Page 126 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, "March 4, 1999 - Page 2 NEWS Pre-law society hosts panel What to do in March of three women attorneys March 11: Books Sandwiched In. Com- March 8: The Jon Seligman Trio will ban attorney general's office; Jeanette Vaughan, munity leader and retired educator Marge out standards and original compositions' a former practicing attorney turned home- Lippy M.Ed. '77 will discuss "Something part oflhe Monday Night Music series. 7 pm maker; and Susan Souder, a Georgetown to Declare" by Julia Alvarez. Participants McDaniel Lounge, free. graduate who has an independent practice. can bring a bag lunch. Drinks are provided. The ladies offered anecdotes and advice, Noon, McDaniel Lounge. Free. made book suggestions, and stressed the chal- March 9: Poet Jean Valentine will presen lenges of pursuing a career in law. the 13th annual B. Christopher Bothe. Me Among the suggestions made, the panel- March 19: United States Air Force Rhythm morial Lecture, which will feature a readin ists unanimously agreed that astrong back- in Blue Jazz Ensemble. 7:30 pm, Big Baker of her work, including her most recent boo ground in writing, typing, analytic and read- Memorial Chapel. Call to reserve free tick- of poetry, "Growing Darkness, Growin ing skills was needed to survive in an increas- ets. Light." 8 pm, McDaniel Lounge, free. ingly competitive field. The speakers also noted that prospective lawyers should pre- Campus Safety Blotter The panelists unanimously -On 2/12 at 1:53 a.rn. DoCS documented a -On 2/19 at 4:01 p.m. DoCS documented a agreed that a strong residence hall policy violation in Albert Nor- smoke detector fire alarm report in the me- background in writing, man Ward Hall. chanical room of PELC. -On 2/12at 1:55 a.m. DoCS documented an ·On 2/19 at 11:00 p.m. DoCS documented typing, analytic and alcohol violation for underage possession! criminal mischief. consumption in Albert Norman Ward Hall. -On 2/20 at 8:50 p.m. towed a vehicle for reading skills was needed -On 2/12 at 3:00 a.m. DoCS documented excessive parking violations in the Rouzer to survive in an telephone misuse off campus. Parking Lot. -On 2112 at 2:50 p.m. DoCS documented a -On 2120 at 10:23 p.m. DoCS documented increasingly competitive property crime on the Elderdice Parking Lot. an alcohol violation for underage possession! The all womenpanelofspeakersatthePhi field. -On 2113 at 1:00 a.m. DoCS documented consumption in Blanche ward Hall. harassment in Elderdice Hall in the west side -On 2120 at 10:39 p.m. DoCS documented :;~:t:l:~c~i:::;s~;;::r,~:;::;~:Zn~:' pare for the discrimination they will face pro- entrance way. physical abuse (threatening or dangerous looking topursueacareerin law. fessionally. Vaughn remarked that they must -On 2113 at 4:28 p.m. DoCS documented a conduct) in Blanche Ward Hall. "be twice as smart to get half as far as men medical report but did not render treatment in Rouzer Hall. ~:I;~~1 ~i~I~~;n ~~~~:~~:::~s~:s~:~ BY AMANDA CLINE [as;~::iu~;~:reaction to the evening was a -On 2114 at 2;32 a.m. DoCS documented an StaJJWriler consumption-In Blanche Ward Hall. favorable one. There was a chance before and alcoholviolation for possession of alcohol -On 2/20 at 11 :06 p.m. DoCS documented a The Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity, an inter- after the speeches "to build connections with in public areas on the 2nd floor of Blanche misdemeanor theft in the Rouzer Parking national pre-law honor society, hosted a the panel and learn more about the profes- Ward Hall. Lot panel of lawyers at a formal dinner in the, sion," said Miesha Queen, a senior English -On 2114 at 3:03 a.m. DoCS documented an ·On 2120 at 11: 11 p.m. DoCS documented President's dining room on Thursday to learn major interested in becoming a lawyer. "The alcohol violation for underage possessionl an alcohol violation for underage possession/ about the woes and rewards of practicing law' idea of this is just 't6 "gd'People togdther ... consumption in the Basement of Rouzer consumption in Blanche Ward Hall. J from the-selected-speakers. "<-which is very' beneficial." U mn HaiL -On 2120 at IJ":20 p.m. DoCS documented The panel was composed of all women Phi Alpha Delta will soon be selecting its -On 2/14 at 3: 13 a.m. DoCS documented a an alcohol violation for underage possession! who each practiced different facets of law. new members for the spring induction. Those residence hall policy violation in Blanche consumption in Blanche Ward Hall. The speakers included Rene McCrawllie, a interested may contactJanet Kemesian,presi- Ward Hall. -On 2120 at II :26 p.m. DoCS 1986 WMC graduate, who practices in the dent. -On 2/15 at 9:00 p.m. documented an alcohol DoCS towed a ve- hicle for excessive parking viola- FREE TAX HELP tions on the p.m. DoCS docu- Blanche Park- mented an alco- ing Lot. hol violation in FOR WHOM: For Students and Other ·On 2/16 at Blanche Ward 2:40 a.m. Hall. Low to Low Moderate Income Taxpayers DoCS docu- -o» 2/20 at WHERE: Western Maryland violation in Blanche Ward College Gold Room B mented the possession of a controlled WHEN: dangerous substance in Rouzer Hall. mented an alcohol violation in Blanche Ward -On 2/17 at I: 19 a.rn. DoCS documented a Hall. Tuesday Thursday Saturday medical report but did not render treatment -On 2121 at 12: 15 a.m. DoCS documented 7 -9 pm 7-9 pm and transported only at the DoCS office. an alc~hol violation in Blanche Ward Hall. 12 pm - 3 pm ·On 2/17 at 10:30a.m. DoCS documented a -Oo 2/21 at 12:34 a.m. DoCS documented medical report but did not render treatment an alcohol violation in Blanche Ward Hall. February 16 February 18 February 20 and transported only at the DoCS office. -On 2/22 at 12:06 a.rii. DoCS documented a February 23 February 25 February 27 ·On 2117 at 11:18 a.rn. DoCS documented a medical report and rendered treatment at the medical report but did not render treatment DoCS office. March 2 March 4 March 6 and transported only at the DoCS office. -On 2122 at I :50 p.m. DoCS documented a March 9 March 11 (Spring Break) -On 2118 at 3:02 p.m. DoCS documented a theft in Hill Hall. March 23 March 25 March 27 controlled dangerous substance in Rouzer -On 2122 at 9:50 p.m. DoCS documented dis- Hall. ruption because of malicious behavior cam- March 30 April 1 April 3 -On 2/18 at 8:20 p.m. DoCS towed a vehicle pus wide. April 6 April 8 April 10 for excessive parking violations in the Rou- -On 2/22 at II :25 p.m. DoCS documented a zer Parking Lot. medical report and rendered treatment in -On 2/18 at I :55 p.m. DoCS documented the Whiteford Hall. By appointment only distribution of a controlled dangerous sub- -On 2123 at 9:20 a.m. DoCS documented a stance in Rouzer Hall. felony theft in Peterson Hall. Please call Mike Gaston x8252 (on campus) or ·On 2/19 at I :20 a.rn. DoCS a controlled -On 2123 at II :35 p.m. DoCS documented dangerous substance in Rouzer Hall. the unauthorized usc of college facilities in 410.75,t,8252 (off campus) to schedule an -On 2/19 at 3:05 p.m. DoCS documented Albert Norman Ward Hall. appointment. harassment and the intimidation of an indi- -On 2123 at II :58 p.m. DoCS documented vidual in Whiteford Hall. harassment in Elderdice Rail.
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