Page 188 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, May 6, 1999 - Page 12 FEATURES WMC Budapest program offers unique cultural, experience Campus Chinese Happenings ride from the campus. The hotel peanut butter. BY MAITHEW THOMAS AssistantSpons Sduor was pretty nice; it was in the Red Dave: Not so much that, but buy- Light District, and you had your ing anything American there was WMC Budapest is a study-abroad own bathroom. liking buying something option unique to Western Maryland Kate: The hotel the school found here. A Western pizza was topped students. But is it a sojourn worth for us was in a really bad area of with scrambled eggs and bacon. sojourning? The Phoenix inter- Budapest. It wasn't very safe, and viewed a group of students who we got harassed by people on the How wasfood other than the West- participated in the WMC Budapest street. ern pizza? program for the Fall 1998 semes- Dave: The place we stayed wasn't Nick: Cheap. It was cheaper and ter. Read the comments of part-time very glamorous, but it worked out better than eating at Glar. Hungarians Melissa Donner, nice. It was near the train station, Kate: I couldn't eat any Hungar- Jeanne Dowell, Kate Esposito, which made travel easy. ian food except for fried mush- Nick Johnson, and Dave Stysley to rooms because I'm a vegetarian. find out if WMC Budapest makes So where did you go? They also have Pizza Hut, KFC, a nice trip. Kate: I went to London for and Wendy's, althought the food Thanksgiving. and soda tasted somewhat differ- Since you're participating in a Dave: The school took us to Pra- ent. Also, you have to pay extra if study abroad program, / guess the gue and Vienna. For fall break, we you want little bags of ketchup. first question would be: How does went to Munich and celebrated Melissa: I thought the food was the study part of WMC Budapest Okrobertest. We went on a ten-day good, but Ididn't go to restaurants rate? trip to Italy. Others went to France, that catered Hungarian food that Melissa: I wasn't expecting the Belgium, and Switzerland. often. Mostly this was because they school to wow me. And it sure Melissa: Iwas lucky enough to get wouldn't have English menus, and didn't! They don't have a strong a Eurail pass, which enabled me to then you are just out of luck, cause curriculum. Luckily I went in there ride on the trains unlimitedly for ten the Hungarian language is like no PHOTO BY TRANG DAM ableto take some of the lower level days during two months, split up other: impossible to figure out. The Kiss tribute band Love Gun rocked out at WMC on April 23. classes, since Ihad only completed however I wanted it to be, and I my freshman year. I especially took advantage of that! [Travel] is Was the language barrier a prob- * * liked the art history class because a major incentive for anyone, I lem? * think, to study abroad. Kate: I felt stupid not knowing Toilet paper was what people were saying. You al- What about when you didn't leave ways think they're saying what an kind of rough, but the city? What was getting around not steel wool. You in Budapest like? A large beer - 1 liter busses could buy regular if Kate: The Sometimes were you really - was $11. crowded. were you wanted. plastered against the window next Nick Johnson to an old man. Nick: Transportation in Budapest Kate Esposito was great. It was much safer than idiot you are. using public transportation in the Dave: The natives were wonder- we learned about various things I United States. $4 a month gave you ful to me. Any time I needed any had opportunities to see later on unlimited public transportation. help because of a language barrier, during my travels that were abso- someone was always willing to lutely amazing. Most of my classes What did you do for fun in Budap- help. were taught by competent teachers, est? actually all of them, but there was Dave: There is an active night life What was your favorite city? one in which the teacher couldn't in Budapest. Mainly, Vaci Street is Jeanne: Garmesh, in Germany. It Chuck Milligan caused unusual behavior Hypnotist "Let's gel wett" control the class. As a learning ex- the strongest commercial center. looked like a fairy tale. among students when he brought his act to WMC on April 30. perience, I almost felt like I was Although I did go to Vaci fre- Nick: Budapest was my favorite regressing back to middle school quently, Ialso toured the museums. city over Rome and Paris. The his- with how loud and rude everyone Also, the legal drinking age is 18, tory and architecture of the city was Classified was. so that provided its own fun, on fascinating. Nick: Classes were lax. The work- occasion. load was pretty minimal. The stu- Jeanne: Cover charges at clubs How easy was getting in touch with Help Wanted dents preny much ran the school. were low, even upscale clubs like the United States? They were wealthy and powerful. The Duck. Itook advantage of that. Dave: The school did not have a EXTRA INCOME FOR '98 The teachers were pretty much just Melissa: Ishied away from clubs, reliable computer lab. Earn $500 - $100J weekly stuffing Fraternities, Sororities, Student there to help the IOOor so students. but I did go to a pub on my birth- Nick: It was tough to e-mail home. envelopes. For details - RUSH $ 1.00 Groups: ~ Kate: There was no real campus, day, which was fun. r would just Jeanne: The computer situation with SASE to: U47H._yB GROUP FIVE Earn $1000 - $2000 .....,o.pLN just one floor of a building. A lot go all over Budapest, seeing what was the only big problem. CoIondGSptIngo,COIOt1. with easy CIS Fund of people here don't understand there was to see and absorbing raiser event. that. The professors were really myself in everything. I took mil- What did you think of the experi- Lifeguards! Pool Managers No sales required. nice, and they were excited to see lions of pictures while there. ence overall? Summer Months, Fr I PT Fund Raiser days are us. The college was cool because I Training Available filling up, so call today, Dave: Just the experience of see- met people from all over the world How were prices? ing a city on the rise was my favor- Baltimore Area & All Contact Brian at who had experienced things r never Kate: Food was pretty cheap by ite part. I'd love to go back in 10 Surrounding Counties 800-829-4777 would have imagined. our standards, except at the tour- years and see how much it has DRO Pools 1-800-466-7665 Jeanne: Art history was great. I isty places. Books in English and grown. r would go back and rec- Travel Persona. actually got to see the Mona Lisa. clothes were really expensive. ommend it to others. Dave: The classes were good but Nick: A large beer was $11. Melissa: I thought the whole ex- GET THE HELL OUT OF PREGNANT? maybe a little too relaxed. If I had perience was a definite plus, and I HERE! FREE CONFIDENTIAL to choose the one I liked the most, What could you buy? Was there greatly recommend it or one simi- Mexico, the Caribbean or Central PREGNANCY it would have to be Understanding anything you tookfor granted in the lar to iLL had a great time in Budap- America Europe ll. If you want to know how US that was tough to get in Hun- est. It was especially attractive, $199 round trip. TESTING & CARING Europe operates, that is the class gary? since all of your financial aid trans- Europe $169 one way. COUNSELING to take. Kate: Toilet paper was kind of fers with you. Other world-wide destinations HELP CALL 1-800-521-5530 rough, but not steel wool. You Jeanne: It was an incredible op- cheap: CONTINUE EDUCATION ANI How was the housing situation? could buy regular if you wanted. A portunity. I would've regretted not Book tickets online CAREER Nick: Housing was a half-hour bus lot of people had never heard of going. THE NURTURING NETWORI< or(2122I9-7ooo. 1-800-866-4666
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