Page 130 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday. March 4, 1999 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Staff First Lady Senate run: Handicapped Editol'S-In-Chief Megan Martin '01 media circus? Emily-Stamathis '00 parking Managing Editor Laura Kelley '01 Kristen G. Fraser observes media issue for some people. New York has lenient News Edftcrs reactions to Hillary Clinton's residency laws. But, personally, I would not Abigail Engel asks that Erin Howard '00 like a Senator, or any elected official, mak- handicapped spaces be leftfor Jenifcr Sirkis '01 potential Senate campaign. ing decisions about my home area without- those who need them. Features Editor experiencing it firsthand. Sarah Radice '0 I Well, now that the greatest presidential Secondly, she seems a little distracted Assistant Features Editor scandal On Earth is over, what is the press to right now to be concerned about running for Ever since the first semester I attended Rich Simmons '99 do? It seems that it did not take them long to a major political office. Her husband's re- this college, I have been asking questions move onto their next subject. And what cent escapades would be traumatic enough about the need for additional handicapped Commentary Editor Kristen G. Fraser '00 would that be? They did not look very far. on a marriage, but throw in the fact that he's parking. I have written a letter to Student Their new subject is the president's wife, the leader of the free world, and it becomes Affairs in regard to the loss of two valuable, Assistant Commentary EdUor Lisa Dale-Van Auken '02 Hillary Rodham Clinton and her possible run a little more complicated. easily accessible parking spaces that were for the US Senate in New York. This tum of Her role of First Lady would be compro- located near Baker Chapel. The construction Sports Editor events is ludicrous and makes the media look mised. If she were busy campaigning all over Mike Yestramski '01 of the new Science Hall necessitated the loss ridiculous. New York, she would be unable to continue of these spaces. All remaining handicapped Art Editor First of all, the fact is that the possibility the work that she has implemented in the spaces except four are poorly located at the Michael Puskar '99 of Hillary running is simply that, a possibil- White House. bottom of a hill with several steps between Photographers ity. No ODe has confirmed that she is run- Also, it seems that she has the incorrect the spaces and the building they serve and Trang Dan '00 ning for the office. But, the story-hungry motivations for running for this office. Some the Decker spaces are frequently occupied Robyn Hill '02 Paul Himes '02 press has turned this idea into national news. have speculated that she would choose this by drivers that do not have handicapped tags. HusseinSamaler''02 The Baltimore Sun, Newsweek, and many route simply to experience the power of be- I have spoken to security about the neces- David Szepesi '98 others have all contributed their thoughts to ing a politician because she always allowed sity of keeping these spaces open. It is my StaffWrilel'S reasons as to why she should or should not her husband to do so. . hope that if they do not wish to ticket the Claire Adams '02 run. This overabundance of attention seems Most importantly, she has no real experi- violators, then perhaps they could place re- AnneButler'OI to indicate either a slow news week or per- ence, personally, as an acting politician. What Sophie Boulet minder notices on the windshields that state Ben Decker "00 haps some other issues. are her stands on the issues? Besides health the necessity of keeping these spaces open lulieDevelin '01 • But, we should not be surprised. The care, what has she tried for the country? for those that need them. A few weeks ago, ShaunaDominguez work of the press has historically been fo- All of these reasons are of little interest Kate Esposito '01 I decided to write a commentary article on Joan Faulkner '02 cused on celebrities. Americans feed the fury to the press. They continue undaunted, daily the necessity for handicapped parking spaces Shannon Hess '02 by continued interest. We all remember the publishing stories implying some political and the importance of keeping' these spaces Mike Jenkinson Brooke Joseph '02 discussions of 0.1. Simpson, Princess Diana, spin of Hillary Rodham Clinton running for open for vehicles with handicapped drivers Mollie Land '02 and the like. Despite the countless other office. and passengers. Idecided to begin my ql!est Nicole Lehmann '98 deaths that occur around the world, the ce- It just seems a little silly. Is it too much by finding a regulation that would specifi- Karen Millar '98 Ron Mojica '02 lebrity status of these two people brought to ask to give the American people a rest from cally state the reason that handicapped park- Cathy Pendorf '00 months of media attention. constant exciting information coming from ing is necessary. My husband and I ques- Francesca Saylor '00 So, let's focus on the issue here. Should 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? They are un- tioned Campus Security, the Maryland State Shawn Sprague '01 Michael Stokes '00 the First Lady run for a position in New doubtedly celebrities, but they areah6ln the po~iee, and even theGovernor's officefdr" Chris Taugher '02 York? There are many reasons why this news daily with information that has little information rhar could'flll in in the'blanks Matthew Thomas '01 would be a strange proposition. Yet, the me- application besides to the press. for this article. We were quite surprised to Emily Wilson '02 Ted Witiak '02 dia continues to harp on this issue. But, this will never happen. So, stay tuned find that nobody could answer our question. Kevin Worley '00 First of all, she does not live in New York. for "Chelsea Clinton to Run in Miss America' The only infonnation we seem to be able lO Raini Wright '00 Now, this is a technicality that is not a big Pageant!" find is regulations outlining the physical Distribution characteristics of handicapped parking Rich Suchoski '00 NO, WILLIAM. IF I RUN FOR THE 5ENATE, spaces, the number of spaces required, and Graduate Assistant the requirement for adequately labeling these Vince Chesney spaces. IT WILL NOT BE TO "MONICA" THE MALE If there is anyone out there who knows Adviser Terry Dalton how to find specific information indicating why buildings are required to provide spe- cial parking for handicapped persons, please ThePhoenixispublishedbiweekly. The let me know. There are ample cases of pub- opinions expressed do not necessarily rep- lic law that stipulate the parameters for resent those of The Phoenix staff, the fee- handicapped access and parking, but as yet I ulty,ortheadminislralorsofWMC. have been unable to find any matter of pub- lic law that states why these 'spaces are nec- The paper welcomes free-lance submis- essary. I would very much like to have this sions on Macintoshdisks in most word pro- information so that I could write a more ex- cessorformars. Tbeeditorreservestheright tensive article telling students, faculty, de- to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to livery people, and the Campus Security per- publish as spoce permits. All submissions 'sonnel why it is necessary to keep these (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become spaces available to students who require the property of The Phoenix and cannot be handicapped access and parking. Keeping remrred these spaces free would be greatly appreci- Please include a name and phone num- ber for verification. Names will be with- ated .. held only by the discretion of the Editor-in- Chief. Eve 6 The Phoenixdoes notdiscriminate based on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orien- tation, national origin, condition of handi- cap, or marital status. Mail to: The Phoenix April 18 WMC, 2 College Hill Wesnninster,MD21157 (410)751-8600 FAX (410) 857-2729 be there. E-Mail:
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