Page 129 - Phoenix1998-99
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COMMENTARY Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Page 5 Letters to the Editor: New Sorority and Student Rights In Response ... not care about academics. r can While I commend this organi- My intention of writing this Dear Phoenix, personally say that the sisters of Phi zation for their commitment to piece is simply to make readers problems from festering into nasty I am writing this letter in re- Mu are members of fifteen honor helping others and wish them luck aware that each sorority on this situations. To further ensure the stu- sponse to the two articles written societies on this campus, and mem- in the future, I would like to make campus is dedicated to their phil- dents' peace of mind, the college about Gamma Sigma Sigma. bers of the other organizations are readers aware that it are not the anthropic work. Praising one for should go above the call of duty in First, I want to say that this let- equally involved. only sorority at WMC who is in- it's dedication to service merits service to its citizens. of bullying students, Instead ter is not meant to degrade Gamma I believe that what Gamma volved in philanthropic activities. praising all. employees should use discretion in Sigma Sigma in any way, but Iob- Sigma Sigma is doing is positive, Iam a member of Phi Mu Fra- and does ject to the tone of this article. but the four "social" organizations ternity (yes, we are a fraternity). We Julie Develin what does life (remember not threaten college last year's As a member of a "social" or- should not be shown negatively in are involved with the Children's Vice-President, Phi Mu Fraternity ganization on this campus, Ican tell order to make them look better. One Miracle Network (CMN) as our spring fling "riots"?). you that all Greek organizations on line from the front page article national philanthropy. Each semes- Editor's Note: In addition; small but noticeable this campus, and nationwide, have states, "Unlike the other social so- ter we hold events to raise money The news article in the February hypocrisies should be put to rest, attempted for numerous years to rorities on campus, Gamma Sigma for CMN, such as an Easter Egg 18, 1999, issue of the Phoenix in- for example, campus safety ve- rise above the stereotypes that are Sigma is nonselective and stresses Hunt for children and Bowl-A- troduced the new sorority on cam- hicles well off-campus. assigned to Greeks. community service as the main Thons, where we acquire pledges pus, Gamma Sigma Sigma, as Ultimately, in light of the good These stereotypes are made goal." to raise money. would be donefor any new organi- intentions on the part of the college clear in movies such as Animal There is nothing wrong with We also visit children at Johns zation, Greek or independent. It administration, Ibelieve the prom- House and Revenge of the Nerds being selective. It is imperative for Hopkins Children's Center to see was not the intention of the Phoe- ise of civility and respect for each where a bunch of kids get together our organizations to be selective in where our money is going. This uuso promote any stereotypes. other should be formalized into a to drink 24 hours a day with no re- order for our ideals to be carried past December, we volunteered at student bill of rights. This bill of gard 10 their schoolwork or the into the future. the Baltimore Zoo's annual "Zoo rights would condense the various community. The article on Gamma On page six, there are congratu- Lights" Christmas event. Student Rights student privileges found through- Sigma Sigma encouraged this ste- lations written from the Phoenix After checking with College out the student guide and date book state- into one clear and undeniable reotype about social Greek organi- that read: "Gamma Sigma Sigma Activities, it is clear that other so- Dear Phoenix, zations. has presented us with the refresh- rorities at WMC are committed to The students ofWMC are a re- ment. The article stresses the point ing concept of a social organization community service as welL Phi silient group. We have demon- Furthermore, as people unique rights that the women starting this orga- focused on the overall good of the Sigma Sigma's philanthropy is the strated time and again that there are to this community, specific to im- can be added and amended nization want to be involved in community 'rather than the exclu- National Kidney Foundation; some certain standards to be expected out community service projects while sive pleasure of the group itself." of Alpha Nu Omega's involve- of the college lifestyle. prove our quality of life, because bonding as sisters and striving for Being a member of a Greek orga- ments include volunteering at nurs- we pay an awful lot of money to When recent ugly events, rang- high academic ideals. I am going nization is about philanthropy, sis- ing homes; and Phi Alpha Mu is ing from unjust noise policies to the come here, don't we? to take the liberty to say that all four ter or brother-hood, academic active with area women's issues. unfortunate incidence of racial epi- Add to that our expectations of the "social" sororities on this achievement, and certain leader- I would also like to respond to thets in Rouzer Hall, threatened the from the various college services, campus strive to do this. ship opportunities, to name only a the Phoenix's commentary ap- comfort of college living, the stu- especially campus safety and resi- will be dence life, and the message These ideals are outlined in ev- few aspects. plauding the establishment of a dry dents fought back and rallied for ery organizations' creed. It is a This one paragraph is a step in sorority. better answers. outlined completely: RESPECT US! main focus of ocr.exlstence.Lcan the wrong direction for all the All 26 national sororities have Sometimes these events can I have taken this issue in front speak for my own organization bet- Greek men and women on this strict risk management poticies re- obviously not be helped, but other of the Student Government Assem- ter than the others, so Iwill say that campus who have attempted to garding the use of alcohol. These times they certainly can be helped. Phi Mu has an entire committee prove that being Greek is a posi- include dry housing, as well as edu- This is the expectation of students bly, which promises to form a com- focused on community service. It tive addition to the college experi- cational programs regarding the use and must be the continuing prom- mittee to review current college is an important part of what we do, ence. It hurts to realize that these of alcohol by members. Alcohol is ise of the college. policy. This is another worthwhile and we work for pur philanthropy efforts have been in vain. not a major part of sororities as the This promise is a guarantee of step, and I ask for your continued while establishing strong bonds as typical stereotype suggests. certain rights and privileges as support in drafting a bill of rights, sisters. Sincerely, The commentary also states that unique members of our college, or obtaining campus-wide approval, I would drop anything at any Steph Bell the Phoenix is refreshed by the "fo- and having it incorporated in the time for any of my sisters, and if cus on the overall good ofthe com- as a recent administration letter put Western Maryland College guide- based on civility it, "a community you asked any Greek woman on munity rather than the exclusive and respect for each other." lines. this campus if they would, they Dear Phoenix, pleasure of the group itself." While Students should not have to By seizing the opportunity now, would agree without batting an eye- I am writing in response to the that is true about the new organi- amass an entire rally every time-our we can prevent future violations of lash. article written about Gamma Sigma zation, the same can be said about rights are infringed upon. our right to enjoy college life. Also, just because someone is Sigma's colonization at Western the other sororities at WMC. We are Ideas like First Thursday are the Greek does not mean that they do Maryland COlleg;e. ' all dedicated to helping others. first good steps in preventing small Sincerely, Ryan Ewing WMCR is Where Music Composes Radio WMCR is everything that a windows in the summer. Lisa Dale- Van Auken polished, trendy, million-dollar ra- While some people might think praises the undiscovered ting bored. of WMCR are part jokes, and even pointless stories The people dio station is not; it is a welcomed this is cool, many of us find our- that do not seem to be relevant to relief. selves seeking solace from the bar- strengths of WMCR. of what makes it so grea.t. They are anything. who understand that it is students WMCR is under-budgeted, un, rage of bargain sales that we "just hard to find that one radio station This, too, is drastically differ- derrated, and under-appreciated. can't miss." ent from the one-track, public- known for its bravery in that it that is 'just right:" Chances are, pleasing personality that is created Despite the low-tech machinery And those 15 minute blocks of tends to incorporate less popular they never found the God-sent sta- from the rules on a stack of paper and the short broadcasting range of stupid jingles and annoying sound forms of music into the various ra- tion themselves, and were forced in a CEO's file cabinet or desk. the station, WMCR still manages effects are definitely something I dio shows. to start their own radio shows. r do not mean to glamourize to present students with a truthful personally can live without happily. WMCR gives listeners cultur- They are people who will actu- WMCR. Listen, and you will prob- and satisfying alternative to corpo- This is what makes WMCR so ally diverse genres of music. For ally listen to the listeners. They are ably discover that WMCR is about rate America's commercialized, different. WMCR offers music. once, we can listen to a radio sta- more than just radio personalities. as perfect as the dining hall sta- money-machine radio stations. In Music without commercials. They tion that is not afraid to challenge They are people who love the mu- tioned right across from it. Some- fact, it is the refreshing, small-town do not even broadcast public ser- popular culture. sic. times thing do not blend well. honesty of WMCR that draws vice announcements. WMCR Drs As an added bonus, the station's But, perhaps, the most interest- Sometimes, you have to ingest many listeners. are in the studio to play songs that large selections means that you do ing part of WMCR is the relaxed, things with which you can not re- Industrial corporations con- they enjoy, not to bombard you with not have to hear the same 20 songs tinue to dominate the air waves used car advertisements. 200 times a day. conversational style of some of the , ally identify. And sometimes, you know D1s. You never will what with "popular musi~" and corny, Most of the time, their passions Not only does WMCR repel come out of their mouths. are presented with portions that in-your-face advertisements. We for music, not for commercial air repetition and expose listeners to With what seems like little re, make you cringe. all know the overzealous, badly space, propel them to play songs more than what is currently in the gard for traditional radio rules, DJs But, in the end, WMCR is one written, j y-second advertisements that you will not hear on other ra- top 40, but it allows DJs to play are known to come up with offhand of the few radio stations that is still that blare obnoxiously out of car dio stations. College radio is often whatever they want to without get- quips, random anecdotes, senseless about the music. That's what gives it character.
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