Page 125 - Phoenix1998-99
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Volume XIX, Number 3 Thursday, March 4, 1999 Second annual Circle KlS.E.R. V.E. auction proves a success once again The two organizations StaffWrirer rested and charged with possession joined together to raise A total of eight Western Mary- of marijuana and drug parapherna- lia. money for community land College students were arrested Arrested were Michael service projects on drug charges when police raided Blumberg, 20, Jonathan Bussard, Rouzer Hall in two separate, unre- 19, Patrick Muscarella, 19, Kevin Two WMC student groups lated incidents on Thursday, Feb- Cooke, 21, and John Griffith, 18. dedicated to community service ruary 18, and early Friday, Febru- The Carroll County Times re- recently hosted "Reach Out ary 19. ported that police received a call WMC," a benefit auction of goods Arrested in the first incident about a party going on, and when and services. were sophomore William Convery. they went inside the room they Over $2400 was raised to fur- 21, and freshmen Brian Maxfield, found marijuana and drug para- ther the service efforts of both 18, and Thomas Brown, 18. Each phernalia including bongs and Circle K and SERVE. student was charged with posses- pipes. "The auction was very success- sion of marijuana and drug para- The five men arrested were ful. WMC students, Faculty, and phernalia. In addition, Convery was taken before a District Court Com- staff members all came together charged with the distribution of missioner and released. and helped us achieve OUf goal, marijuana. According to Donald which was (0 raise money to per- According to the Carroll Schumaker, associate director of form service," said Sonia Pant, sec- County Times, police raided the Public Information, the college has retary of Circle K. room after they had been told that a zero-tolerance policy when it Auction items were donated by drugs were being used and sold comes to drugs as outlined in the WMC faculty, staff. and students from there. When police entered Student Guide and Datebook. and local merchants. they found eight bags of marijuana, From here, the students arrested The most popular item was a along with various types of drug will go through a discipline hear- weekend trip to Dean Sayre's va- paraphernalia. ing procedure and wi 11 be taken in cation home, near St. Michaels, In the second incident on Feb- front of the Honor and Conduct MD, which was auctioned off for ruary 19, five students were ar- Board. over $400. Other auction items in- Hate group attempts to cluded a full semester of textbooks for next fall from the campus book- spread message at WMC store and tax return preparation by accounting professor and CPA Su- san Milstein. ER!NOWEN BY ERIN HOWARD According to The Carroll Faculty and staff members also SERVE adviser. Scott Kane. displays the t-shirt given-to him at the "Reach NewJEdi/or County Times, one of the offend- contributed by putting up fat auc- Out WMC" auction by the members oj SERVE to thank him for all the help The Western Maryland College ers was a student at Westminster tion goods and services of their he has lent the organization and to honor him [or his commitment as an community was shocked when High School. Members of the same advisor. by SERVE and Circle K. The auction was sponsored own. Susan Cullison, in the members of a national hare group organization successfully, without President's Office, provided a bas- Associate Dean Barb Horneff humane society. attempted to spread their message interference, placed fliers on cars ket of Scottish desserts, and a full and music faculty member Don SERVE is a student-run group on campus early last week. parked at Westminster High School body massage and Reiki energy Horneff offered a candlelight pasta similar to Habitat for Humanity. The college was made aware on the same evening, however, they balancing session were offered by dinner, and dinner at the President's Each year about 15 students eagerly that the hate group might appear on have not been identified. registrar and nationally board-cer- House with WMC president Rob- give up their Spring Break to re- campus when Dean of Student Af- Officials at Westminster High tified massage-therapist Elizabeth ert Chambers and academic dean build homes in Virginia's Appala- fairs Dr. Philip Sayre issued a School have been dealing with this Pival. Piano lessons were offered and provost Joan Develin Coley chia region for residents..who are memorandum on Monday, Febru- problem since September when .with music faculty member David went on the auction block as well. unable to afford professional re- ary 22, encouraging students and members of this same organization Kreider. Members of SERVE put to- pairs. faculty to report the group should were involved in racially motivated it be seen on campus. The memo- fights at the high school, while, "The auction was very successful. WMC randum expressed that it was more recently, a few students have Inside students, faculty, and staff members all highly unlikely that WMC would been found passing out literature for the group's be made a target and wearing which pro- stickers came together and helped us achieve our message. However, on the evening mote the World Church of the Cre- (3.1,,1,,14,'£141 ., of Tuesday, February 23, a WMC ator. Kristen G. Fraser comments on goal, which was to raise money to perform student informed campus safety Presently, the Maryland State the media attention Hillary service, " that members of the World Church Police's Criminal Investigation Di- Rodham Clinton is receiving for of the Creator, an 'anti-Christian' vision is looking into both inci- a proposed Senate run. -Sonia Pant. Circle K secretary organization which has declared a dents. 'nU'Bi " war against nonwhites and Jews, ator, The World Church of the Cre- were distributing headed by Illinois-based racist fliers on the Rich Suchoski presents part two gether a dog house during the auc- Since 1996, the group has windshields of cars on campus. leader Malt Hale, is known for tar- of his special features tnvesuga- tion that was auctioned off at the worked in Dungannon, a former The three perpetrators, two high geting a younger, middle-class tion: Where does all the money end. coal mining town in the state's school age males and one adult, membership. Its more recent cam- of Circle The WMC chapter the fliers and go? the world's largest intercollegiate K, southwestern tip. also hosted were made to remove off of WMC paigns have been aimed directly at students. then escorted This year, SERVE were Sports 15 service group, recently provided a local service day for members to property. The Westminster City Tuesday night's events were help for the American Heart work at area soup kitchens and pro- Police were not called, however, part of a nationwide effort to spread Scoreboard: Get the stats on all Association's "Heart BaH" fund vide repairs for community resi- information was passed on to both propaganda on George your favorite Green Terror play- raiser, adopted a family for the holi- dents. the City Police and the Maryland Washington'S birthday. days, and volunteered at the local Courtesy of Public Information State Police.
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