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NEWS Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Page 3 Alpha Psi Omega promotes the arts among high Florida school students with "A day at the Theater" foundation According to Reddan, most of the students already had an inter- awards est in theater, but participated in the of the art. $150,000 workshops to enhance their under- standing and appreciation "I am a dancer, but I do very said for science little acting so the musical audition workshop was very helpful," Arundel High School freshman Katherine CardwelL building Kristal Tighe, a sophomore at Westminster High School, also Western Maryland College has learned from the program. "I am received a $150,000 grant toward. always acting, which is why Itried construction of its new science to take some behind-the-scenes laboratory building from the Arthur classes. It really helped me realize Vining Davis Foundations of Jack- all that goes on while I'm on stage," son ville, Fla. she said. The organization announced Likewise, presenters were able nine grants, totalling more than to learn from the event while they $1.2 million, at its February board were enjoying it. "I think it was a meeting to support undergraduate Members of Alpha Psi Omega pose for a photograph with the 20 local highl school students who participated in blast," said Erin Owen, a musical education at private colleges and the"A day at the Theater" program held on Saturday, February 6. The all-day program, which was co- theatre major at WMC. "Everyone universities including WMC, sponsored by the Carroll County Arts Development Grant Program, included theater workshops taught by WMC -us as well as the high school stu- Duke, Hampden-Sydney, Smith, students. Workshop topics encompassed everythingjromfencing to musical auditions. dents -looked like they were hav- Stanford, and St. John's College in ing fun the whole time." Maryland. This is the second grant dents' art appreciation and their of theater workshops, also co-spon- BY LISA DALE-VAN AUKF.N Judging from its first-year sue- received by WMC from the na- Assistant Commentary Editor own imagination, said Jimmy soredby a Carroll County Arts De- cess, Reddan anticipates an ex- . tional organization; the first of Reddan, chair of the honorary ve!opmentGrant Program. panded program next year. For $100,000 was granted in support of Clanking swords, bleeding society's Project Youth Committee. Led by the 19 members of AI- now.the Project for Youth Commit- Hoover Library renovations in ripped skin, soaring songs and ''The arts are continually under pha Psi Omega, which won last tee is putting the finishing touches 1990. spotlighted smiles might have been budgeted and often cut. And that's year's Griswold-Zepp Award, on its traveling play for local el- The new grant will be used to confusing to an outsider, but it's very sad," Reddan continued. "It WMC's scholarship for group com- ementary schools. support the construction, now un- nothing to worry about. It was just takes away a student's chance to be munity service, workshops in- Alpha Psi Omega members will derway, of the $13.4 million sci- another day at the theater at West- creative, imaginative, and free eluded introductions to auditioning, present an interactive production ence center, the primary capital em Maryland College. thinking, which I would say is as costuming, comedia del I'arte, involving each school's students project of WMC's $40 million .:rprgan\?,ed,J>y, WNC's thearri-, importentas being i,l.~leto balance dance.Improvisation, make-up and and teachers. Using acting to en- comprehensive fundraising cam- cal honor society, AJp,ha =,Ps i rl a.checkbook or to write ypur name,. other aspects of stage work. The courage art appreciation, the mem- paign. Omega, "A Day at the Theater" on a piece of paper." workshops were designed by Alpha bers of Alpha Psi Omega hope to "This most significant gift to enabled area high school students On Saturday, February 6, twenty Psi Omega students, as well as so- get elementary students as excited Western Maryland recognizes us to experience collegiate-level the- students from high schools in Bal- ciety advisors Ron Miller, a WMC about theatre arts as the high school for our outstanding record of teach- atre. The first-time, full-day pro- timore, Carroll, and Frederick theatre arts professor, and Jean Bur- students who recently spent "A Day ing and affirms the Foundation's gram also aims to encourage stu- counties, participated in the full day gess, a local actress. at the Theatre." continued confidence in the College's academic programs," WMC students look forward to Spring Break said WMC President Robert Cham- in bers, who visited the Foundation January. "This new state-of-the-art science facility will strengthen BY KATE EsPOSITO school. some far away places are actually New Jersey with such things to of- Stof!Writer even further our undergraduate sci- For more adventurous types, inexpensive once you find a way fer as ... um, well, there must be ence programs which have afforded Just when you thought the daily there are places such as Aspen, Las to get there. For example, daily ex- something. Actually, there are some grind of class, eat, sleep would Vegas, or New York City, where penses in many areas of Mexico, decent places to go locally such as so many alumni to succeed in the areas of medicine and science." never end, there is relief on the you can enjoy skiing, gambling, or such as Acapulco, are cheap by the Eastern Shore, and you can The Arthur Vining Davis Foun- horizon. Yes, it's almost time for celebrity stalking. A word of cau- American standards. This is also the avoid the drunken mob trying to get dation was organized in 1952 by Spring Break! Unfortunately, this tion about these areas: be careful case for most Caribbean islands. noticed by MTV. A group of stu- Davis, who was president and later week is similar to all others in one with your money or you may find Another way to save money is dents involved in SERVE is also board chairman of Aluminum way, it usually requires doing some yourself spending the last three to stay with relatives or visit friends venturing to Virginia in order to Company of America. While -work. That is, you need to plan days of break drinking tap water at other colleges instead of putting build houses and help out the com- Davis' business activities centered your trip. (Unless you're going to munity. in Pittsburgh and New York, he hop in the car and just drive until It doesn't really matter where you go, and If for some reason no amount moved his residence to Florida in you run out of gas - but that, too, of traveling' interests you, or you 1949 where he invested substan- is a plan). Some WMC students believe it or not, anywhere can become blew your last paycheck on a new tially in land and in varied enter- have been preparing for months, stereo, there is always the ultimate prises such as banks, airlines, ship- while many procrastinators still boring. The best way to ensure a good in low-budget spring breaks, sitting ping companies, and hotels. When have no idea what they will be do- spring break is spending it with the right around your friend's house sipping he died in 1962, at the age of 95, ing. For this second set, here are rnargarltas and watching tacky Davis was one of the best known some ideas. people. beach movies. It doesn't really and respected businessmen in the First of all, there is always the matter where you go, and believe southeastern U.S. oh-so-common destination of and playing cards in your hotel up for a hoteL These people prob- it or not, anywhere can become Two additional Foundations, Florida, where students are headed room, and as one NYC veteran ad- ably miss you and will be willing boring .. The best way to ensure a known as No.2 and No.3, com- to cities, such as Daytona, Panama monishes, "Watch out for those to give you free lodging and food. good spring break is spending it menced operations in 1965, as a City Beach, and Orlando. This is crazy people!" Also, you avoid getting stuck at The with the right people. result of Davis' will. The three the cliche spring break of going to Those of you who are indepen- Ocean Paradise Motel with the sink For more Spring Break. ideas go Foundations function today as a tacky tourist sites, partying at the dently wealthy or have rich and that doesn't work and the strange to single philanthropic institution beach, and reading about what you generous friends can jet off to Paris smell emanating from underneath According to this site, the top ten strongly committed to strengthen- did afterward in the police report or London and, of course, Hawaii. the bed. destinations are: 1) Cancun 2) ing the nation's future through an- the next day. Don't forget that you The best aspect of these trips is But before getting caught up in Panama City 3) South Padre 4.) nual grants to private higher edu- will be among thousands of other sending postcards to people at dreaming of these far off places, Daytona 5) Orlando 6) Bahamas 7) cation. secondary education, gradu- college students, so anything you home bragging about what a great don't forget about the exotic in- Myrtle Beach 8) New York City 9) ate theological education, health do may be witnessed by someone time you're having. However, if trigue of nearby paradises: Mary- Jamaica 10) London. care, and public television. you knew back in elementary your friends are less generous, land, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Courtesy of Public Information
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