Page 122 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 122
Thursday, February 18, 1999 - Page 14 SPORTS Blue-chip player Snyder contributes to lady Terror basketball's success Swimmers capture first on campus. "Basketball is a long season, and life for what it's worth; you only get one BY JULIE DEVELIN S/o.ffWriter there's not much time for anything else in shot. hour days, victory over my schedule," she claims. "He worked long, eighteen The Western Maryland women's basket- To say that Kathi's basketball career at and from that I got to see where hard work ball team has enjoyed much success this sea- Western Maryland has been successful is an took you," she said. "My mother has also York College son, currently holding a record of 17 wins understatement. She currently holds nurner- given me much support over the years." and 5 losses. ous school and Centennial Conference Kathi sees a bright future for Division Senior Kathi Snyder has played a con- records. III women's basketball and women's athlet- BY MIKE YESTRAMSKI siderablc role in contributing to this success, Among them at WMC, she presently is ics in general. "I think the' [women's] bas- Sports Editor this season and in the past three seasons of fifth in scoring behind head coach Becky ketball team here will be given a lot more her Green Terror basketball career. Martin, and fourth in rebounding behind respect in the future. This past week saw the first team Kathi grew up in a small town of about former teammate Katie Haley. Not to men- In the last four years, (he competition has victories for both the men's and the 200 people 2 miles outside Ickesburg, in tion second in blocked shots, behind her sis- gotten harder, and many athletes who are women's swim team as they rolled over Perry County, Pennsylvania. ter Heidi. In the Centennial Conference, she York College in a non-league contest. The men defeated York by a score "The town is very small, and there is only is eighth in scoring and ninth in rebounding. [Snyder) looks like she was culminated -- one stoplight in the whole county," Snyder A 5' II" forward, Kathi's style of play is of 99-82, which Martin Wisor, sopho- by wins from junior shares with a smile. She is a graduate of West natural and fluid. She looks like she belongs belongs on a basketball more Chris Clem mens, and seniors Perry High School in Elliottsburg, Pa, a place on a basketball court, pulling down rebounds, Aaron Corbett and Scott Hoover. where she enjoyed much success in basket- scoring, and shots with ease. She court, pulling down Wisor turned in a brilliant perfor- ball as well, winning districts her senior year, seems familiar with the game, having started rebounds, scoring, and mance by winning both the IOOO-yard and making the elite eight state playoffs her everyone since she's been at WMC. A thou- junior year, among other achievements. sand point scorer, Kathi has meant a lot to blocking shots with ease. freestyle and the 200-yard butterfly. in a double Clemmens also turned Before basketball, Kathi was a dancer; the team over the years. win, taking the 2oo-yard race in both that is she took ballet, tap, and jazz lessons, "Kathi is what we call a blue-chip player serious about academics and athletics are freestyle and backstroke. Corbett won plus baton lessons for five years. She then in coaching," said head coach Becky Mar- starting to go to schools like Western Mary- the 5OO-yard freestyle and Hoover won became interested in athletics, and especially tin. "She's the type of player you build pro- land," she said. the 2oo-yard breaststroke. the game of basketball. grams around, and a leader on and off the After graduation in May, Kathi plans to The Lady Terror cruised by York Basketball is quite popular in the Snyder court. move back home and use her education to family. Kathi's father played for the Marine She has matured into a leader of our team become a financial consultant. "We'll see with a 110-91 victory. and Sophomore Kara Wnukowsk.i Corps on Paris Island, her sister Heidi also and will be receiving more recognition in the what happens, those are my aspirations at seniors Michelle Garvey and Meghan played at Western Maryland, and twin sister Centennial Conference because of her abil- this point," she says comically. Joyce all tallied double vicjories on the Krisi played as well. ity. She strives for perfection, and is com- Regardless of where the future takes her, afternoon, while freshman Christine Kathi has been playing basketball for the r mitted to excellence," Martin said. one thing is for certain. Kathi Snyder will Joyce also-won-a race for the Terror. past 13 years, beginning when she was nine Kathi describes her biggest influences as go down in history as one of the best ath- Wnukowsk.i won both the 50 and her parents. "My dad gave me my work ethic, letes ever to wear a Western Maryland uni- Kathi has been playing always telling me not to complain and take. form. lOu-yard freestyle races, while Garvey won the 500 and WOO-yard freestyles. bdsketball for the past 13 Meghan Joyce won the 200-yard breaststroke and the 200-yard indi- years, beginning when vidual medley, and her sister'@hristiiie she was nine years old. won the 2oo-yard butterfly. years old. Her best friend got her started be- cause "we needed something to do at recess." She and Krisi told their dad they had been HEYWMC!!! playing, and he gave them his old suede bas- ketball that he used in high school. "We went 80 WMC Young Alumni wear down to where my dad worked, and we ing green and white T-shirts played on an outside court at a barn," she said. "It picked up from there and went to will be part of the guest friends farms, where there were 'deluxe' in- audience on the Late door courts." I Show with David Letterman These "deluxe" courts were really inside a barn where the hay was stored, and Kathi on Thursday, February 18th and her friends would sweep the hay off the and Friday, February 19th! floor to play on their indoor basketball court. Tune in to CBS at II :35 pm Thus the beginning of a great basketball ca- reer was underway. both nights for WMC live! When it came time to choose a college, Western Maryland was not high on Kathi's list. "Actually, my sister is the reason that I didn't want to come here. I wanted to find my own place, other than being known as WE PAY FOR YOUR Heidi's little sister," she said. "Not that that COLlEGEEDUCAnON is a bad thing, but I wanted to find my own By being a member of the Maryland place." Army National Guard you can receive a In the end, there were many factors that FREE college education. When you serve part-time in the Guard. you can helped Kathi make the decision to go to attend school full-time while earning edu- ...,;;:J Western Maryland. cational benefits. like the State Tuition "I knew I'd be comfortable, get a good Waiver (25% to ~ reduction), the Montgomery GI Bill and an extra pay- education, and also be my own person," she cheek each month. Some schools even said. "I could also play basketball my first give academic credit for Guard training year instead of sitting on the bench. I knew I and service. Find out how the Maryland could offer something to the team." Guard can be your Partner i1l EductJh"tm. A double major in business and econom- CaD TocbIY: MARYLAND ics with accounting and art history minors, Kathi is a member of Phi Mu Sorority and PUBLIC ! l-lIOO-GD-GUARD ~ Gamma Sigma Alpha, a Greek honor soci- Snyder may be a playa pivotal role on the basketballteam, but she also gives her lime to Phi Mu sorority and honor society Gamma Sigma Alpha. ety. She also is involved in work study here
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