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NEWS Thursday, May 6, 1999 - Page 3 Results of theSGA BY SEAN POND that the trash room below us con- question still is lingering: what is COlltribur;IIslVriler completely sprayed from top to tributes to much of the problem." the college going to do to try to fix bottom, and there were over 100 election As Jeffwalks down the hallway Cree later told numerous stories the situation? roach motels set up, but when the in a sleepy daze, he looks forward of past roach sightings in the dorm WMC's building services coor- motels were collected there was for 1999- to getting into the shower and be- and elsewhere. dinator, Mel Whelan, feels that only one roach found dead. ing revitalized before a long day "One time last year, r saw a gi- there is no roach problem on cam- Although the college seems to 2000 of classes. As he enters the hot gantic roach right outside of Glar," pus. Because of the construction on be making a legitimate attempt to streams of water and begins to rise he said. "That was the most disgust- the new science building, there overcome the obstacle at hand, from the slumberous clouds he had ing display Ihave ever seen on this have been some rodent-type con- there is still some question of how been in for hours, he sees some- campus. It makes me wonder what sequences, he said. Due to the dis- thorough a job they are doing. SGAOfficers thing through the blur of his eyes: is going on inside Olar." ruption to the soil, McDaniel Hall Orkin, a local company and Matthew Gribbin, presi- something dark - it moved! Along with Cree, there are many has been overrun with ants, accord- competitor of Terminex, had a dent Quickly focusing on the spot he other students who have reported ing to Whelan. slightly different view of how the sees that an enormous cockroach roach sightings. Sophomore Trisha The same type of problem has roach issue should be dealt with. Michael Blundin, vice has made its way into the shower Swiderski lives on the second floor occurred in ANW, with an infesta- Jim Brown, a technician for Orkin, president with him. of ANW and has battled roaches all tion of mice because of the dirt felt that roaches could, without a Alison Kleiner, treasurer The roach, as it is known to year. She explained that she kills brought in for the lower parking lot. be eliminated. most, has lived among humans for three to four roaches a week, and Whelan and his staff have dealt doubt, "50 percent of the problem is Class of 2000 centuries. This prehistoric "hug" that her room is one of the cleaner with these problems and they are sanitation. It may be difficult and a Kelly Dunnavant, presi- has also found many dark spaces rooms on the floor. They seem to apparently gone, but it has been on the WMC campus, and many reside on her walls and ceiling, and brought to his attention this semes- long process, but it can be done," dent said. Brown students have found roaches to be reach sizes up to about one and a Dana Jacobson, senator has that WMC a serious problem. half inches, she estimated. ter that roaches are running rampant many He was aware roaches (the most Anthony Santillo, senator rooms through many German in various Whether it be Blanche Ward, "I shouldn't have to jump out dorms. widely distributed roach in the Chris South, senator ANW, or Daniel MacLea, cock- of bed to avoid roaches falling on "If students call. then Igo over United States), American roaches, roaches have invaded this college me from the ceiling," she ex- and spray around, but if it is before and Oriental roaches. In his IS-year Class of 2001 and made quite a home here. Ac- plained. "I don't understand why Wednesday," he said, "then I will career Brown has experienced and Jeremiah Kelly, president cording to junior Jeff Cree, "There more hasn't been done to get rid of send over the professionals of seen many roach situations. Matt Burger, senator are cockroaches in every building them." Terminex to deal with the large in- "Usually the female roach will on campus ... Ijust killed one this Apparently Swiderski went to sects." live for one year and stay deep Amanda Cline, senator morning her RA and complained about the Whelan feels that much of the within the walls and lay up to 400 Sarah Mitchell, senator Cree, who lives in a first-floor insects, and soon after, the physi- problem stems from the cleanliness are hard to stop They suite in Daniel MacLea, gets up cal plant came in and exterminated of the rooms. Every Wednesday, the offspring. they reproduce so fast," he Class of 2002 because every morning at 6 to go to physi- after spring break. Terminex workers, come in and said. Steven Sharkey, president cal training, and once the light is "I think that I have seen more spray where Whelan has gotten Here at WMC there has been a flicked on in the bathroom, he al- roaches after they exterminated. I complaints. If there have been no conscience effort to solve the roach Christine Dotson, senator ways sees a couple of roaches think the situation is ridiculous," complaints, then the crew makes its invasion, but there are varying Brooke Joseph, senator scurry away. she said. rounds of the dining haJJ and the opinions that things should be done Maya Redfearn, senator "I think even if we kept the There have been many com- offices in an aUempt to combat the differently. suite extremely clean, there would plaints over the existence of cock- roaches. still be roaches," he said, "but I feel roaches in the dorms, but the big During spring break ANW was
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