving on a as the fame of Eve 6 continues to added. mentioned Social Distortion to Jet Plane." rise.
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