Page 180 - Phoenix1998-99
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r Thursday, May 6, 1999 - Page 4 NEWS Computer labs to make WMC Unity adopts family to get transition to PCs in touch with community BY ABIGAIL D. ENGEL Most people want the luxury of hav- WMC Unity is an organization that was on March 28. Over thirty children from Staff Writer ing the same type of computer system at started last year by a group ofWMC students various organizations on campus joined in home as they have at work or school. Stu- who wanted to get involved in the surround- for the first event. WMC is working hard to keep up with dents that prefer Macintosh-based systems ing community. The girls came up with the Children not only met the Easter bunny, the trends of a continually changing era. It is have no desire or are very reluctant to idea of adopting a family and opening up to but they also had their faces painted, necessary that the college begin taking steps switch to the more widely available and the school for support, thereby uniting the hunted for Easter eggs, entered a coloring to assure that the graduates of this institu- supported PC-based systems. community with the WMC campus. contest, and participated in egg relays. tion are technologically compatible with Those students who stay with Several major events were held this se- STAY, TACI, Big Sisters, and Alpha Nu business and industry. In order to assure they Macintosh systems will be able to use the mester. A clothing drive was held the week Omega co-sponsored the event. Local keep technologically current, they are begin- computer labs in Lewis Hall, in the before and after Spring Break. WMC Unity businesses donated over $70 in prizes to ning to transition from a primarily Howard Hughes Lab and the Math and asked students to clean out their closets, and the children. This event helped to bring Macintosh-based computing environment to Computer Lab, also the Maggie Computer they went door to door in every dorm col- children from Westminster onto campus more of a PC-based environment. Lab on the second floor in Hoover Library lecting the bags. to enjoy a day of fun with WMC students. This summer, they will begin this transi- as they will remain Macintosh labs for the Clothing was given to a local homeless Along with these events, WMC Unity tion by converting Hill Hall Writing Center time being. The Peterson Hall Graphics shelter in Carroll County called Second is involved in tutoring twice a week for and Hoover General Writing Center to PC's Arts Lab will remain a Macintosh facility Chances, where people living in local shel- the girls of the family they are sponsor- with a few Macintoshes remaining in the as well. The Registrar and Finance offices ters could come and "shop" for free cloth- ing. Hoover Lab. This transition is not intended will also begin to progress over to a Win- ing. Over thirty bags of clothing were col- Current WMC Unity members are to hinder the progress of Macintosh-oriented dows-based PC environment. lected. Brianne Bray, Jen Clarke, Erica Colton, students. It is the goal of administration of- Most students and faculty members Additionally, a speaker was held on Christa Farrar, Alison Kleiner, Courtney ficials to better prepare students for employ- who were interviewed feel the transition March 25 to discuss child abuse. The speaker, Krasowski, Jennifer Martin, Taylor ment after graduation; also, most incoming to PC's will be a positive change. They who was a priest from a church in Baltimore, Redding, Corinne Brinnier, Maribel! students more often than not bring PC-based all agree that the college should do all it discussed the life of a boy who committed Calderon, Christy Dotson, and James systems with them. This transition will make can to keep up with the computer trends suicide because of the effects of sexual child Gasparo. it easier for students to use the writing cen- outside of the school system to ensure that abuse. The young man accused was an artist, Next year, WMC unity is hoping to ters and their personal computers in conjunc- students are prepared for employment af- and his artwork was presented to teach people help more families and to expand their tion. ter graduation. the damaging and everlasting effects of child membership. Please call Alison or Erica abuse. at x8638 to get involved or find out what events One of the most successful Campus Safety Blotter semester was the Easter Extravaganza of the WMC Unity is about. by WMC Unity Submitted held -On 4/6 at 1:00 am DoCS documented physi- ·On 4122 at 10:35 pm DoCS documented cal abuse for threatening or dangerous con- an officer's report for a rule/policy viola- duct at Blanche Ward Hall. tion at the Pennsylvania Avenue Gravel -On 4/9 at 8:00 am DoCS documented a Lot. medical report and rendered treatment at -On 4/24 at 3:30 am DoCS documented Eng/ar Dining Hall. tampering with fire protection devices in -On 4/10 at II :28 pm DoCS documented a the basement of Albert Norman Ward Hall. medical report and rendered treatment at -On 4124 at 7: 15 pm DoCS documented Rouzer Hall. reckless behavior on the quad at Albert -On 4/10 at 12:00 am DoCS documented a Norman Ward Hall. property crime at Rouzer Hall. ·On 4/24 at 7:20 pm DoCS documented a -On 4/11 at 1:20 am DoCS documented a medical report and rendered treatment at residence hall policy violation at Blanche the DoCS office. Ward Hall. ·On 4124 at 9:28 pm DoCS documented a ·On 4/11 at 7:11 pm DoCS documented a fire alarm report on the 3rd floor of Al- theft in Decker Student Center. bert Norman Ward Hall. -On 4/11 at 9:31 pm DoCS documented a medical report and rendered assault on the 2nd treatment at the floor of Blanche DoCS office. Ward Hall. -On 4/13 at -On 4/25 at 2:20pm DoCS 12:08 am The commuter lounge provides a place for commuter students to relax during the school day. documented a DoCS docu- felony theft at mented a Decker Student medical report CSA designed for students' needs and rendered RY ABIGAIL D. ENGEL lege experience. Albert Norman Ward Hall. Staf!Wriler The Commuter Student Lounge is an- -On 4/17 at 5:00 am DoCS documented documented disruption at the Decker Although few students know that it exists, other perk ofCSA membership. It provides the use of a controlled dangerous substance Student Center Forum. the Conunuter Students ASSOCIation caters to a place to relax, a refrigerator to store food at Whiteford Hall. -On 4125 at 2:05 am DoCS documented the unique needs of those who must communte and sodas in, a microwave to heat food in, a ·On 4/17 at 6:47 am DoCS documented a the possession of weapons at the Decker to and from campus each day. television, and two sofas for relaxation. theft at Hoover Library. Student Center Forum. The purpose of this organization is to "pro- One CSA member, Genny Clark, stated -On 4/17 at 1:44 pm DoCS documented a -On 4125 at 2: 15 am DoCS documented a mote interaction of commuter students with that the lounge has improved her college ex- felony theft at Lewis Hall of Science. medical report at the Decker Student Cen- resident students on campus in order to pro- perience as, "It is a good place where I can -On 4/18 at 12:49 am DoCS documented a terForum. mote positive college experiences," and "to drop my books, eat my lunch, socialize with medical report but did not render treatment ·On 4/25 at 3:06 am DoCS documented a promote cooperation among the college faculty other students, and especially nontraditional at the DoCS office. medical report but did not render treatment and administration in order to be recognized as students. Because I commute from Annapo- -On 4118 at 3:01 pm DoCS documented a at the Garden Apartments Building 1. a vital instrument of campus life." lis, I like having a place where I can rest my property crime in Blanche Ward Hall. -On 4125 at 5:30 am DoCS documented a Any nonresident status student is eligible sore back while I study and eat my lunch. 1 -On 4/18 at 6:49 pm DoCS documented an theft at McDaniel Hall. to become a member of the CSA. Students with really like meeting students other than the officer's report at Gill Gym. ·On 4/26 at 7:35 pm DoCS documented a concerns or ideas [Q express that would make ones in my classes - students with differ- -On 4/18 at 10:30 pm DoCS documented medical report and rendered treatment at their time at this school a better experience are ent majors and at different levels. This helps harassment at McDaniel Hall. Whiteford HalL invited to attend the CSA's bi-weekly meeting me to be able to see that I am not the only -On 4119 at 9:33 pm DoCS documented a to ask their questions, voice their concerns, and person who works hard and goes extra miles theft at Englar Dining Hall. meet other people who can relate to their col- to get a valuable education." '----------. ----_._--------
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