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Thursday, April 15, 1999-Page 10 FEATURES Aries (3121-4/19) Cancer (6/21-7123) Libra (9/24-10/23) formation about grapes, check out Capricorn (12122-1120) Apple juice is the least nu- Pear juice is often used in fruit Libra, you know that grape juice Ralph Steadman's book on wine. Like lemon juice, Capricorn, tritious of all juices, Aries. punch. Don't water it down, Can- stains horribly. So why do you Just be sure not to read it while you taste awful without sugar. You're not a hummingbird. You cer. Keep it real, like Eminern. drink it standing on your head on driving. Honestly, Libra, some- It's a tart world; sweeten it up need sustinence. Find it in a the living room carpet? What is this times I think you're as bad as a with the beautiful prose of Tom good book, and I don't mean Leo (7124-8/23) nonsense? There's a time and a Scorpio. Robbins. Colton Mather. Orange juice is the most popu- place for keg stands, Libra, and also Iar juice. Leo, you don't need a pop a beverage of choice. For more in- Scorpio (10124-11/22) Aquarius (1121-2/19) Taurus (4120-5/20) culture or literary reference to re- Just because cranberry juice is You can do a lot with clam Grapefruit juice is probably alize what that means. Just don't Matthew Thomas good for treating urinary tract in- juice, Aquarius. The possibilties the best juice for you, but it drink o.j. after brushing your teeth. fections doesn't mean it'll cure the are endless. Read some haiku; tastes like grapefruit. Modera- clap, Scorpio. I'd recommend a like the ingredient ratios at tion is the key, Taurus. Check Virgo (8124-9/23) book, but you probably can't read. Westminster's Taco Bell, they're out Rabelais. Drink. Mel Blanc, voice of Bugs different every time. Bunny, was allergic to carrots. But Sagittarius (11123-12121) Gemini (5/21-6/20) he bit and spit for the love of his If you leave peach juice around Pisces (2/20-3/20) There's something blocking art. Don't let minor setbacks keep long enough, it' I! tum to schnapps. Pisces, if you wash your cat your colon, Gemini. Drink you from fulfilling your destiny, or "I'm just an old chunk of coal, but in tomato juice, it'll make the some prune juice pronto. Then self-actualizing, or whatever, I'm gonna be a diamond some skunk smell go away. If you read Filth by Irvine Welch and Virgo. Check out some old Looney day." Hang in there, Sagittarius, wash The Cat in the Hat in to- be glad you don't have a tape- Tunes and appreciate that carrot just like that annoying cat on the mato juice, it'll make the book worm instead. crunch. From now on, the crunch poster on the wall of your high hard to read. will be your mantra. Horoscopes school guidance counselor's of- fice. History of the Pink Triangle Smith House team offers variety of services The pink triangle is a proud symbol of the gay and lesbian movement, but its roots go back BY JOAN FAULKNER to World War If. Homosexuals Features Writer were amollg the groups targeted For many students, the first trip by the Nazis. Each prisoner was to Smith House can be a negative required to wear an identifying one. Many freshmen can be found symbol--a star of Davidfor on their first days of school at Jews. for example-sand the pink Smith House taking numerous tests triangle designated gay and checkups over again, or for the prisoners. At war's end, most of first time, because their health those ill concentration camps forms weren't filled out correctly were liberated. but those with when sent in. pink triangles were considered. Smith House is just like step- even by the Alliedforees, to be ping into the doctor's office but this criminals and were transferred lime alone, and with no parents to from concentration camps to help out. Though the feel and aura Smith House is home to a team of career. counseling and health professionals who work hard to bring WMC prison cells. Today, the pink of the place may be similar, how- students quality services. They incluse (left to right): Joan Lusby. Physician Assistant; Bonnie Bosley. Health triangle signifies "Never ever, the purpose of Smith House Education Coordinator: and Karen Arnie. Career Advising Director: Not pictured: Susan Glore. Forget" and "Never Again:" is not to scare students, or make programs that deal with different Career advising is also set up Courtesy of Allies. For more them dread going there. It is to get health issues. very well to fit students' needs. info., call Dr: Barretti at x479. them to the next level of health ser- But health services isn't the Karen Arnie, the career advising vices. only thing that Smith House offers. director, conducts numerous pro- The function of the health ser- Counseling is another big part of grams and workshops. Free, confidential services vices is, as certified physician as- Smith House. Arnie graduated from Western round-the-clock sistant Joan Lusby says, to act as Susan Glore, the director of Maryland College in '83, a major "a great go-between" before stu- counseling services. deals with ev- in English, and worked as a reporter dents go to the doctor for a second erything from relationships (the for a few years but decided that she opinion. biggest issue) with roommates, would rather do career counseling "You can be initially evaluated partners, and parents, to stress, because, "I found I really likehelp- and then given an outside scope. anxiety, sexual assault, eating dis- ing people." We work it up to a certain point and orders, drugs, and alcohol. Among the many activities she then guide it to another perspec- There is also a psychiatrist that conducts are criminal justice and tive." comes in one or two hours a week communication programs for those Lusby and her team supervise and an intern counseling graduate with or deciding on that major, in- many services, like most doctors to help her class presentations, and leadership do. These include: allergy shots, If coming for counseling, stu- lunches. Says Arnie, "You name it, on immunizations, women's health dents can expect complete confi- we doit." care, and other primary care prob- dentiality. Glore believes that the Individual appointments are Every day we provide services lems. There is also a women's "contact with individual clients" is also a big part of her job. Many stu- to people who never expected health clinic for birth control. very important and is what she dents need help with getting sum- But another, more important, enjoys most about her job. mer jobs, writing resumes, getting to be hurt by sexual violence part of the health services is edu- Although her clients' problems intemships,job searching, deciding cating the students. can be tough, the only thing Glore what they can do with their majors, 24 Hour Hotline: Bonnie Bosley, the health edu- finds stressful about her job is her or just general career counseling. cation coordinator, oversees a huge "fairly heavy client load" and hav- Although it may seem to be 410-857-7322 variety of activities on campus. ing to fit a lot of people in to see just a minuscule doctor's office, They include Bacchus, ASAP, her. Smith House contains a dedicated Alcohol Awareness Week, OC- Sometimes, Lusby and Glore group of professionals committed Whether the crime was last night TAA, the play "Choices," freshmen work together with students. This to serving the students' needs; so 07 last year, we can help. orientation, World AIDS Day, Con- ensures that their problems are take advantage of all of its free ser- fidential AIDS Testing. and the an- looked at from both the mental and vices. -nual Health Fair. physical standpoints. Tbe two can Some of the events that are com- Telephone: 410-857-0900 There are also course surveys look at the overlaps between the ing up are as follows: April 20 is Web page: www_rapecrisiscc.·com that look at drug and alcohol atti- different areas and see the whole the communication's career lunch; tudes across the nation and dorm picture. April 27 is an interview workshop.
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